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Karen S

Well-Known Member
Dec 10, 2002
Reaction score
Good Day to All:

I would like to bring to everyone's attention a problem regarding registering for shows and Gelding Certificates.

Please be aware, ifyou have a stallion gelded and are sending in a Gelding Certificate to the Registry you must follow the following rule from our general rules in the ASPC/AMHR Rulebook:

Part 3 General 38 #I

A Gelding Certificate must be completed and turned in with the registration application when registering an animal as a gelding. GELDING status MUST be on the ASPC/AMHR REGISTRATION PAPER for the animal to BE SHOWN in a gelding class.

What this means: if you geld your stallion, you must submit your paperwork to the Registry along with all of the proper pictures (new requirement to register animals and update paperwork) and have the Registry UPDATE that horses papers. Please DO NOT send in your paperwork (copy of Registration and copy of the Gelding Certificate) to a show and expect to show that animal in a gelding class. The rule is pretty clear and please don't get angry or upset with Show manaagement if your bring and animal and expect to show. Shows cannot accept that animal until his Registration papers are clear that he is a gelding.

We are seeing applications recently turned into some of the shows here in Area V. Please be mindful of our Registry rules and follow proper procedures. Thank you.

Karen Shaw

Show Committee Member

ASPC/AMHR Club of N. Texas
So if you geld a colt/stallion you have to send in pictures with the gelding certificate and the registration certificate ?? I think AMHR needs to rethink some of the picture requirements.
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I think they need to rethink the rule about gelding having to show up on the papers in order to show, particularly now that it's taking 2 months to get papers returned. I have a colt here I really wanted to show in early June--we tried to geld him once & the vet botched the job, so now have to haul him to a different vet to finish up. Have an appointment for next week--which previously would have given us plenty of time to get his papers changed. Now there is no chance at all. So, he now has to stay home from the June show--or, I could postpone his gelding & show him as a stallion
: which isn't my intention.

I also believe the AMHR fee for changing stallion to gelding should be dropped--help to promote gelding, and make it FREE.
Wow, the work involved with keeping paperwork uptodate has just gotten enormous. I was planning to have a gelding party (half dozen or more) this spring, but that now means I have to clean them up, get decent poictures so I can send in their papers for notation of new gelding status. Makes me want to rethink my situation. I still don't have all my pictures done for horses who should have gone permanent the end of last year. It's hard to get picture-taking chores done when you're by yourself and also in the winter. :new_shocked: I know, I proscrastinate--it's really something I don't like to do.

We just had a gelding party, I guess this weekend will be picture time.
playing devils advocate here..

I can remember many times it was discussed that AMHR should take steps to become a real registration and put pics on papers- some went as far as to say they would never use or believe in AMHR papers until at least that step was taken..

Seems to me the fastest way to get pictures on as many papers as possible not just new foals born this year is to require pictures on every transaction

As has been said on many other registry threads.. cant please everyone
I think a good rule of thumb so people don't run into snags is just that ANYTIME you have to send a registration into AMHR, you also need to send pictures.
It just depends on how badly you want to show the horse you have gelded. We had one, that is registered AMHR, gelded last Wednesday (March 28th). We are wanting to show him at the end of April, so I decided to go ahead and pay the rush fees to get the papers back. I got the registration back yesterday. I never dreamed it would be that quick.
I think adding the pictures on all paper work is a very good thing and am more than happy they have done this. Coming from THE worst paper person there is,,,,,that is saying a lot.

There are always going to be things that come up, and if AMHR made exceptions in the rules for ALL of those things,,,,,,the rule book would be so long we'd be reading it all year long and getting nothing else done.

Use the rush fee if need be, I have before, but to get your moneys worth, use the maximum allowed paperwork for the same rush fee.

Thanks Karen for the update/reminder.

I would like to throw in a tid bit about the pictures.. The only reason we are requiring pictures on all paperwork at this time is to get ALL PAPERS with pictures . Ok example

If you reg. a weanling colt this month ! Then in July you geld him , You DO NOT have to send in Pictures as he already has pictures on his papers, After your papers have pictures on them, the only time you will need to send in pictures is like Temp to Perm if you want to update foal picture to adult picture. This is how it was understood in the spring board meeting when we discussed the pictures , and how it was again just told to me by the office..

As you know this just went into effect this year , so there are THOUSANDS of papers out there without pictures , so this is the only way to get them current is to require when ANYTHING IS DONE TO THE PAPERS THAT DO NOT CONTAIN PICTURES IS TO SEND PICTURES WITH THE PAPERS.

ASPC /AMHR is really not trying to be hard nosed they are just trying to get all papers to look the same , and as hard as they try there will still for years be papers out there without pictures..

Hope this clears up some questions, and OH the office is Caught up on Paper work at this time ..
and OH the office is Caught up on Paper work at this time ..
: I can vouch for that, I sent in new registration papers on two of my babies from this year last week and I received a call with a question on one of them yesterday. They were already working on my papers. I should get them next week in the mail. Pretty good turn around right now.
Thanks, Belinda. That makes sense. Now get it in gear, Rita. :eek:

I personally like the new papers and yes it is a pain to have to take pictures for them sometimes as it seems they are always furry, dirty, ungroomed or something of that nature when you need the pictures. But with a little forthought we can overcome these in the future.

The next time you have your horse cleaned up take some pictures of your horses and keep them in their file for future registration purpose. As long as the pictures aren't ancient at time needed they will suffice. If you have a 2 yr old that you will have to send pics in this coming winter, take them in the summer. If you have a horse you are selling, take the registration pictures the same day you take the sale pictures. I am sure the buyer would appreciate that small effort on your part.

Like Belinda said, once a picture is on file with the registry, in other words, if you have a registration with pictures on it already, then you will not have to do it until they go permanent. It will just take some diligence on our part until all the papers are the new style.

Back to the original resaon for the post, sometimes we just have to pay the rush fee. This is not a new rule.
For whatever it is worth, I have ALWAYS had great service from AMHR regarding my paperwork. Many or not most times, I do pay the rush fee just so I can get it back fast and write it off my to do list as "done" but I get it back so fast always. I've been pleased over the years with the prompt return and correct work.
Thank you for the reminder, Karen.

I am glad the Registry is using the photos, since there is no DNA or microchipping required like some breeds of horse, it's a step in the right direction. Yes, it IS a pain, and paperwork IS expensive, but since we like to have registered animals to increase their value, it's worth it!

I talked to Nancy G in the Registration Office this week, she got my papers and pictures in, they are working a lot faster lately so I can vouch for them being more caught up lately.

I think adding the pictures to registration papers is a good thing. Even thou right now I've had to delay sending in papers because one I need to do is a big fuzzy cream bloob and you can't see his color or markings. As to having to resend in pictures when you geld that's getting a bit extreme. With the exception of horses who as of yet have not/or do not have pictures added to their papers. What kind of shot do they want? One of them laying on the ground with their leg in the air and the vet holding neuticals like a trophy to prove it was done to that horse? Sorry, the smart arse bug bit me :D