I missed the Dwarf discussion entirely

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Well-Known Member
Nov 15, 2007
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She is 6 days old here. Straight legs, back looks right. Super eyes. She just has an underbite. Does that scream dwarf to anyone? I'm just not sure what to make of her. Hoping theres gonna be two pics here...


It can be tough to tell on new foals. I would say your foal has some characteristics but I'm unsure if she's a full blown dwarf.

Unfortunately I think this sweet baby is a dwarf, time will only tell. With her characteristics I feel this suits her..

She is adorable however.. The plus is her legs look fairly sound, so I would expect her - dwarf or not to live a fulfilled life..


A beautiful, sweet baby with excellent coloring.... Adorable..
I do not know if she is a dwarf but I think she is gorgeous
[SIZE=14pt]I Have to agree with Michelle (Boss Mare), your little girl sure looks like a little dwarf! But time will tell! Her off bite and little short neck tells me she's a dwarf! But, she's as cute as they come!

I have had many years of experince with these wee-ones and I'm the proud Popa of the "Brat Pack", 6 wonderful little dwarf's! 5 adopted and 1 born on our farm!

Judging from those photos only, (she could look totally different when clipped out) I would have to say that yes, she is a dwarf. She has a VERY short neck, undershot jaw, and appears quite heavy boned, but that said, she is sooooooooo adorable!!!
I don't know much about dwarfs, but when I first saw her photo, she looked like photos of other dwarfs I've seen. Her forhead is what does it for me. But her legs looks good and she looks like she has a better chance than some.

Congrats! She is a sweetie! Scoop her up for a big hug in a second!
I hate to say this but she has many of the characteristics of a dwarf. The underbite would be one, she has no neck at all, her body looks dwarfish too. The legs are straight, but many times as they get older, you will find the legs start to go off. Can she trot, lifting her legs and using her knees, or does she kind of shuffle without using her knees much.

Sometimes they are called minimal dwarfs, but I can see three signs just looking at her picture.

She is a cutie though.
She certainly looks like one to me.

Her smooshy little nose is more an indicator than anything else. If she only had the underbite, it wouldn't be my feeling that she was, but her overall build makes me think so.

I am guessing she will not get a lot bigger, and only get thicker looking. That seems to be a trend with that type of dwarf. Again, as previously stated, she will probably have a very good life with her minimal symptoms.

This is just my uneducated opinion, so I could very well be wrong. I'd love to see how she develops, if you would consider sharing.

Good luck!

She is adorable and looks to be very healthy.I have had more than my share of dwarf foals.But I am sorry to say I see many signs of dwarfism-very short neck, underbite, very stocky, very short legs.She will probably look more dwarfy as she matures. I bet she is a real sweethart just looking at her in the photos.
I would like to hear John Eberth's opinion about her.

I had seen foals born early in the year with such long hair like she has that it can be really deceiving as to how fine boned or not they are under all that hair. And VERY fuzzy little foals in my experience, can also "appear" to have no neck and then they have a nice neck when they are clipped.

In any case, she is so cute! :)

Susan O.
Darling filly who does look to have dwarf characteristics - hard to be sure at this tender age and with lots of hair, but I'd agree that as she matures you will be able to tell. We had a colt a few years ago who also had minimal signs as a baby but the unusual thing about him - to me at least - was that he was nearly twice as heavy as most of our foals. No larger or taller, just extremely heavy bone.

She is adorable and as others have said, time will give more answers. She does look like a dwarf though to me.
She certainly looks like one to me.

Her smooshy little nose is more an indicator than anything else. If she only had the underbite, it wouldn't be my feeling that she was, but her overall build makes me think so.

I am guessing she will not get a lot bigger, and only get thicker looking. That seems to be a trend with that type of dwarf. Again, as previously stated, she will probably have a very good life with her minimal symptoms.

This is just my uneducated opinion, so I could very well be wrong. I'd love to see how she develops, if you would consider sharing.

Good luck!


I agree with this completely. Even to the point of it being my uneducated opinion that could be wrong.

She IS very cute, though.
I will continue to update as she matures and develops. She really is a sweety pie! She has no trouble moving around. Actually she has SUPER leg action and just flies around with her mother. No shuffling walk at all. Her trot is beautiful to watch. I'd like to have her NOT be a dwarf, but no matter what she is she is precious and so very sweet.

Wish us luck!

I fully agree with Bill and others that have already posted. One of my adopted dwarfs actually had much less dwarf looking features than your precious baby and mine is a full blown dwarf who can zoom and kick up her heels with the best of them. Kiss that sweet little nose for me and hug that beautiful baby.