I found a baby bird- just hatched

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Well-Known Member
Aug 18, 2003
Reaction score
Catlett, Virginia
I found a baby hatchling yesterday morning.

It is about the sice of the tip of a finger, pink,

no feathers. I found "Peepers" on the hot pavement

at my barn. I looked ALL OVER for a nest... NOTHING!

So I started feeding it mashed dog food. It is still

alive this morning, eating and pooping!

I am amazed. Any advice would be great!!!


Hey Sandy- Years ago I found a mama opossum that had been hit by a car. There was one little baby that survived I called the Manassas Humane Society(I was on the way to work) and met them at their facility off of Liberia Ave. 703-361-2812 They have contacts with a rescue facility(at least they did back then). Maybe give them a call. They were really nice.

or I found this site


Maybe they can help too.

Good luck. I hope the little one makes it.

Call your local humane society. They may have a name of a bird specialist for you to call.

Good luck.

Thank you for your help.

Sadly, Peepers didn't make it.

He really tried so hard.

I just hate finding baby ANYTHING ....

It just stresses me out so bad.... I feel so helpless..

I did call and find a rehabilitator this morning, but it was

too late.

So sorry to hear that your little one didn't make it. We had a rather large baby mocking bird fall from our tree a month or so ago. He had most of his feathers, and was probably close to flying age. We took him inside for a day and tried to feed him, but after he refused, we decided the best thing would be to try to put him back into the tree. We watched as he jumped his way back up to where ever he was going. We felt really good about it, but the next morning he was dead on the grass. Poor little guy.

When they are so young, it is really hard to keep them alive. I fear that the fall alone causes internal bleeding because even if they live a few days, it seems as if it isn't good enough and they always die. Out of all the years of finding hatchlings, I think the longest any have lived is 4 days (we had 4 fall out of the tree one time and they died one by one). We have been able to turn 3 birds free, two of which was able to fly within a day or two, and one was an adult that had a hurt wing. Mr Birdy lived with us for nearly 2 months, then one day we felt he might be able to fly and he did. It was the best experience, knowing that had we not taken him in, a cat most likely would have found him.

I find that the best thing to do, is to make them comfortable. We take them in, put them in a box with a towell and cover them loosely. Put a heater near the box for warmth, and we feed them every couple of hours (usually watered down bread). Then it is just a waiting game to see how long they live. Please don't feel guilty, like I said, they are so very fragile and I think that the fall alone must do something really badly to them. I wish we had a bird shelter around here! It would sure save on the heartache. Take care.
I'm glad KanoasDestiny posted what she said. You did much more than many people would have done.

We've found out the hard way, that when the little fledglings fall from their nest and they don't have any fluff or feathers yet, it's HIGHLY unlikely they will survive.

Last year, we had a playmate of our daughter's literally take a NEST down from the reeds in our pond of Red-winged blackbird babies! I was LIVID!!!! (I have since learned that I could have tried to re-attach the nest to the reeds and the parents would have returned.)

There were four little red-winged blackbird babies with baby fuzz on them. We hand fed them for two days and one died. The rest we turned over to a wildlife specialist.......Out of the three we turned over, only one survived to be set free.......

It was a hard lesson learned........


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