Jon and Kate "Its Too Late" episode Monday

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Nov 30, 2002
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Jon and Kate will be aired Monday and announce they are separating and filing for divorce. This will be a one hour special and so far TLC has not canceled the show which earns the Gosselin's $75,000 per episode. TLC has ordered 3 more episodes at this time and then they will decide from there if the show will go on or not.

I personally will be watching tomorrow night to hear the official announcment and after that I am pulling the plug on them.

This is so heartbreaking for the children I can't stand it.


Shame on you money grubbing Kate Gosselin and your wus of a husband too!

I think TLC should stop the show immediately. They all make me sick. Some day those children are going to watch all of this! Who wants to televise a divorce?? Money and fame sure change people
All at the expense of those children.

I think its been a farce for over a year. They say they have been having marital problems for 8 months. Well then why the big special about them renewing their vows in Hawaii??? Guess that was just to get the free trip.

Someone needs to start putting the kids first

Did you see the video of Kate not giving her daughter a drink of water at the Hollywood access interview. She didnt know the cameras were rolling. It made me sick to watch it. So much for her life being about what is best for the kids
I cannot imagine what raising all those kids can even be like and the stress of a divorce and being in the public eye where everything is aired in front of national T.V. Sometimes money ISN"T sad for the kids. Almost seems they have all lost their way?
They "chose" to exploit their family for money! and now whine about the paparazzi???????

Kay - I agree with every single thing you said and couldn't have said it better myself. I pray that they shut this down for the childrens well being. I stopped watching this show months ago when I saw the huge change.....

Another thing I have been pondering lately is that there should really be laws as to how many embryo's a doctor can implant at one time. IMO it seems as though people are trying to see how many kids they can have at one time risking the health of the mother and children.
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I hope so to but the reality is the ratings are up more then ever before. More people will tune in tonight and over the past couple of weeks with all the drama then before.

Sadly people like to watch trainwrecks and this family is sure a trainwreck right now
It's a show I've only watched a couple of times. From what I gather, it's probably going to be a happier life for the kids once they are "through" this time period because it cannot be healthy to live in a house with bickering or bristling parents. However, I think it's pretty cruddy that this "personal" business is airing on TV for all to see, and look at years from now if they choose. No one wants to watch their parents having conflicts but these kids are bound to be exposed to this now at any time like a slap in the face as they get older, etc.
I've already pulled the plug. All last season, I had an increasingly uncomfortable feeling that the show had turned into some kind of 'Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous', to the detriment of all involved--but I must admit, the marital issues had not really 'dawned' on me....I actually tivoed the opening episode of this season, but never watched it, and deleted it.

Kay put it VERY well...and YES, the show should end NOW. Don't try to tell me this isn't now, and won't be, affecting those darling children. Look at how kind and supportive family and friends have sad is THAT, too???

Out of a kind of 'sick' fascination, I watched a show on the TV Guide network yesterday PM (turned out not to really be very enlightening...)about whether it was 'too late', but one TELLING quote from their early times was Kate saying that John was happy with the first two(the twins), but that Kate just 'had to' go for a third even then, she was domineering, and he was not standing up to her--recipe for disaster!

Lisa's right about the public today liking to watch a me, that's about the saddest thing of all--that people find other people's ongoing bad behavior, ENTERTAINING...

Another thing I have been pondering lately is that there should really be laws as to how many embryo's a doctor can implant at one time. IMO it seems as though people are trying to see how many kids they can have at one time risking the health of the mother and children.
I don't disagree. Not one bit. I think the stupidity of allowing a super multiple pregnancy to go forward only starts AFTER the babies are born.

But it's a really, really thorny, miserable issue.

I feel for the doc who implanted OctoMom, because if he had declined to do so, she could have trumped him up on ethics charges. Now he's facing ethics inquires anyway. Loose loose for him.

The reason docs put in a bunch of embryos is because most don't implant, so they put in a bunch to increase the chances of success with each round. Normally you get 1-2 implants out of 6-8 inserted.

When multiples implant, doctors almost always encourage the mother to "pinch/reduce/abort" (just like we do with mares) the least viable embryos. They cannot compel the mother to do this. I think everyone can pin the tail on the donkey as to why mothers would refuse to terminate pregnancies.

Reduce the number of embryos each attempt, success rates per attempt will plummet and costs will skyrocket. You'll have upper-middle-class-would-be parents (read: voters) screaming about how parenthood has been reserved for the very wealthy.

You cannot compel selective reduction without the civil liberty people AND the right to life people banging on the gates.

You cannot tell people how many children they are authorized to have without the civil liberties AND right to life people picking up pitchforks.

