Medical Help....Sciatic Nerve?

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Well-Known Member
Aug 17, 2003
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Morson, Ontario, Canada
OK, here's the story....

Last summer, I put my back out. I was in constant pain for quite some time. My daughter kept bugging me to go see the chiripractor. I din't "believe in them", and remained stubborn and wouldn;t go. Finally, since it never got better on it own, even after weeks of waiting, I decided to give it a try...afterall, what could it hurt? I went, and he did his thing, and sure enough, over the next couple of days, my back was better!! I was so mad at myself for putting it off for so long, when relief was so easy to find.(again, my skeptisism in believing in new things shining through!) I went back a week later as per his instructions, but never went again after that, as no more problems.

Fast forward to now. I have not gone back since last year. A couple of weeks ago, I did something again, and I knew I wasn't going to wait in pain, for it to get better. So, after a few days, I went to the chiropractor. This was a different doctor. The one I used before was no longer there, so this here is the owner of the company, and the one my daughter raved about. I went last Wednesday, and on my way home in the car, I started having that sciatic nerve pain in the left butt cheek. That happens to me sometimes when I drive my husband's truck, but NEVER in my car. It did that day. And nit only escalated over the next couple of days.

I called back up there on Friday, explaining to them the pain I was experiencing. I could barely get my sock on, I could not reposition myself throughout the night, walked with a limp...just overall pain going from my hip area, down into my butt cheek, down both the front and back of my leg.(one side only, and this was not even the side that I had the original trouble with!)

I made an appointment to go back yesterday. He did the same things this time, doing extra massaging to the butt cheek where the muscles were causing the problem. He said the name of the muscle(which I forget the name of) and said it was pressing on the sciatic never, causing the pain, and numbness. He told me to take Ibufrofin for imflamation. I asked if a light muscle relaxer would benefit too, and he said yes. I bought "Robax Plaitinum", which is a muscle relaxer with ibuprofin for inflamation.

I took it twice throughout the night. Pain is even worse. It feels like my muscle is so knotted and pulls like crazy! I can feel it all the way down into my shin even!!

Does anyone have any suggestions, or ideas? I am so mad that I even went to the chiropractor now! I have enough body problerms without creating more in my healthy parts!! I know I can make a Doctor's appointment, but is there anything he can even do?? Anyone know what I can do to get some comfort and relief from this? Will it just go away? If so, what time frame am I looking at?? ANY info at all??? Thanks.
I'm 30 weeks pregnant right now, and for the last 3 weeks I have not been able to walk properly (or stand, or sit, or sleep for that matter!) because of the sciatic nerve issue.

My doctor said there isn't really much they can do about it
He reccommended sleeping with a pillow between the knees and some light stretching, but that was really it.

Hopefully someone else can give you some better advice!!!
I have had two bad run ins of it acting up, gave in a went to the chriopractor( second time around it took 4 weeks for me to say I was better) The only relief I got was laying flat on my back with a pillow tucked under my calfs with Ibuprofin - good luck
Try a different chiro ??? The first one you went to seemed better and some ARE better than others.

I had a pinched(?) nerve in my hip a few years ago.......right in the middle of foaling season. It drove me crazy and I could only sleep in a certain position.

I took pain pills and Larry massaged me a number of times. Eventually it slowly went away.

Wish I could be of more help.

Mona......I have the same problems. And BTW.........trimming your minis and bending over all the time is killer. And also cleaning stalls where you pick up poop and twist your body to throw it in the wheel barrow is a huge NO NO.

Anyway, my orthopedic surgeon gave me some exercise to do laying in bed. It involves lifting and bending your knee and holding it one at a time, stretching that area slowly........and then taking that knee and and touch it to the other side of the bed. I am not sure that makes any sense but it sure helps me.

Getting old is HECK!
Mona......I have the same problems. And BTW.........trimming your minis and bending over all the time is killer. And also cleaning stalls where you pick up poop and twist your body to throw it in the wheel barrow is a huge NO NO.

Anyway, my orthopedic surgeon gave me some exercise to do laying in bed. It involves lifting and bending your knee and holding it one at a time, stretching that area slowly........and then taking that knee and and touch it to the other side of the bed. I am not sure that makes any sense but it sure helps me.

Getting old is HECK!
OK Carol...I am sure you must have been spying on me! LOL!!! The Chiropractor also told me to "take it easy" after I told him I had been trimming hooves and cleaning the barn(cleared stalls completely out). Hey, there's always work needing done...we can't just stop because we have pain, can we?

Thanks everyone for the comments and suggestions. For my problem, I am finding the most comfortable sleeping position is on my side, kind of curled. The curl gives relief from the pulling in my body. When I try to change position or lay flat on my back, it about kills me. I did actually find that bending my legs felt good. I thought if I could get a bungee cord to keep my legs pulled tight up to my chest, I'd be good to go! :bgrin I also felt some relief from putting a pillow between my knees. Also Carol, those exersises you mentioned are some the Chiropractor did and it never caused pain, so that is why I ended up pulling my knees way up to my chest in bed, to help relieve the pain.

