I could use your prayers....I'm scared.

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You certainly have my prayers and good thoughts. As a 10 yr survivor of cancer I do know how you are feeling. EMGs are not pleasant but not that bad. Have had 3. 6 yrs ago, thanks to a reckless 18 wheeler, I went from a very active person to being permanently handicapped and most everything I enjoyed doing were taken from me. Just keep telling yourself "I will not let these things take me down." Take things one day at a time. Give yourself things to look forward to. For me its the theatre and cruises. Hang in there. We are all here for you.
I hope you are okay, and sending all the good wishes I can your way.

Just to let you know, I have two big lumps like that down in my lower back. I went through all that testing with the same feeling of scaredness.

It turned out they are lipoma or fatty tumors. Lovely. At any rate, they are benign and just little weirdnesses that my body made.

I hope your diagnosis is that good.
Keeping you in my prayers! I wish you all the best with your tests.

Take care and God Bless...