Our new bonus room transformed

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Well-Known Member
May 9, 2007
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Last summer I posted asking for ideas on what to do to finish our hobby room. Well, hubby has been busy and this is what he built. The legs on the furniture are made from hickory trees from our land. He cut them and cured them and then made it all into usable furniture for a room that before was just a big catch all room. I am considering making some curtains to hang underneath the storage areas. It has three workstations, two for computers and one for my sewing and weaving. Yes, the counter is deep enough to hold my table loom.

Here is a picture showing the legs. They have green patches on them from the moss but have been treated to preserve the natural look.


And the workstations:




And the bookcase:


I'm so happy with it. It has really has made this room so usable.
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You should be happy with it, your hubby did a great job! I love wood tones and the darker and lighter colors look fantastic!
Yeah Hubby!! He did a great job.. I love it, your gonna enjoy your usable space so much..
Hey Lois, your room turned out beautifully!! I recognized the page shown on your computer too!
You guys did a GREAT JOB!!!
Thank you all for the compliments on hubby's work. I actually just answered his questions of what I would like to use it for. He designed it and built it. And it is perfect for us both. He telecommutes on Thursday and Friday so everything is set up for his work and as Mona pointed out, my screen is always on that website....so it works perfect for me also. Now I don't have any more excuses for not sewing or weaving. It will be one or the other, but it makes it so nice not to have to put everything away everyday just so we can eat at the dining table. Now I can leave what I am working on out and not have to set everything back up every morning. Storage is much more organized too. I just love it!

This is just one of many hobbies for him.
WOW......that looks fantastic. I know you will get a lot of use from the transformation.
The room turned out beautiful. And what a treasure of a hubby to build the great book shelf.....that piece of furniture will be such a neat family heirloom to pass on. I like your little chickens/rooster book ends too!! heidi
Yes, he does build things to last. Our kids are using a coffee table and two end tables that he made 38 years ago from salvage lumber from a navy bench. They are heavy, and so is this furniture. He guessed that the book shelves weigh about 120-150 lbs.
You might just have to keep that husband of yours around a little bit longer!

What a fabulous job
Oh how beautiful!!! I like what you did with the lighting too....you covered all of your avenues!!
I have a rocking chair that looks just like that. It is very nice and has a cozy appeal to it. Kudos to your husband!!
Wow! Beautiful design and craftsmanship.