My sweet mare

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Well-Known Member
Sep 19, 2007
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And I am upset, disappointed, saddened, but holding out hope for her.

My precious 8 yr old mare has had quite a bout of sinus infection the past months and it finally came down to having to have surgery. My vet recommended a surgeon quite a distance from me. I visited with her about going to another surgeon a bit closer and less expensive. So, ultimately, the closer surgeon was the one I decided on and can I ever kick myself for that decision.

A week ago Wednesday, my dear mare had her surgery, as digital xrays still showed massive infection that would not respond to antibiotics, as there was just too much. Well, what a disaster this has become. I am heartbroken. My beautiful mare now has a huge hole in her face. The surgeon who did the surgery left the thing wide open, said not to cover it. Oh, was awful, the cold air hitting that open sinus was incredibly painful for her- she shook and shook. The bone started to turn black from the air. I couldn't stand it and when I brought her home from the surgeon I took her directly to my vet who was very sad, too. Bless her heart, she cleaned the thing up, put antibiotic ointment in the open wound, covered it, wrapped it, and kept her for several days to care for her until things have calmed down a bit.

I now have my sweet mare home, and I clean the wound daily, flush out the sinus, put on the antibiotics, and cover it again. The hole is slowly closing.

If I would have taken her to the other surgeon, I have found out (after the fact) that there are other procedures that do not leave a HUGE hole in the face. The other surgeon is Board Certified surgeon. The one that did the surgery- I guess I don't know, but I highly doubt it. Didn't know about that beforehand either. Thought all surgeons were board certified. Lesson learned.

Please think of my mare- she is so sweet and has had to go through quite an ordeal.

Thank you-

well Im sorry to hear about that! I hope she has a speedy recover and this resolves the issue.
Sorry to hear!!! Boy, that's a lesson learned the hard way!!! I hope everything goes well for your little mare and she heals without incident!
Oh my gosh, I am so sorry for your poor girl!!!! That is just awful! It does sound though, like you are on the right path with her now and she is on the mend. I hope for a good and speedy recovery for her! Don't worry, she has a great mama taking care of her now and she will feel so much better once she is all healed up. Don't blame yourself, how would you have known?!!

Do they know why the infection just stayed in there?!
Peggy this is heartbreaking to hear that you and your little girl have suffered this pain together. I know how you adore your animals and only want the very best for them. I'm so sorry about this and I do hope she heals up perfectly for you. Much love and best wishes for a speedy recovery. You need big hugs ((((((((( )))))))))
We don't really know why the infection did not clear. Do know that it did not respond to the Tucoprim early on. It is felt that it was a sinus infection that just got out of hand due to the unresponsiveness to antibiotics. It is apparently not a tooth root problem. Once there became so much infection- even though we treated it faithfully and aggressively- the antibiotics just couldn't deal with so much. The infection was actually packed in there like cottage cheese. I do think it is strange, however, that the infection began three days after having her teeth floated- just coincidence?

I had a yearling filly last year that had gotten a sinus infection and one of my vets recommendations was to drill that hole to drain the sinus and I said no. After hearing what your poor girl is going through I'm glad I decided against it. My filly recovered fine with antibiotics.

Hope she heals quickly and feels better soon.

Oh Peggy, I am so sorry you and your mare had to go through this. Sending prayers for her complete and speedy recovery.
Oh Peggy, I am so sorry to hear about your problem
I hope she gets better soon. I know from people that some infections are better healing from the inside out, and open, but the sinus sounds like such a tricky area and a painful one. Hang in there

My elderly riding horse who was my first horse had this sugery (or sounds very similar) 2 summers ago, but he was very elderly and we couldn't get him over the infection with prior antibiotic treatment. He had to have antibiotic applied through this hole. It was my understanding it was put there for that reason (?) and I think maybe for drainage, too, and so it could be flushed out.

