NEW Mission Record,,,, Total Page 30

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Well-Known Member
Sep 4, 2003
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Muncie, Indiana



Why $3?

Because so many people really want to help, and the times are not so good, they CAN help as we are only asking for $3 from each forum member as a donation to Chances Minature Horse Rescue.

Because it is only 3 weeks until Thanksgiving, and we all need to share in our thanks!

You say it won't work, it's just to simple. Well many thought the same when we started this 6 years ago, and I am here to tell you, it HAS and DOES work. Each year we have raised thousands of dollars for CMHR, $3 at a time. Last year was a record setting year raising just over $5400. People DO want to help, but many organizations ask for $50 or more, and that is difficult for some people to come up with. By asking for only $3, it allows many to feel they are contributing without taking away from their family, or other things they need. It makes them feel like they are helping to make a difference, and THEY ARE!

To donate is really pretty easy.

You can pay by paypal by going to the CMHR website at and hitting the paypal button on the first page, down on the left.

Or you can use regular mail and send it to Gini Acton, Treasurer

16340 N Coronado View RD

Tucson, AZ 85739

Gini LOVES this time of year! Trapesing down the lane to her mailbox, in the snow, flannel nightgown and puppy dog slippers,,,but she'll do it to make sure your donation has arrived at CMHR.

Days are rough, we all understand and are feeling that. Unfortunately that means organizations like CMHR are needed that much more! They can not do it without our help. We hope you are thankful enough this year to make a donation of only $3.

During this 3 weeks...

We will have matches from some special people, making your money worth even more!

We will have awesome gifts, prizes, for you to purchase with your money!

Along with some GREAT surprises!!!

We will have some updates and pictures on some past CMHR rescues.

And most of all, we will have fun!!

We will update you often on the amount of funds we have received, so make sure to keep following this thread.

If you would like, and you only want to send in your donation without posting here, please do so. If you would like to donate and post here letting us know why, and why you are thankful this year, we would LOVE to hear from you.

Either way,WE NEED YOU AND YOUR $3!! REALLY, ONLY $3. It all ads up, $3 at a time and yes, it DOES make a difference.

Please check back often for prizes being sold, matches being made, and seeing what our total is that you have helped to achieve.

Please do NOT pin this thread, it is way to much fun trying to keep it on the front page for the full 3 weeks.
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Become a Mission Member.


Send in your donation of $3, just let us know you want to be a Mission Member. By doing so you will be pledging $3 a month, each month for the next year, for a total of $36. It only costs you $3 now, and $3 at the first of the month, each month until our next Mission.

For most that is what? Doing without your Starbucks Coffee one time a month? It is just so important, and YOU will be making a difference to so many horses!

So who will be our first Mission Members???

And a HUGE thank you to LB who puts up with us during this time. They have just been THE best!
This is always such a fun time of year. Thank you Carolyn for all you do to help with the rescues and Chances. It would be an honor to be a Mission Member I only wish I had a photo of Gini trapesing down the lane to get to the mail box.

Come everyone....lets play!!

Thank you for being our first Mission Member!! We thank you sooooo much! This is such an easy way to donate, a small amount at a time, and too helps CMHR during the other months.

But please, if what you can give is the $3 we are asking for, do not think it is less important! Please do not say, all I can give is,,,,,,,,,because it is not all, it is a lot!!

It is one more horse saved. One more horse is fed. One more horse has a care giver that cares!

We thank you for making a difference, one horse at a time! And to that horse, you are important!

It's going to be a great mission, I just know it!!


I will be your second mission member! I will also pledge $25 dollars for every high point amateur award I win at the shows I attend until the next $3 mission starts next year! So step it up all you ammy showers!

Hi Forum Friends! And here you are! These are the horses we have in foster care right now, way too many to be homeless. Some of these horses came from the Kansas seizure this summer and were turned over to us. Others were abused one way or the other and in bad situtations.They all have a story. You all can only imagine what it costs us to transport horses from wherever they are into the safety of our foster homes. Then vet bills on each. You can imagine what that costs us too. But hey! When someone adopts a horse from us, at least you know what you are getting from head to hoof because we pull out all the stops and do a thorough job: X rays if needed, teeth floats, vaccinations, de-womers, ulcer meds, farrier work; in short, whatever they need they get.

We have recently placed three horses in homes: Autumn, Pal, and Ten. The rest you see below here are in foster care waiting for a home.

Carolyn, as always, enjoy this fundraiser as I know you will and thank you so much for doing what you do.

WOW!!! It's the best time of the year for CMHR horses!! Carolyn, thank you for doing this again for the CMHR horses... With the discription of me walking thru the snow etc..

I have asked ELF Marty to help me with a picture showing me doing just that.


I see Marty has posted a picture of all the horses in CMHR right now.. Some of them are now waiting for their adoptive homes for Christmas....

