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Well-Known Member
Dec 1, 2002
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I just joined (a bunch of my friends have been on it for ages), so would love to meet ya and if you want, you can look at mine though it's a work in progress a/k/a very boring right now:

MySpace Page

Would love to see what you have and add you to my friends list if you wanna.

Thanks in advance,

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Hi Liz, Let me tell you my experience with myspace.

Back in April or May my aunt came to my Mom(My Mom's sister in law) and said oh her son(my Mom's nephew) did something really funny. He set up a page about you on myspace.... So my Mom calls me and says can you look on myspace and see what Debbie is talking about.

I couldn't believe what I saw.

My Mom's nephew had set up a page using some of Mom's factual information and then also, a bunch of horrible horrible stuff that he made up. He named her page..... Aunt(and then her name). My Mom has an unusual name so it wasn't hard to find.

Just a few examples... he put her actual residence, actual age, place of employment that she retired from, etc.

He then put that she does drugs, love abuse, is a Lesbian and there's so much more I just can' t remember. There were about a 100 questions that he made up and answered like this.

There were posts from his friends on there saying when are we going to hook up. How come you didn't meet me last night? These are underage kids saying this stuff.

I was furious. So I called Mom and told her that it wasn't good. My Mom was so hurt. I told her to call them and tell them to take it down right then. SO I watched and you can see when someone edits their page. All they did was take off one or two things. So I called my stepdad and he contacted myspace. They took it down immediately. I just wish one of us had made a copy of the page. I forgot to do that. I was so angry.

SO my stepfather gets home and my Mom is in hysterics. He calls and asks them to come over and tell Mom they were sorry. The wouldn't. They didn't feel that they did anything wrong and till this day my aunt keeps saying it's all fictional. Well, according to the definition I know about fictional... once you put any true information it's no longer fictional.

There were so many things that were put on there that were over my Mom's nephews head that I know his Mom helped him set up the site. Obviously, she knew about it or we would never have known about it and to think it was funny is just so cruel.

We found out that he was going around his school yelling out.... Aunt XXXXXX(My Mom's name and name of the page) for the last couple of years. He was also, yelling it at the ball field.

Just recently one of my cousins started dating a coach of this boys and he said he's been yelling that for years. He didn't know Mom and now he does.

A young girl came into my Mom's work and says Oh, You are Aunt XXXXX.

Mom is just sick over it. For one to know that a family member who you have taken under your wing could do something like this, but also, now all these people in his school and this tiny community know about this and what he has done. It's really sick.

A kid in a county in our area did the same thing about his principal. Well, he was expelled from school and I'm pretty sure he was being charged for it.(Not sure with what). I can't remember. It was right after we found this information about my Mom.
A friend and myself one day after class went to the LRC between classes and she showed me myspace. The TN school teacher who was convicted of having relations with one of her student was on myspace and so was the student. That is how they communicated.

We also found a unemployed teacher on myspace and sorry to say it, I don't blame the school for letting her go. Seems like several of students posted on her page and they held nothing back in the words they used or what they talked about. The teacher also had pictures of herself on myspace that should not be shared with students, IMO.

We looked at some other pages and were both kind of surprised as to what we saw on these kids pages but at the same time, I remember being a teenager and the only difference I guess is today's teenagers have the web to post these things on.

Now, a friend of mine has a 17 yr old son who is on myspace. And his is not bad at all. So I guess it depends on how and by who it is used. Teacher communicating with students in this manner is totally inappropriate. :nono:
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I have a myspace but i only use the account to read the message board for the students at my school, there is always something 'interesting' being posted. I never really update or anything like that. Also its just to darn confusing for me, i'm a girl

I do have a xanga site and update it from time to time, i've used Xanga for about 5yrs ...Myspace is just to confusing for me lol
I have a Myspace. I have let my daughter set one up, but I am the only one who knows the password. She can't be on unless I sign her in. A few of her friends are on my friend list and I have to say it has been very filled with info.!!

Her closest friends know that I look at their pages and I think it helps keep things appropriate. I let them know quick if there is something on there that shouldn't be.

Unfortunately, there are some kids that have really bad stuff on their site, but I can't control all of them, it certainly does let me know which ones to keep at a distance from my girls though.

Our kids today are surrounded by explicit music, movies etc. I don't think we can keep them totally away from it, but I do believe that we can explain it and let them know what is appropriate and what is not.

