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Why are people showing off their minis?
Because pictures of minis that are not short and stubby were asked for, so I provided pictures of what I have that might fit the bill. I wasn't trying to "show them off", I was trying to give what the OP asked for.
What bothers me more is that the "general population" at least around here thinks minis are mean, and bite and kick. They think ALL are like this. NONE of mine are like this, and I'm willing to bet many on here dont have aggressive ones either, so why the bad rap? They are sweet just like the bigger horses, just smaller size.
Harvey reminded me it's hard to copy pictures off our website (I set it up to be...). Here are some in case it helps.

"Squirt", a 3x National Champion (halter) stallion standing 29":


"Destiny", a 33" National Champion (halter), Res. National Grand Champion (driving), and Halter HOF:


"DunIT", 31" stallion, National Top 10 / Multi Grand Champion:


"Bacardi" a 37" gelding and Supreme Halter Champion:


"Sunny", a 34" gelding who is a 9x National Champion / Res. National Champion in halter:


and Piper, a 32" silver buckskin mare:


I'm hardly impartial as these are some of my most special "babies", but that's a wide range of heights and gender that represent much of what I like to see in a horse -- big or small!
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But WE know. No one is asking for examples. I love seeing nice minis, but WE know there are nice, correct minis here. Post all you want
Jill, I posted your entire link. After, the topic went to Oh well I know a few that are quality, and the OP of the comment explained that it was the ones she has seen in person. She didnt mean to be offensive but catorgized all minis and mini crosses this way.
Maybe I just took to great offence because I happen to have had several nice minis as well as a precious mini cross welsh that is stunning!, Then add the minis my friends have, and the beauties on here and I was seriously offended for the mini horses breeders.

I think the rap of meanness is what people associate with small horses in general, Ive even heard it of shetlans, and welsh ponies. Most likely its from ponies that were not taught manners.
But WE know. No one is asking for examples. I love seeing nice minis, but WE know there are nice, correct minis here. Post all you want
I was asking so I could share the photos to educate that there are indeed nice quality conformationaly correct minis, not all ( or even most IMO) are considered short limos with off bites
Ok Not intending to be ugly here....

For yall who think that statment true..I have a question. How many of you own, show, breed this type of mini? How many of your friends?

I would tend to think that the majority dont, there fore doesnt it seem to be less than the majority? I cant imagine the BYB are out breeding the quality?

I would agree with OHMT, maybe years ago, but certainly not now?

The mini that was being refered to as being know for conformation faluts, is one described to me on the topic as one thats short stumpy legs, off bites and basically dwarfy.Thats the breed standard that minis are being known for, SAD! Yall agree they are known for this to the public? If we are agreeing that that is what they are known for, Its really time to change that opinion!
I'm pretty sure that the "majority" of people aren't here on the forum... no matter how popular it is! Facts are, the majority of people don't show, don't breed and don't educate themselves beyond what they have to.

Obviously, the people here who show, breed and try to choose the best horses they can are NOT going out choosing the horses full of genetic, conformation and disposition flaws!

Coming to this forum and complaining about the public perception of the breed(s) is, quite simply, "preaching to the choir".

I know thats not how you started the post, you were asking for photos... but thats where its going. Yes, changing the public's perception is the key - but how're you going to get out there and remove all the lousy, poorly bred, flaw-ridden fuglys that are out there? And what will you do with them once you've got them off of every street corner?

All we can each do is the best we can do. I put on a booth at the Horse Expo in Pomona, CA this year, pretty much all out of my own pocket - a little $ from one friend, and time spent with several. I got very little support from AMHA or AMHR. An estimated 30,000 people at the event, the biggest in SoCal, and all I got after much begging to both registries was a handfull of pamphlets (each) that was gone well before the event was over.

Proportionately, I spent far more time and money promoting miniatures this year than the registries will! Way to help the breed - and to make the individual breed promoters feel like they are peeing in the wind!
I don't have facts or figures, but I'm guessing that all registries spend more money soliciting advertisements, show entries and registration fees from the people already involved in the breeds than they do promoting their breeds to the public or to owners of other horse breeds. (I know that there was NO representation for Arabians at the horse Expo... no breed booth, nothing in the parade of breeds - nada.) So its not just minis!