Looks like something I am just going to have to deal with for the next several weeks. I might try going to another Chiropractor too. I have to drive 80 miles to get to one! UGH!
i have this too and the smallest thing can set it off. the stretching that carol talks about is the ONLY thing that helps me. I lay on the floor and put one leg up and hubby slowly stretches it to me (leg all the way stretched) then when thats done i bend it at the knee and he slowly rolls it to the opposite hip and stretches it that way. The leg that hurts the worst is always hardest to stretch but is the only way i can get relief. I do know that when im good about stretching several times per week (before the pain) it doesnt happen nearly as much

good luck mona i feel for ya sister! its miserable!
Ok Mona, I know that you are a skeptic about all the "healing things" I do and others do but would you care to try a few things out? I'd like to try to help. Even if you try and it doesn't work you'll be no worse off. OK?

First we'll talk accupressure.

The sciatic points are behind the heel (yes heel!), on the top of the heelbone, just off the Achilles tendon. GENTLY, press and rotate your thumb or finger on them. Better yet you lay on your side with a big pillow between your legs and have another do this TO you.

Also in the center of the heel pad, press and rotate with your thumb.

Now to relieve the tension in which you are holding your body cause of the pain, press and rotate with your thumb again at the point where your indent is below your toes. You know when you rub your foot your fingers automatically grasp that cup in the center between the little toe fat pad and the big toe fat pad. PRESS and rotate left to right. Breathing deeply and slowly. Do this until you feel a "release". You may do it often but don't over do and get sore.

Now Reflexology:

Draw an imaginary line from the ankle bone to the point of the heel and travel about 3/4s of the way down it, stopping where the heel bone starts. There is a sciatic reflex on each side of the heel, that sits on top of the heel bone toward the back of the foot, HOLD (with lite pressure) them both between your finger and thumb, one at a time is fine. BE CAREFUL working here as the sciatic nerve passes over this bone and then loops under the heel. Repeat as needed. This should help lessen the pain and clear the sciatic nerve irritiation.

NOW, coming from a lady who worked for years with herniated discs and had incredible pain, do try this. Also see if you can find a reiki practioner to work on you. Trust me, it works, it changed my life and now I do this for people.

You MUST cut back on the work or nothing will help. I know the weather is getting better and there is much to do but "delegate". Getting burned taught me that life is too short to live in agony and pain so take it easy and let it heal.

I hope you will try these simple things and see if they give you some relief. DEFINIETLY surround your self with a pillow coccoon and keep one between your legs at all times. I sleep with 5, 2 under the head, one at the foot under my knees and one on each side of my body so wherever I turn to sleep there is a pillow to clutch between the legs.

Another healing use I practice is chrystal/stone healing. See if you can find "LEPIDOLITE". I'm out or I'd send one immediately. Many shops carry stones or look on line or I can see if I can get one quickly for you.

Lepidolite locates the site of pain or disease and vibrates gently. It relieves allergies and strengthens the immune system, it relieves exhaustion, "FOR YOU it numbs the sciatica and eases the neuralgia." Also used as a skin and tissue detoxifier, is excellent for menopuase and computer stress.

Place this stone under your pillow for a restful nite or carry on your person during the day for relief( I suggest a back pocket for you)

OK, now that you are certain I am nuts, remember I just wish to help you. My best white lite coming for you as well as so many others. Debs
Mona, I'm so sorry you are hurting. I've had ongoing hips/legs troubles for several years now too, and I know just how painful it can get. Some have offered great advice already, so I'll only add one other "comfy" notion, and hope it helps with some relief. In addition to stretches, regularly, as already suggested, when you sleep at night, use a pillow prop between your knees when sleeping on your side. This helps keep the hip structure better aligned so that when you wake up in the morning, you "hopefully" aren't as stiffened. Same for on the back, prop a billow under both knees to help relieve pressure in the lower back, which "connects" to the hips, buttocks, and in turn the sciattica, etc. etc. Not much help, I know, but might be the "little" bit of a difference for ya. Lifting in prayers for healing over you. {{{HUGS}}}
I've had this for about 8 months now. I've tried Dr., Chiro, PT. I do have one stretch that gives temp relief. But the best relief comes from horseback riding (don't ask me why?) Has anyone else noticed this?
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Mona......I have the same problems. And BTW.........trimming your minis and bending over all the time is killer. And also cleaning stalls where you pick up poop and twist your body to throw it in the wheel barrow is a huge NO NO.

Anyway, my orthopedic surgeon gave me some exercise to do laying in bed. It involves lifting and bending your knee and holding it one at a time, stretching that area slowly........and then taking that knee and and touch it to the other side of the bed. I am not sure that makes any sense but it sure helps me.

Getting old is HECK!
Carol, this procedure has served me well for years. I often do it just before I go to sleep at night.