I hate to hear about the awful things some kids do on Myspace, I sometimes can't understand how some children can be so hurtful to others.
People read your space and then asked to be invited to become "your friend". Michael still has his "My Space" and I didn't like it from the start. These kids do not know who the heck they are talking too and I've warned him a million times that the girls he thinks he is talking too can be a murdering pervert or the cops. I do not think it's wise for the kids to be giving out their real names and locations. Warnings in place, he modified his "My Space" at my request. I think he ended up with 47 friends but most of them he already knew through school.

Michael is on there are "der erzengle" THE ARCHANGEL ( the protector) as he was named for Michael the Archangel and that has always been his "trademark" or "logo"

But I still wanted to watch out, so I got a "My Space" and I was on there are "Teen Mom" and guess what?

NOBODY wanted to be my friend! Except "Tom" who sends everyone an automated welcome for signing up.

So then I went back and changed my name and profile to something more inviting and the next thing I knew, I had a few friends and guess who wanted to be my friend because we seemed to have so much in common??? MICHAEL!!!!!!!!! I got the nicest emails from him and then I told him that it was me and appreciated that he wasn't being naughty on there or anything but a nice kid. Dirty trick I know but I'm glad I did it.

Now Dan has a "My Space" and he knows I am policing it too so although I think his pictures he posted are not what I would have preferred, I think it's ok to a point. If it gets out of hand, he will be shut down in a New York minute.

The problem with My Space is unless you know your kids password, you cannot get into their account.

I did try at first to get Michael's account removed but then I decided to leave it up for a place for his friends to go to and talk to him as they miss him so much so it's not doing any harm being left up there. It's Dan I am watching like a hawk and he knows it too.
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Ok, I've heard a lot of the "bad" stories, but CKC, that takes the cake as in someone else using your identity and messing someone over. Just evil though to tell you the truth, it sounds like someone I am related to who would do something like that...

I'm sorry for all the bad experiences. I know there is a HUGE teen contingency on this site, though, and I do read the ones that are friends of my son. I like the nailing jello to a tree analogy, Karla...

Like Marty is doing, half the battle is just paying attention to what and who and when and where. I really enjoyed Michael's myspace site, too. It was nice of you to leave it there.

Some of what the kids post on myspace is pretty appalling. What concerns me is that they don't stop and think that anyone could be reading it, not just their friends. I nailed my daughter not long ago for some things she had on hers - she was indignant that I had been reading it, but I want her to realize it's a VERY public forum. Anyone, from teachers to employers - or someone with ill will - can access it. There was one that preceded myspace, forget what it was called, but it was set up for college students and was limited to those enrolled in college. It was a neat idea and presumably prevented high school and younger from being on.

I love myspace. I'm on there all the time, probably too much lol.

There was one that preceded myspace, forget what it was called, but it was set up for college students and was limited to those enrolled in college. It was a neat idea and presumably prevented high school and younger from being on.

I think what you are talking about is
People read your space and then asked to be invited to become "your friend". Michael still has his "My Space" and I didn't like it from the start. These kids do not know who the heck they are talking too and I've warned him a million times that the girls he thinks he is talking too can be a murdering pervert or the cops. I do not think it's wise for the kids to be giving out their real names and locations. Warnings in place, he modified his "My Space" at my request. I think he ended up with 47 friends but most of them he already knew through school.

Michael is on there are "der erzengle" THE ARCHANGEL ( the protector) as he was named for Michael the Archangel and that has always been his "trademark" or "logo"

But I still wanted to watch out, so I got a "My Space" and I was on there are "Teen Mom" and guess what?

NOBODY wanted to be my friend! Except "Tom" who sends everyone an automated welcome for signing up.

So then I went back and changed my name and profile to something more inviting and the next thing I knew, I had a few friends and guess who wanted to be my friend because we seemed to have so much in common??? MICHAEL!!!!!!!!! I got the nicest emails from him and then I told him that it was me and appreciated that he wasn't being naughty on there or anything but a nice kid. Dirty trick I know but I'm glad I did it.

Now Dan has a "My Space" and he knows I am policing it too so although I think his pictures he posted are not what I would have preferred, I think it's ok to a point. If it gets out of hand, he will be shut down in a New York minute.

The problem with My Space is unless you know your kids password, you cannot get into their account.

I did try at first to get Michael's account removed but then I decided to leave it up for a place for his friends to go to and talk to him as they miss him so much so it's not doing any harm being left up there. It's Dan I am watching like a hawk and he knows it too.


Thank you for leaving Michaels page up. I do like to visit it often, and I do post on it. I am on his top 8, as you know, and every once in a while I go on there and just look and remember that we were friends, if that made sense right there.

Anyways, yeppers, I do have a myspace. Mine is

I do have my real name on there, but I don't give out any other personal info, I am only friends with people I know, I don't talk to other people, I am really safe about it.