Every breed has its stereotype (dogs, cats, horses, even peoples!) I don't think we can stop that - all we can do is get out there and put our best feet forward!
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What bothers me more is that the "general population" at least around here thinks minis are mean, and bite and kick. They think ALL are like this. NONE of mine are like this, and I'm willing to bet many on here dont have aggressive ones either, so why the bad rap? They are sweet just like the bigger horses, just smaller size.
Because many who don't realize these are miniature horses not Shetland ponies, however more shetlands are being registered these days so its really hard to compare the difference. Shetlands have the bad rap of being mean and aggressive and people think these minis are ponies. Also the older childrens books of shetlands have the same style and look people think of in those books aren't near the quality of the shetlands or miniatures of today. Before everyone jumps on my case I know there are nice shetlands out there as the same time there are mean shetlands and miniatures as well.
Because many who don't realize these are miniature horses not Shetland ponies, however more shetlands are being registered these days so its really hard to compare the difference. Shetlands have the bad rap of being mean and aggressive and people think these minis are ponies. Also the older childrens books of shetlands have the same style and look people think of in those books aren't near the quality of the shetlands or miniatures of today. Before everyone jumps on my case I know there are nice shetlands out there as the same time there are mean shetlands and miniatures as well.
And, don't forget, many people just lump all ponies under the name Shetland and call them nasty little ponies. The pony they remember from their childhood that was nasty may have been the furthest thing from a Shetland; but if it was a pony, to them it must have been a Shetland.
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I agree with getting out there and showing what you got, but on another note, have you looked at the schlecht plastic figures at toy stores or the

TSC? I picked one up and said, "Oh my Lord, it that what they think is an accurate depiction of today's miniature horses?" Check it out next time you are out and about.
Unfortunately, if you go to the bulletin board at the back of our TSC, that IS what the minis on it look like, hence the reputation for bad conformation. I agree that if we need to change public perception of the minis then we've got to work harder to get good examples out and in front of the public.
I'm pretty sure that the "majority" of people aren't here on the forum... no matter how popular it is! Facts are, the majority of people don't show, don't breed and don't educate themselves beyond what they have to.

Obviously, the people here who show, breed and try to choose the best horses they can are NOT going out choosing the horses full of genetic, conformation and disposition flaws!

Coming to this forum and complaining about the public perception of the breed(s) is, quite simply, "preaching to the choir".

I know thats not how you started the post, you were asking for photos... but thats where its going. Yes, changing the publics perception is the key - but how're you going to get out there and remove all the lousy, poorly bred, flaw-ridden fuglys that are out there? And what will you do with them once you've got them off of every street corner?

All we can each do is the best we can do. I put on a booth at the Horse Expo in Pomona, CA this year, pretty much all out of my own pocket - a little $ from one friend, and time spent with several. I got very little support from AMHA or AMHR. An estimated 30,000 people at the event, the biggest in SoCal, and all I got after much begging to both registries was a handfull of pamphlets (each) that was gone well before the event was over.

Proportionately, I spent far more time and money promoting miniatures this year than the registries will! Way to help the breed - and to make the individual breed promoters feel like they are peeing in the wind!
I don't have facts or figures, but I'm guessing that all registries spend more money soliciting advertisements, show entries and registration fees from the people already involved in the breeds than they do promoting their breeds to the public or to owners of other horse breeds. (I know that there was NO representation for Arabians at the horse Expo... no breed booth, nothing in the parade of breeds - nada.) So its not just minis!

Every breed has its stereotype (dogs, cats, horses, even peoples!) I don't think we can stop that - all we can do is get out there and put our best feet forward!

I agree with this whole heartedly. I also agree that on here, we are preaching to the choir, so it is pretty pointless proving that , on here, we all have well conformed Minis. I should jolly well think so- if not, what are we/you doing breeding them? Whether or not there are good minis is hardly the point, and posting pictures of them on a derogatory thread, whilst admirable, is not going to change anyones mind, not really. I could show you a whole field full, I do not, never have, never will, breed badly conformed horses, I don't think anyone would do that intentionally, would they?

The fact is that Joe Public sees our horses as , at best, useless, and at worse, deformed dwarfs.

Quote at a prestigious horse show, from a well informed, knowledgeable BH person, "Why are they so skinny and what is the reason for showing them clipped to the skin like that, aren't they cold?" (This person clips her show jumpers of course, so she understands clipping) It is not just ignorant people that do not understand, and they are not always wrong in their comments, either!
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Unfortunately, if you go to the bulletin board at the back of our TSC, that IS what the minis on it look like, hence the reputation for bad conformation. I agree that if we need to change public perception of the minis then we've got to work harder to get good examples out and in front of the public.
LOL our local TSC rarely has many ads for horses posted, yet alone minis, they do however have a nice photo of my boy Omega hanging out in their horse section, it hangs on a message board in their break room. I had taken him there after doing a demo for the local preschool.

Wanted to also comment as Jane has already said, it is like preaching tonthe choir with this audience, we

are here to educate our selves, to look and compare and examine what we want. I think many of us on more than one occasion for different reasons, have gelded horses that were ten times nicer than what many outside this realm are using as breeding stock. My biggest pet peeve at local unrated shows for minis.......when people would say oh, you gelded him, what a shame, I would have bought him as a stud. UGGG! Really, really, about great colts/Stallions make excellent geldings!