As for the "Getting old is HECK!" it only gets worse.
I have exactly what you are describing but mine is a herniatic disc and if I over do it boy do I pay for it. I'm not a person that wants to go to the chiropractor as I am afraid that if they manipulate my back the disc will be out of whack and that is what presses up against the nerve and makes all those things hurt so much i.e. the butt your legs and you're right can't even put on a sock. Sometimes you can't even get out of bed unless you roll out like you're praying and by that time you want to pray because it hurts so much. Sitting for long periods of time is not good and standing (expecially on concrete) is even worse, you can be walking down a grocery aisle and your back tells you nope you're not moving anymore. If you have a car that you have to go down to sit in (sports cars) they don't help, it's better to go up. The doc had me doing exercises before the MRI and that really messed me up as she really didn't have the correct diagnosis. TINS units can also help they are little electrodes vibrating on your back usually place right where the pain hurts, but for some reason mine never could get through all that "butt" tissue :new_shocked: So an MRI might be an alternative to actually see what's going on and if ya never had an MRI and you're the slightest bit closterphobic, I highly recommend getting some valium before you go.
: Good luck
Gosh Mona, I do hope it gets better. I know the pain you're talking about as I have been there before myself. You know what works for me is Tylenol....used to use muscle relaxers, Ibuprophen and the likes, but that stuff would'nt even touch it. Stretches, and warm shower water helped me alot as well. Also I went and had an (ok bare with me here) sounds like something similar to an EKG, but it's for nerve testing where they hook you up to this unit, with these little pin type of things and the machine actually finds where/which/what nerve is bummed or being pinched. The doc will run this apparatus all up and down your leg and when the machine gives this little blurb like's pin pointed. I'm sorry I can't remember the name of the actual test tho!
Mona my advice is to shoot yourself now, it will save a lot of pain and arguments with spouses and children.

It also bypasses the need to go to a chiropractor and spend a lot of money on getting him/her to hurt you even more!!!

Can you tell I am speaking from experience????

LOTS of long HOT baths, and then NO activity- so last thing at night.

LOTS of really good pain meds- prescription stuff.

DEMAND sympathy- let them be in NO doubt that the alternative does not bear thinking about!!!

And last but not least do try to take it a little bit easy.
Sciatic nerve grrrrrrr that dude will act up and give me grief to no end! Dr has me do those stretches someone mentioned already, lay on back and bring one knee in and hold. I will also lay flat on my stomach on the floor for a bit, when that no longer hurts raise myself up onto my elbows, when that no longer hurts then bring myself up as high as I can. I have also found that riding helps TONS.

What makes mine act up is the times when I dont feel good, I am bad about sitting on the couch with my leg's' underneath me, stretching that nerve out. Least thats what the Dr says LOL
I had so much pain after my riding accident, that they gave me a shot directly into the lining of the nerve. Hurt like heck but its worked for a year now. They couldnt guarantee how long it would last. I think they only do the shot for chronic problems though. See a neurologist if it doesnt get better.

I had the same thing happen to me. But after I was" put back in place", I have the same pain you are going threw.(This happenend back in Jan.) Somehow, I got a herniated disc that is pinching two nerves in my back. The Dr. that did my back said I must have moved wrong... Bull, I was just having upper back pain(muscle tightness). I know it had to happen when he put me in place. The cortizone shot only made matters worse(couldn't walk for five days) To this day, I have severe pain in my back every minute. With two children(11yr. old son and my daughter will be 5 Sat.), two dogs, two mini's , two rabbits and two fish tanks and a Hubby, I can not go for the back surgery to fix it. What helps me is the recliner/sofa and a heating pad. I'm 33, my hubby says he can't wait until I'm 50, he can't wait to push me around in a wheel chair I think..
: I don't sleep much anymore, the pain keeps me awake. So try to find a good heating pad.. I hope your back gets better... There isn't any pill out there that has helped me yet.. :no:
The nerve is inflamed.

First thing to do: put yourself on an anti-inflammatory and take it religiously for the next 4 weeks. Can be either Ibuprofen or Celebrex or Naprosyn....NOT Tylenol or aspirin though. Take it even after you are feeling better because the anti-inflammatory is still working on the nerve. You MUST take it for a full 4 weeks, or maybe even 6 weeks. This is going to upset your stomach so watch out for abdominal pain and only take with food.

Next: If you are standing for long periods, you MUST place your "affected" foot (same side as pain) on a prop, about 4 inches off the floor. You can shift from affected to unaffected every few minutes, but try to show special attention to the affected side. Standing in one place for long hours is hard on your sciatic nerve. You must NOT clench your knees tight when you stand (ie don't lock them in place) and you must shift your weight frequently.

Also: Do the stretching exercises religiously twice a day. One physical therapist suggested using a tennis ball, placing it in the hip area where the sciatic exits the spine. Lying on the tennis ball in this fashion is supposed to help, but it was not that useful to me. You might try it.

It will get better with time. However be aware that you can have BOTH sides inflamed at once and that is a REAL PAIN. So don't cripple the good side while babying the bad side.
Roll a towel up, place it longways on the floor (same direction as your spine) and lay on it with your knees bent. Feels SO good.

Sciatica is NOT my friend. This works. Do the side to side exercises too. They help. Even when it hurts to let your legs fall over, let them go. It feels better after.


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