I think it's something lawmakers are going to HAVE to look at, but it's a true loose-loose since you're running right at the heart of people.
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On a different note:

I feel there is such complete garbage on TV no a days. Call me old fashioned or just a mush, but there are no more Lassie's and Supermans', Donna Reeds or Leave It To Beavers. Dang you have to have cable to find reruns of Everyone Loves Raymond! So here for once is a family oriented show that was so cute and delightful and such a breath of fresh air. I so looked foreward to watching it each week for a giggle and a good wind down. There would be Kate all frazzled in her ugly sweater, hardly if no make up if any, running like a chicken without her head trying to get food on the table and hands and faces washed up for dinner, and no throwing food, and boy I could so relate.

I got so very attached to this wonderful family! Heck I was even there and watched them get potty trained!!!!!!

Then it slowly turned into something else before my eyes all engineered by Kate. No more nature walks in the forest or hay rides to see the animals. Now it was big fancy dancy extreme vacations, Kate turned into a glamour girl and her bossyness turned into just pure D hatefulness of....... of all people........the man she vowed to love and RESPECT. She turned on him like a snake more and more. Her "correcting" and constant belittleing of him evolved into her becoming a drill sargent. And after enough of being treated like that, Jon ran amuck and went down the happy trail and got caught.

So once again, so much for wholesome family viewing. This is one reason I don't watch a lot of TV anymore. I am so fed up with trash TV.

I've moved over to 18 Kids and Counting and I'll just betcha that mom on there isn't getting any professional tummy tucks and her old sweaters will continue to suit her just fine.
I guess if you "pimp" out your kids for a reality show, you must have a screw loose somewhere. Kate reminds me of Carilla DeVille from "101 Dalmations". Wonder what it will be like for the kids when the cameras stop and they have to live like a normal family? What will Kate do? What bar will Jon be seen in and with who? At this point:


Remember when Dean Martin had a variety show and sang "Thanks for the memories" (dating myself, at least I think he sang that)
Well in fairness I do understand wanting to do this show at first when they were babies, they had huge expenses and can you even imagine the cost of college when they are all ready?!

So I can see how it went from a necessity and a easy harmless way to make some money for their future however Kate quickly turned that into I want more, I need to be more famous this show is really about me and not my children. I do not think it started out as "pimping" the kids but greed and ego took over (sadly that happens in so many things from celebs to horse shows
I remember when I was in for In-Vitro, trying to have Molly. We had three weeks of "Therapy" about what CAN happen, what to do with Multiples ( reduce), What to do with the extra Embryos, etc......AND the doctor told me, point blank, that they would ONLY put in 4 embryos. The rest would be frozen for future use, or donation or whatever. That was 15 years ago too. I guess things have changed.

I also remember there was a group of us doing it at the same time so we all sort of knew each other and were on the same schedule. We all went up for the ultrasound to find out how many we had that implanted. (We already knew we were preggers.) Everyone was in one big room and we went in an exam room for the U-Sound.......I could tell as couples came out what they had for numbers...........BY the looks on the men's faces...............

LUCKILY we only had one ( I had three second term miscarriages before Molly, with twins each time, so I was thrilled!)

I think that the couple started the show just to make ends meet in the beginning, but it has grown out of control...I also remember, early on, that she was a real BITCH to him, and wicked controlling with the children. I am MOTHER OF THE YEAR compared to her!

They seem to have plenty of cash now, but that will run out real fast if they keep up with all this motorcycle buying and HUGE homes and vacations.....

Are we SURE they're divorcing?'s Cruella deVille...believe me with a name like DRUCILLA, I know!
Fellow reality show fans -- don't forget Big Brother 11 starts on July 9!!! Just a few more weeks... and I can't wait!!!
I remember when I was in for In-Vitro, trying to have Molly. We had three weeks of "Therapy" about what CAN happen, what to do with Multiples ( reduce), What to do with the extra Embryos, etc......AND the doctor told me, point blank, that they would ONLY put in 4 embryos. The rest would be frozen for future use, or donation or whatever. That was 15 years ago too. I guess things have changed.I also remember there was a group of us doing it at the same time so we all sort of knew each other and were on the same schedule. We all went up for the ultrasound to find out how many we had that implanted. (We already knew we were preggers.) Everyone was in one big room and we went in an exam room for the U-Sound.......I could tell as couples came out what they had for numbers...........BY the looks on the men's faces...............

LUCKILY we only had one ( I had three second term miscarriages before Molly, with twins each time, so I was thrilled!)

I think that the couple started the show just to make ends meet in the beginning, but it has grown out of control...I also remember, early on, that she was a real BITCH to him, and wicked controlling with the children. I am MOTHER OF THE YEAR compared to her!

They seem to have plenty of cash now, but that will run out real fast if they keep up with all this motorcycle buying and HUGE homes and vacations.....

Are we SURE they're divorcing?'s Cruella deVille...believe me with a name like DRUCILLA, I know!