Since I am no longer breeding and have placed all but the two minis I am keeping, I can not post photos of horses that no longer belong to me, but they can be viewed on my website.
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Photo request for REO to post Pooka here, he makes me drool, excellent example as to what the thread was asking for, sometimes I pull up his photo just to show people just how gorgeous minis can be... Also how about "Catch" in harness gorgeous appy mini.... drool... I could go on and on... so many members here have eye candy miniatures. I admit to sharing ownership of one sweet beautiful mini (in my avitar) and also to having a short chubby, short necked stumpy legged little guy that I love dearly and he is my driving boy. I think that minis also tend to gain weight on pasture, and in the winter with their massive yak hair, can look like they have poor comformation. How many of you have "unwrapped" the gem of a mini in the spring and transformed the mini that looked like he was a potbellied pig, and under all that hair there is a gorgeous surprise underneath. Countless before and after photos here on the forum. Anyway... until I found this forum, I didn't know how beautiful a miniature horse could be and admit to being ignorant because the four minis I first met looked like short legged pot bellied pigs... This was many years ago and I was told they cost 5K and were falabellas... to me they looked abnormal, had big heads, short straight legs and were very un-cute and they looked like wind up toys when they ran. Then many years later, I was educated by my breeder and friend as to how gorgeous a correct mini could be... Bless all of you that breed for quality and continue to improve the quality of these little guys.
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Once again, pictures were asked for by the OP to post on the forum that was making the statements about miniatures having bad conformation! People are not posting to educate anyone HERE.
YIKES. I wasn't saying falabellas had bad conformation... sorry guys don't flame me. My boy in my avitar is a falabella and he is gorgeous. I was saying that 35 years ago I met my first mini and it was a falabella and they cost 5 k they were imported and they were no where near the quality of today's minis. I am sorry if anybody thought I was saying that falabellas are not well conformed. Just that 35 years ago the high dollar minis I first met weren't all that impressive. I am now better educated. I also was saying that although my one short boy is not too cool on conformation, that I love him tremendously and he has excellent training and manners and after awhile I really see more than the way he is put together, the twinkle in his eye... His sense of humor and how smart he is. IMO miniature horses can be gorgeous on the inside too. Just like people.

I don't have any photos to post but wanted to add my 2 cents of a couple of minis I see on the forum that impress me as to quality and beauty. take care folks... PS, Castle rock. I have oogled your horses for years... gotta love those spots! I go ga ga over Texas spotty. I am particular to appys, you have some awesome babies, glad you posted photos, take care guys, guess I shouldn't have posted if I didn't have any photos of my own to share.
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Oh no, shorthorsemom, my post was not aimed at you at all. I just realized that it could have been. My post was in regards to those saying people posting pictures are not educating anyone here so the pictures are unnecessary. So was just letting them know that the pictures are not for anyone here but the op to use on the other forum.
Once again, pictures were asked for by the OP to post on the forum that was making the statements about miniatures having bad conformation! People are not posting to educate anyone HERE.
Thank you OHMT. This was exactly what I was after.

I didnt mean to ' preach to the choir' . I was trying to educate several on ONE thread that was brought up on another forum on how minis are not just short limos with stumpy legs and off bites! I came here to ask for pictures to show them how beautify quality minis are.

I certainly didnt mean for this to go south.

AGAIN yall, it just saddened me to think that MOST minis are grouped into this category. I guess I was looking through rose colored glasses because of the breeder friends I have that do breed quality.

I really didnt mean to offend, However I simply wanted the people on the other thread to see the quality minis out there and to realize not all minis are whats portrayed by Media, and BYB.

And I think I did change the views, and even though I do not breed minis myself, I have learned so much here. I feel that because I have learned, I was obligated to share. And I am very glad I did. I didnt want that thread to continue on for the readers now and future assuming that most believe minis to be this way.

I in a way was simply defending the miniatures, and the breeders that do spend so much time and effort carefully selecting the right minis to breed.
The first time we did a booth at the Mane Event in Red Deer, nearly every person who came up and looked at the horse in the booth said something about how they'd never seen a Miniature Horse with good feet before, or straight legs, or a pretty head. I was shocked - my family has been raising registered Miniature Horses for 30 years. I grew up in a world where Miniature Horses DO have good feet, and straight legs, and pretty heads. I'd never really thought about the Miniature Horses the rest of the world is exposed to and now I'm doubly convinced of the value of events like the Mane Event, where we get to introduce many thousands of horse people to good quality Miniature Horses.

That's why we're going again this weekend - I think this is about our fifth year? Our club pays for the booth, with subsidized with sponsorship from our members in exchange for having their business cards on display. I did recently make the mistake of calculating what we spend out of our own pocket each year - yikes, it was probably better when I didn't know.