Maple Hollow Farms 2013 Foaling Season Complete

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Thanks, my cats are pretty cute but they are lucky she warmed up to them, wasnt too happy with them in her stall to begin with LOL. She has dropped a bit as she does seem "thinner" although I will admit she is lighter than I generally prefer but have an appointment to have her teeth done since I am feeding her an insane amount of feed and she isnt gaining any weight. She doesnt have much of an udder at all, it went up once right before we got a storm but then disappeared again so my guess is that when she bags up for real it will be time to go! Mom's mares are doing well, Susan seems a bit restless and could go any time. Gorgeous and her filly seem to be doing really well too, cant wait til I can get over there and play with the lil girl again!
aww poor thing. she looks so miserable at the moment... hopefully it won't be too much longer till she gets that bag back and then you will have a little baby to play with too.
E Lady just had a nice little rest
its all good Diane

E Lady has been quiet all night, was down resting sternally for a ltitle while and has been holding the wall up with her butt a few times otherwise everyone is quiet.
hey Melinda E Lady seems alot more uncomfy all the sudden she keeps poking her tongue out as if she is licking her lips, chewing (nothing) butt pressing and pinning her ears... just thought you should know
Checking on her this AM still standing quietly...and the waiting continues...
Welcome to my world of torture. ROFL....most of the time she seems comfortable and is pretty boring to watch and other times she will paw or act restless, still not much of an udder. I can not wait for my new camera to get here so I can put a couple under camera at a time! I have several that are starting udders but not near ready yet. ELady is mainly on cam since she is supposed to be furthest along and I dont know her normal signs since I just got her last fall, luckily most of my other girls I know well enough to tell when they are off or acting ready. Have a couple other newer ones and a maiden that we will get to watch soon too! I will probably let her out for a bit later to get some excersise unless it starts raining. This weather is crazy! Tuesday we had sunshine, snow, sunshine, sleet, sunshine, and more snow all in one day LOL!!!
Thanks for the update
We have weird weather here in Italy too, one minute it feels like spring and the next we get snow
Yep we went from all that cold and wind on Tues to a heat wave of low 40s on wed and into this morning and now supposed to get cool again but still not too bad in the higher 30s. This 40 deg weather is awesome though, light jacket weather LOL! My stall has a herd of cats in it :p
Our high tomorrow is supposed to be 80!! I LOVE it! So tired of being cold all the time. I'm a tropical person, but I try to stay my pale red-headed self out of the direct sun! ;)

Such a sweet looking lady!!!
Well I have decided, none of my mares are EVER going to foal, I am going absolutely nuts LOL.....E.Lady could at least pretend to be making an udder and acting like she is as far along as she is supposed to be but noooooo she just keeps plodding along and doing NOTHING ROFL!!! Ok I feel better now, I am just getting very impatient :p
I join you in the ranks of impatient...

but I can say at least I have hope Lotus is finally getting a decent udder that is getting bigger every time I check

come on E.Lady don't keep your mommy waiting soooo long. It's torture ya know
There was a little action a few minutes ago but it wasn't E.Lady. There was a cat that jumped down in the stall to check out something in the corner then it jumped back out!! E.Lady only turned her head to look!!
ROFL well at least the cats can keep us entertained but she is sooo mean with her little barely starts at an udder and then next time I check it is totally gone. At least it gives me hope that she will bag though but definitely thinking if she gets a serious bag we should figure it is "go time"! Lori, I hope Lotus doesnt keep you waiting too long but at least she is progressing normally. I have several mares starting udders out in the pasture but none that are quite ready, I know them pretty well and have empty stalls waiting if I feel they are even within a week of foaling.
E Lady is looking miserable again poor darling...
how many days is she now Melinda??

I hope your other camera comes really soon! :D

I get so confused when you guys are talking about the weather lol. I always forget that you guys talk in farenheiht (sp) while we are in celcius lol

it has been crazy weather wise here as well! we have just finished our summer and we had our fire on in December!!!!!
never had to do that before! then we had our hottest day on record for my area which was 47.8 celcious which is 118 farenheiht!

now we are in Autumn (fall) yesterday we had a 35 celcius day 95 farenheiht and a 22 degree day today 71.6 farenheit lol crazy weather! trying to keep my mini pony from growing a coat and its sooo hard!

anyway back to horses lol .......munching some hay... boring lol
come on E Lady!