Labor Day Parade

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Apr 20, 2005
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Southwest Oklahoma
My sister and I took our little horses to participate in the HUGE rodeo parade in Elk City, OK yesterday. There were over 100 registered entries. Dozens and dozens of horses, and, I believe, thousands of spectators.

We were the only two miniature horses and big hit with everyone. The parade was held up for over half an hour at one point; we heard two riders had been seriously injured when thrown by their horses. It was somewhere ahead of us so we didn't get any more details.

I posted pictures of my sister's cart, which we made into a covered wagon, on the Photo forum.

It was 104 degrees. Our horses spent 2 hours working on hot pavement. They did beautifully, and today Dapper Dan looks ready for another outing. Not me, though, I was exhausted!

This parade was the 75th anniversary of the rodeo. The whole city shuts down for it. I'll bet there was a ton of candy thrown. The streets were littered with all kinds. The kids got really picky about which candy they would even bother with. Of course, there was the candy that landed in the horse piles...

A big wrecker was behind us, about the size of a fire engine. He honked his horn frequently. There was a 1929 Packard ahead of us, and we had to be sure to keep a distance in case he rolled backward. Lots of water balloons bursting. Our horses behaved beautifully.
Hooray for you and your well behaved horses. I am always impressed by horses that follow or are followed by noisy trucks. Sounds like you guys had a great day. Our little town has a pretty big Labor Day parade too and I'd like to get one of my horses comfortable/confident enough to do it. Took a look at the covered wagon and it was great! Glad you had a fun weekend.
I love being in parades with the minis! At my first parade, I walked alongside a girl riding her horse and everyone thought Bentley was the baby! Next time i should put something like a wearable sandwitch sign on his back saying "I'm not a foal, Im a miniature horse!!!"

I'm glad the minis behaved well and ya'll had fun!
Yes, we heard some people in the crowds comment about us using foals to pull carts. I guess that means our miniatures look like "real horses"! People are always surprised to hear our horses are 15 and 16 years old.

It always seems a good opportunity to spread the word about driving. People generally pull up to where we are parked to ask questions. I like to show them a balanced cart and how it should feel to the horse. I ask them to be the horse between the shafts so they can understand the balance. Especially for people who say they plan to build their own carts. So many, also, don't understand why their cute little "stud" is not so cute any more. When we talk to them about having the horse gelded so they can have a nice family pet, a lightbulb seems to go on for them.

I think so many people are only used to toy, stuffed animals and really have no idea about the dynamics of real animals.

Anyway, a parade is good opportunity to show people what nice companions, and good working animals, miniature horses can be.
i used to tell people i washed my horse in hot water and he shrunk!!!!

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