I am highly addicted, which is rather sad, but oh well.

my firends have been after me to join since last september. To this day I stay myspace free and i like it that way. I don't like it, i've seen people's pages and i cheeked it out once with out making an account and I saw the peoples pages from my school and i'm sure they are using it as a dating service with the photos they put up there (yuk). :lol:

not that it's bad just not for me.

There are a LOT of people on there not looking for dates (I know, I'm one of them and most of my "friends" are not in the market, either), merely sharing humor/experiences and whatever.

I think it's all in what you make of it and yes, it's largely unmoderated, which is why it is appealing to me, and why it can be so bad for those without good judgment.

I would think a long time before letting any child under the age of say 16 have an account, and I would definitely use my Big Brother software to monitor EVERY part of it in that case.

I don't really frequent many of the teen pages, though I do know several b/c of my son and some of my friend's kids, but even though they are immature, they are still entertaining and fun to me.

If you have to use myspace to "date" then I guess it says something about your "reality" and that to me just smacks of immaturity.

It's more of an extension of real life, another form of communication, in my observation. You can leave notes for people, funny images, links, see when they're online, etc.

Anyway, I didn't mean to bring up anything unpleasant for anyone and I do appreciate the advisements.

Liz - please don't take all the bad stuff people say about MySpace as a personal hit...MySpace is both fun and entertaining, yet it is true that recently there were a few murder stories and horrer stories about people meeting up in real life after meeting through MySpace.

Personally, I say, take from it what you put in! If you put up a friendly account with approvable photo's of yourself or your pets or whatever, write a decent paragraph about yourself...but obviously don't write about where you live or give out your phone # lol...then MySpace can be lots of fun!

I have an account, it's very simple, I only check it once or twice a week to see if I have any new e-mails...mostly I am on there to read up on people who I went to school with, to see where they are in life right now and what they accomplished, it's fascinating to see where the "preppy" people end up and where the "potheads" accomplish goals and have cool jobs...really neat!

Sure there are bad profiles on there too...the administrator has been slowly weeding through and deleting any profiles that are in violation of the sites rules. There are a LOT of profiles to weed through so of course they wont all be gone overnight...and more are made as others are's a personal option of your own if you want to continue looking at a bad profile, or close it and look for a different one to look through!
Oh I'm not really taking it personally, I just think there's a bit of a panic-monger mentality about it, when you could say that living and meeting people in person is pretty darn dangerous, too.

Most murders are done by people that are known quite intimately to the victim, after all...and probably related by blood. Sad to say.

Anyway, I am having fun w/it and I've infected a couple friends w/the bug also there were a few that already had it.

See ya there!


my firends have been after me to join since last september. To this day I stay myspace free and i like it that way. I don't like it, i've seen people's pages and i cheeked it out once with out making an account and I saw the peoples pages from my school and i'm sure they are using it as a dating service with the photos they put up there (yuk). :lol:

not that it's bad just not for me.


Well I have a myspace.

I most certainly don't use it as a dating service, I talk with my friends from school, and I have contacted a few of my friends from previous schools.

I have some pictures of me, but they aren't bad or anything, at least I don't think so.

My myspace page

Check out mine and tell me what you think.

Nootka and I are already friends on myspace! She has a good page.
I love myspace! Im on it almost everyday..checking my messages.
: Ive heard many stories about what can im careful, and all "my friends" are people that I know from school, church or what not.

Add me if you like..

I like your page, too, and it doesn't appear you are trolling for dates, so yeah, having fun with it is what it's about. An extension of the real life we all live.

One thing: your logo scrolls along w/my reading and makes it hard for me to read. .. wondered if it's just my browswer (IE)?


In the process of getting to read blogs and stuff.


Kris, I tried to add you, but all your links lead to "" I think it's a layout thing....

anyway, go to my page and add me

and then I'll add ya if ya want.

I like your page, too, and it doesn't appear you are trolling for dates, so yeah, having fun with it is what it's about. An extension of the real life we all live.

One thing: your logo scrolls along w/my reading and makes it hard for me to read. .. wondered if it's just my browswer (IE)?


In the process of getting to read blogs and stuff.


Kris, I tried to add you, but all your links lead to "" I think it's a layout thing....

anyway, go to my page and add me

and then I'll add ya if ya want.


I got you added Kris, and Liz, I have been meaning to take off tha background picture for a while, just hasn't happened. Yes, it is supposed to scroll with you. Can be rather difficult to read, but its a lot better than some of the pages I have seen.
While this thread is up, how do you guys get all the fancy backgrounds?? I might actually start using my Myspace since all my friends left xanga behind and moved on to myspace.