You all are the best!!!!!!


Let the fun begin!!!!

How about a visual? Warning graphic.

This little old man only has one eye. I'd hate to even guess where the other one went by the way he was abused. The "place" that used to have a working eye was terribly infected.

Apparently since some of the horses had been getting fed "something" every so often, if you could call it that, this little elderly boy couldn't possibly fight to get the little bit that was put out so he was starved and that is probably how he has so msny injuries. How anyone could stand around and watch that is beyond me. He was just hurting all over. His feet have been ignored so they have had to be done often and only a little at a time.


All it took was some medication and food.

He's already been adopted by his foster home and he has a girlfriend too!
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Thanks Marty for adding photos of our friends!!

That is soooo generous of you Tammy, boy do I wish you much success next show season.

I just wanted to share why I ever got involved with CMHR. I am crazy about my little guys, and I have thought if something were to ever happen to them, if they were to ever get into a horrific situation, I would so want CMHR there to help,,,so what do I need to do to make sure that happens? Well, just give a little, and hope the next person feels the same.

Wouldn't you feel better knowing CMHR was there for one of your horses, just in case?

Help us make sure they are there for all horses, just asking for you to give a little.
Thank you SO much Carolyn for heading up the 3.00 mission of thanks again this year. You have no idea how much you are appreciated.

It is always so humbling to me how many people care. Truly care. All the folks that donate so generously. All the Fosters, State Coordinators, Regional Directors, Adopters, Transporters, Volunteers that fundraise, and my WONDERFUL Board Of Directors. I have no idea how this would even be possible without them!

Thank you just never seems enough to say, but THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU! The horses thank you! It is because of every one of you we are able to continue our quest of helping the littles in need.

Connie Parr

CMHR President
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The donations are already starting to come in. Thank you, Thank you. Marty thank you for putting the picture of our elderly man called PeaEye. Looking at the 2nd picture can you believe what he looks like now. He should be our poster boy! The only problem with that is there are more like him. Some worse and some not so bad. Who do you chose.

Thank you so much a million times over. You all are the BEST!!!

Here's Autumn, another very old mare with a body score of about 3 found down in a pasture. The foster home, the vet and the farrier on this case all advised the Board to give her a chance because they all felt she would rally. So we did. But who would want her was our next question.

Autumn has gained weight and is now up walking well all over the place and yes some one did want her. She has been adopted. She is in love with her human mother and her mother is crazy in love with her. Autumn follows her around everywhere and plows into her back nudgeing her for scratches and pets and treats. For the first time ever, Autumn has her own big stall with bedding and plenty of everything she'll need to live out her remaining days knowing she was loved and cared for finally. Can you imagine living over 20 years and never know love?

The donations are already starting to come in. Thank you, Thank you. Marty thank you for putting the picture of our elderly man called PeaEye. Looking at the 2nd picture can you believe what he looks like now. He should be our poster boy! The only problem with that is there are more like him. Some worse and some not so bad. Who do you chose.

Thank you so much a million times over. You all are the BEST!!!

Well, then do a rotating poster boy/girl; and use one for a period of time, then use another.
I'll probably do more before the end of the mission, but to start I've donated $15.00 via Paypal.
I love this time of year! So heartrending to see the before and after pictures of these poor horses. I'm so glad CMHR is around to help them out. You do such an awesome job!!

Glad to donate again this year. Of course all my critters always have to get in on the action! So from the 12 minis, 4 cats, 3 dogs, 1 goat and 2 humans we'll be giving a donation of $66.

I have a question about becoming a mission member.....does it have to be $3 monthly or can you donate the $36 at one time(I'm just afraid I'll forget otherwise!!)
Okay...I'm having problems with the paypal link. When I log into my account it doesn't continue with the CMHR payment. So...what's the "address" I use to pay through Paypal?
Frankie, I am always so thankful to you each year for doing this! And to you awesome angels at CMHR! I will be sending in my donation from me and my gang.

Edit*** Carolyn, I know your name isn't Frankie!
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Last year for the first few days I think the only one who responded to this thread was Gini and I. I remember coming home, reading, seeing no response, and had a big "gulp".
Needless to say I was a tad nervous,,,but come home today, and it is only the official first day,,,WOW!!!

To pay by paypal go to the paypal button is about half way down on the left. It was working for me.

To be a Mission Member, you may pay however you'd like. All $36 at once is fine. We just did the $3 a month to allow more people to give just a little bit more, and have some money coming in to CMHR during the months fundraising is low. But again, any way you would like to do it is fine.

Thank you all so very very much for an awesome first day!!! I so appreciate the first several people who donate, it kind of gets the ball rolling and you guys for sure have stepped it up!!

Thanksgiving,,,only 3 weeks,,,can you believe it,,,just 3 more weeks!!

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