Joint Illness in foals(pray for our 2007 filly)

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I've never heard of surgery for joint ill either- very strange, I think.

I have only ever had this in a kitten and she did just fine on a/b's and manipulation.

Are you sure this is what is wrong with your foal??

Hope she gets better whatever it is.
Good Morning,

The reason the vet had to go ahead and do surgery(flush the joints), because Star couldn't stand to nurse or nothing. One night she was running and playing and next day she is limping and not nursing.The vet said we caught it early, so maybe she will make a great recovery.We spoke to the vet this morning. Star is walking better this morning. :aktion033: The vet said she is doing fine right now. He is giving her meds through IV. Star surgery was to flush the joint for the joint illness. The vet said if she keeps doing fine, she might get to come home this week.The vet wants to much she is is doing well,before she comes home.She will have to have meds by mouth when she comes home. We have to do day by day to see how she is doing. She is so young. I am worried about all the meds on sure a young foal. Thanks for all your prayers.

please keep praying she will need it. The vet said she is still not out of the woods.The vet said alot of foals like her do great, but there are some cases the foals don't do well.

where do i get the yogurt for star and how much?

We don't have a clue on how much this will cost,but we are trying to safe our filly Star.

God bless you all for your prayers.
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I'm not sure why the vet thinks the filly needs to be hospitalized and do medicine via IV. That seems like it is racking up the expenses... ??? The vet came out and treated mine at the farm and I did all the follow up care with the foal myself and he did just fine in the end. My foal was the same- fine one day and sick and limping badly the next, with a fever.

When you go to the grocery store for yogurt, check the labels to make SURE it has the live bacteria in it. Many of them don't now- which is silly because that is the whole point of yogurt. I know one brand of plain yogurt has it in it- it will say on the label that it has it. If it doesn't, then check another.

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