Life is making a change whether I like it or not.

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Well-Known Member
Dec 1, 2002
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I was in a pedestrian hit by a car 14 yrs ago. One of the many injuries I have is nerve damage in both elbows (think about hitting your funny bone really hard.)

At the time of the accident they didn't feel that surgery would help so nothing was done. The last month things have gotten increasingly worse in my right elbow (the arm I use the most of course) , Now after 14 yrs the Dr.'s are talking surgery. :new_shocked:

With the arm giving me fits this last month I have been having trouble taking care of the horses.

So, I am going to have to post most of my horses, that I have spent yrs aquiring, up for sale. There are only a couple that will not be for sale. I am going to try for new photos this week and with Mona's help get an auction going.

Feel free to go to my website and look around.

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Bummer..........I just went through that......we sold off all but 2 of the mini's......all of my sheep (just acquired for breeding a year ago) due to a lost job and ensuing loss of our home (we think it is sold but closing keeps eluding us) we are moving back toward family and this has been one of the most difficult thing's I have ever done...............hang in there and I hope that the surgery helps you.
Thanks, it is very difficult to part with the fuzzy loved ones.
: There is one stallion I will not part with along with our oldest mare and her filly from this year. I would go nuts if I had to part with all of them but need to make things easier. I am the only one who takes care of the horses so if I'm down and out.....

Robin, having herniated 5 discs over 2 yrs ago I have been there and done that. I went from 12 to 3, breaks my heart but all have great homes, I hear from all their moms, I made new friends AND most importantly I am not in so much pain due to all the work. If I can help in any way holler. DEbs
I'm so sorry that you are going through so much. I just got a call at home last Thursday that I was no longer needed at my job of 3 + years. My husband lost a portion of his income as well last week. I have a young son and am pregnant with our second child. I had already started the process of selling 1/3 of my small herd. I just hope I don't have to sell anymore right now as I'm down to the core group that I just can't imagine parting with.

I got kicked in the elbow last year by a weanling filly. Ever since then I've been having pain off and on. Can't do anything about it right now, but after I deliver I will probably have to see a dr. about it. I can't imagine the pain you must be in.

Take care

Oh no... Robin. I am so very sorry to hear that. But at the same time very much understand.

Let us know how the surgery goes. <HUGS>
Robin - I hear you loud and clear... right now I have a torn rotator cuff and tendanitis in my right elbow, and am going to physical therapy (I call it physical torture) 2x/week. I'm still okay to take care of my guys, but it does make me start to think about my future plans, knowing that I cannot add to my critter count.

Take care,

Liz R.

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