I hope your mare will be doing much better soon. My guy was almost 30 and we just couldn't get the infection to go away and this was the last thing we could try -- but again he was very elderly. I've always known that his age was a very big factor in him not being able to get rid of that sinus infection.

Keeping you and your girl in my thoughts and prayers.
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I am so sorry to hear this about your mare. I am sending prayers to you and your little mare.


I am SO sorry to hear about your poor little mares ordeal.

I am fostering a horse right now that came with such a severe sinus infection that her nose ran straight pus and oh the smell was so awful. The vet put her on Tucoprim which did nothing. We switched her over to Dex - (Dexamethazone) and it was gone in about three days with no recurrence.

I will pray that your sweet little mare gets well soon. Poor baby.

I am so sorry to read about your mare. I know you and I talked about her and you were to take her to a vet that was 5 hours away. You take such good care of your horses (as they are like children to you). Do not beat yourself up on this one, you were wise to take her back to your regular vet for follow up care and she sounds like she is healig well.

Every time I think about moving, I think about those of you who do not have close access to a good vet. Here in Minnesota, there are several within 30 minutes, and some of the best surgeons too. I have one out of Stillwater who is such a doll!! Ann is my main vet, but the group of them are great and the owner is FANTASTIC!!

Keep your chin up, you have had a tough year with your horses. Next year will be a better year!!
Good grief Peggy! I hope your girl is coming along well now.

Connie P, how was the Dex used? We've had a few sinus infections over the years and they are HARD to treat successfully.


p.s. Peggy, please give the 'you know whos' a hug from me.
I have nothing medically to add, just wanted to say so sad for you and your little mare. I will be keeping you both in my thoughts, hopefully she will have a speedy recovery.
I have a big mare they had to drill into like that - just hurts to think about - but it was a fairly small hole and healed with no problem. Hope your girl continues to heal with your good care.

Im sorry to hear about your mare! It would be very sad to see your horse like that!

I have a question though. Did either of the vets that saw your horse ever try to do a culture? Im hoping so because a culture will tell you which antibiotics the infection is sensitive or resistant to, plus it will tell you the bacteria that is causing the infection.

You may also want to do some blood work just to see how shes doing internally to make sure that there isnt a reason as to why she cant fight it off.

I hope she is doing better though!


Peg, I am so sorry to hear the ordeal you and your mare have went thru! I will be praying for a full recovery for her. Take care of her and yourself, Sheila
Peggy, we've experienced first-hard the sinus operation, and totally sympathize with what you are going through!

With proper care......what you are currently doing under the direction of your should see an amazing recovery. Your description sounds exactly like what our colt had. It was hideous to watch and treat. He was boarded at our vet's before and after the surgery. He would literally have choaked to death from the infection and pus if he had not had the surgery. Yes, it left a hole in his face which was flushed twice daily. We had been treating him with several different antiobiotics, under the vet's direction, and none of them knocked the infection. Losing him or surgery was the only alternative.

Six weeks after the surgery the hole had completely disappeared, his sinus were clear. He felt so much better and that was reflected in his behavior, because now he could run and play with his stall mates. He went on to become a nice little driving horse, and was sold to a wonderful family.

It's awful to experience their pain, but they can and do get better each day. Hope that your outcome will be as positive. :love Sending good thoughts your way.
Thank you all so much for your kind words of encouragement.

My mare would not eat this morning. Her temp is up. She was shaking again. I gave her Advil and upped her Gastro Gard. I did get the wound cleaned up and flushed out again. We are changing meds. I just wish the vet would have cultured it because we are just guessing at antibiotics. She is now eating grass out in the pasture with her buddies. She is the happiest when she is around them.

I did call the surgeon this am and they said they would take her back in and treat her there, but it is a four hour drive for me one way and I just can't think of doing it right now- maybe tomorrow. I will give this new antibiotic a good try.


PS- Charlotte- the two 'you know whos' got their hug from you
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