I went through invitro several times and yes, they only implanted 4 embryos at our clinic as well........They were also beginning a new process of implanting just ONE embryo by doing it completely natural -- without the cycle controlling drugs. Larry and I were one of the couples who they were using for their experimenting because my monthly cycles were so exact, my uterus was "A1", I was making very healthy eggs, and Larry was very fertile.........The only "flaw" was that my tubes were damaged. (Surgery had not been successful in repairing them.)

That was all 20 years ago, so I don't know if the medical profession has pursued the "single egg transfer" they were toying with at that time.

I don't begrudge them doing the show early on while the kids were tiny......but I agree with's gone on too long and has gotten out of hand. Now it just comes across as GREED and all this publicity can't be good for the kids.
Just wanted to point out that many of you are assuming that Kate had IVF (In-Vitro Fertilization) done. She has stated numerous times that with her PCOS (Polycystic Ovary Syndrome) that she was on fertility drugs to make her ovulate and that the children were conceived using IUI (Inter-Uterine Insemination) not IVF.

That being said, I have been watching the show. It's sad to see that the kids are being exploited like they have been. I will be shutting the show off tonight after the "big announcement".
I feel there is such complete garbage on TV no a days. Call me old fashioned or just a mush, but there are no more Lassie's and Supermans', Donna Reeds or Leave It To Beavers. Dang you have to have cable to find reruns of Everyone Loves Raymond!
I couldn't agree with this more! In the late 80's, I fell in love with a mini-series called "Anne of Green Gables" (which then led to "Anne of Avonlea", "Anne of Green Gables; the continuing years" and the soon to be released "Anne of Green Gables; A New Beginning"). A spin-off of that show was another series that lasted for 7 years, called "Road to Avonlea". I'm sure they are more popular in Canada, then here in the US.

I recently bought the "Road to Avonlea" series, which was rather expensive and my husband was not really happy about it. But I kept insisting that he would enjoy the show. We watched the show religiously for about 3 weeks, and by the time we were done, my husband said that he was really sad it was over. He, being a 32 year old man, said that it was the most wholesome, loving show he had ever seen.

It saddens me to know that kids now-days will never know what good valued entertainment is. Most will never be lucky enough to watch shows that set good examples, morals, and good ol' clean fun.
I love the old Little House on the Prairie episodes, I wish they could come out with a show like that again. Wholesome and just "right".

I have not been watching the Jon and Kate at all, and after hearing about it glad I did not get involved.
Jill remind me when it gets closer please!

Marty I agree with you I watch TV land a lot I love the I love lucy reruns

I must admit I did watch the show for a few minutes tonight but I just can not stomach her playing the victim any longer.

She is great at the blame game except when it comes at looking at herself. I am off to watch something better like Charm School LOL
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I read on the computer (msnbc news)today that TLC has asked for three more episodes, then 'will see where the show is going' or words to that effect...I can't imagine it going on; the portions of episodes I've seen fairly recently(from late last season), and the 'trailers' on TLC, as for Kate's birthday, and the one where the chopper guys came, and even the one with Steve Thomas, formerly of "This Old House" on PBS, all seemed very 'staged' and everyone seemed uneasy(around Kate, the 'beast', mostly!)...I can't imagine very many would find stuff like that entertaining.

Great comments on the 'Anne of Green Gables' stories! My daughter always LOVED those books; so much so that last year at this time, she traveled to Prince Edward Island for her vacation, all the way from Santa Fe!...stayed a week, during the 'anniversary year of the book, I *think*--and purely loved every second! Those kind of stories were the real GOLD of television, and I believe that MANY long for the return of such a 'kinder and gentler' kind of entertainment! (Hey, I remember listening to Saturday morning RADIO for children--BEFORE there was television...and it was GREAT--and full of good family values!)

How utterly sad this all is for the Gosselin's hoping the parents have at least ALREADY set aside for their 'raising' and education, so they can go into the world as productive, and hopefully, normal and happy, citizens!

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OK I just saw the episode that aired tonite and I must admit I found myself blubbering over the sadness.


Clearly, Kate doesn't want the divorce but says Jon will not even speak to her to discuss it. She says she doesn't want to "do this alone"......well hello? Of course not Kate, you won't have Jon your whipping boy to order around anymore. Apparently, my take on this is that friends and family of Jon have given him a good talking to and now he has finally grown some go-nads and stood up to the dragon lady. I got the impression that Jon has a good support group and he will find his way in time.

I almost feel sorry for Kate, but in a pathetic sort of way. I think she has had one heck of a reality check now that her sky has come tumbling down. She actually almost seemed humble for just a little tiny bit too. She does seem to me to want to play the "poor me" pity card and at times I felt her sincerity was not real. I don't remember her saying that any of this was her fault.

Kate may have 8 cutie pie little kids to play with but

goes to show ya......It still can get lonely at the top!

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