pepsi lovers

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Neither I used to drink coke and for a while I drank pepsi but about 8-10 years ago I totally lost my liking for pop in general fact around here if I drink a pop they get out the camera cuz it is an almost unheard of event.......

I do every once in while like squirt or collins mix......I think I have had 4 pop's this year

I like lemonade, iced tea with lemon no sugar, hot tea with or without honey, coffee, water with a slice of lemon
I like Pepsi too, but I don't drink a lot of pop. When I have it around I do tend to drink one almost every day, so I don't buy it very often.
Pepsi is my fav soft drink!
If I had a choice between diet and regular, I would drink diet because I cant taste the difference, so I might as well choose the *healthier* one

I will drink any kind od pepsi, Pepsi One, Pepsi Twist etc etc. over any other pop!

Yep I drink Pepsi as well. I dont drink diet thou even thou I should. All diet pop gives me bad head aches.
I am a Dr Pepper girl all the way!!! I love the stuff. I do drink the diet though cause i cant taste a diffrence and i really dont need the high frutcose corn syrup thats loaded in the regular drinks.

Although i dont know that the aspartame is all that much better.....hmm

I am also really addicted to diet cherry vanilla dr. pepper!! yum!!
or as the commercial says, ManamaNa!
Is there any other kind??!!
Yes, I am a Pepsi-holic!! My Mom tells me I'm addicted to the stuff! I do like to have an occassional Pepsi Vanilla for a change, but my heart belongs to regular Pepsi!
Ok I'm just curious............For those of you that drink a 12 pack a day or more........if it's the regular you not eat???

I ask because a 12 pack of regular pepsi translates to roughly 1600 calories.......that's pretty much a day's worth of calories all by itself.

I have food issues, so I'm just curious.........hope no one minds the question, it's not meant harshly, I really am just curious.
Diet Catffeine free PEPSI! Used to drink the regular, but decided I didn't need all those extra calories. I sorta weaned myself as in a previous post. Now when I taste hubbys regular, it tastes like straight syrup! I like the Pepsi One a lot, but I can't handle the caffeine.
Coke here but have given up all pop now as it made me bloat up and swollen looking. Water or green tea all the way yucky yucky.
i am a three soda girl, root beer, pepsi or dr pepper

kdsqh2003- so do i, i can chug the stuff but if i have any less, i have a major headache the next day

CharmedMinis- im just used to it and i burn all of it off babysitting(a.k.a 7 kids tugging at ur arm asking whens lunch when ur trying to change the babys diaper((dont ask plz)) ) and working with kid
Pepsiaholic here untill 5 years ago. The Dr. said diabetes, I said no shots, he said you better change something so I gave up my beloved pepsi for water or ice tea. I will drink diet A&W rootbeer if I have a can of pop, but that isn't very often.
If I do drink a soda, which is very rare these days, it would be Coke.

Pepsi gives me the "jimjams" just to smell it. My mom (shudder...long story) drank the 16 oz. bottles several in a day. She didn't eat a whole lot else, but she did smoke those cigarettes and her "other" recreational pastimes, so I associate the whole unpleasant experience w/that smell/taste.

She even had a theory as to why she only liked the bottles, but I won't go into that, here!

I do agree that drinking soda as anything other than an occasional treat is a terrible habit for people to have. My children don't drink very much soda, either, even my 16 year old has chosen on his own to go w/less sugary tea and juice mixes or sports drinks (which are quite sweet in their own right) also drinks more water than many kids his age.

I really don't miss soda, would far rather have cold water or maybe iced tea.


Liz M.
When it's soda - it's PEPSI. Normally though I drink a lot of Crystal Lite. Now they have those packets that work very well with bottled water, it's really easy and great. After the show and some days - it's Margaritaville Tequila (Thank you Jimmy Buffett!!!)

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