In Love with Mini Jack...but

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Jun 29, 2009
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Nassau County Fl

We are new to this forum. We recently fell in love with a Mini Jack. He is 15 months old and sweet as pie. We are consider purchasing him but have lots of questions. First and foremost. Our plan would be to have him pastured with our Mini Zebu Cattle (1 bull 2 heifers all 12 months old) We have read that Donkeys need a companion but that they dont ususally bond with cattle...... Grrrrrrrrrrr we dont want 2 donkeys. So if he doesn't bond with the cattle will he be lonely and stressed out and breighing all night long? Also how agressive can these little beggers really get if there is no Jennet around? Would he be a danger to newborn Zebu in the future? Will he intimidate the bull? He is awfully cute, very small and per report very mello.

Welcome to the forum. donkey....right!!! It's hard not to fall head over heels and have more than one. I'm the exception to the rule just because Kilroy doesn't want another donkey around.

If you have no intention of ever breeding him.....GELD HIM! It would be better for him, safer for you and everyone else involved. Kilroy was raised with horses from a yearling so he doesn't care much for other donkeys. That and the fact he is the king of the roost around here.

They do normally like to be around their own kind but can adapt to what they need to.
I agree with Mini Mule, geld him, and he will be even nicer, and then you wont have to worry about hormones.

You could probably try some goats like a pymy, also, who knows, he could very well bond with the cattle you never know until you try.

Best of luck.

Like Shawna said...YEAH RIGHT , one donkey! There addicting, you cant own just one.

Definitely geld him, since your not planning on breeding. Some jacks can get very nasty and mean. A donkey does like to be with there own kind, and you will see a world of differance between a lone donkey and a donkey who has a "donkey companion". Just a all around better donkey and a much happier donkey. Is there any way you could section a piece of your pasture he would have his own little area, that would be your safest bet if you are adament about keeping him a jack. We have beef cows and I would not trust our jack in with our calves, but I would our gelding.


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