New gelding arrived very first mini :)

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Well-Known Member
Mar 14, 2012
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Northern California
I'm still so excited and just had to share. After many years of owning and showing big horses and a recent total knee replacement I made the decision to switch to minis about six months ago. I have been searching for some time for just the right first gelding for myself and he finally arrived this afternoon. Even though I've owned a dozen horses so far in my life I actually had tears in my eyes when the trailer pulled in and was as excited (and nervous) as I'd been with my very first horse many years ago.

He has settled in pretty well, still a little alert and has a shrill whinny when his stablemate disappears from view but he's eating, drinking, pooping (still a little loose though) and more relaxed when I just checked in on him. I am totally smitten and our new journey together now begins.

Will get some good pictures of him tomorrow to post, of course he's not nearly as clean as when he first arrived. His former owner had him all bathed and slick with his tail all braided and in a tail bag. When I turned him out after his long trailer ride he promptly rolled and rolled and ground in all that nice fine dirt and now he's as dirty and dusty as the others but very happy I'm sure.

Thanks for letting me share!
Congrats ! on your first Mini !

I also got my first mini couple of days ago, a surprise from my hubby.!

Please post some pictures of your little guy when you can. Congrats again!
CONGRATULATIONS! WELCOME to the wonderful world of Miniature Horses! They are awesome little guys, and WOW, I must say...I AM impressed that you actually searched that long and bought a GELDING! THAT is definitely a step in the right direction. Most people when just getting into minis, and especially those searching so long, opt to become instant breeders. Nothing wrong with breeding, don;t get me wrong, but your story is not of the "norm"! Can't wait to see him. Again, CONGRATULATIONS!
Congrats on your new boy! Can't wait to see pictures..
Congrats on your new boy!! What are your plans for him other than to just love and enjoy him?
YAY!! Your long search has paid off. I look forward to seeing photos and hearing stories of your driving adventures, but for now I imagine you just want to spend time getting to know him. As I've mentioned before, it is so nice to have seen (or read) your thoughtful approach to finding the right mini. Enjoy!
Welcome from Maryland, and congratulations on entering the world of mins, pleas be assured that one is not enough, plan accordingly.
Welcome from SE Pa. Both my guys are geldings. Gotta love those geldings. great choice. Best wishes, you are going to love this forum.
Thanks everyone for your kind thoughts, I hardly slept last night but he is well rested today and seems to be settling in well. Here's a few pics I took today of Captain and my son who is 8 and has been raised around my big horses. He has our 21 year old fjord gelding as his riding partner but he's pretty happy to welcome our new boy too. Captain is a 10 year old AMHA/PtHA gelding who has been shown in halter, driving and jumping. I would like to drive with my main focus on driven dressage but also perhaps some AMHA/AMHR shows in the next few years if I can become polished enough at it. I'd also like to do some in hand obstacle work with him, I'm limited physically with my knees in that I can't really jog or hop over poles but I'm going to have fun anyway :)

I've owned a number of horses over the years and was always a tried and true mare "person" but in the past few years I've met and owned some really special geldings and I knew that with my physical limitations causing some confidence issues I wanted a stellar disposition in a horse first and foremost and I felt I'd get that steadiness with a gelding. No intentions of ever breeding so a gelding (or two) works well for me.

Looking forward to sharing our journey with you all.....thanks so much, what a wonderful community!

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You have some handsome boys there! Captain's body language suggests that he's already feeling at home.
Welcome from ME

Congrats on your beautiful new mini! You'll soon find that they "are like potato chips, you can't have just one!"
What a nice gelding
, and sounds like a been there done that kind of guy that you and your son will really enjoy! Congrats,

Congratulations on getting your gelding home. I have read your posts on the driving forum looking for that perfect mini for you. From the looks of the pictures you have found him for sure Both the boys are very handsome from the pictures. Let us know if and when you start to drive him. I bought a gelding 7 months ago and am loving dring him.