Husband's novel picked up by NY publisher!

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Dorrie & Frank

Well-Known Member
Oct 31, 2003
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near Houston TX
I am so excited! I've been the publisher for my husband Larry's novel, So Help Me God. Last June at Book Expo in New York we had a movie producer take us under contract and we've been working on the screen play. Early in April we went on the Authors at Sea Cruise at the invitation of the sponsor, Levy Books. Larry was a speaker. We marketed it heavily and sold out all of the books Levy bought for the cruise. We were the only ones. They were thrilled and decided that they want to distribute the book. They distribute to Wal*Mart, Target, K-Mart, etc. but they could only work with a major publisher. We just entered a contract with Tor/Forge - one of the NY publishers Levy works with. They also introduced us to the distributor to Anderson News and Hudson books - they have the airports, gift shops etc. It will come out through them in Summer of 2007 as a mass paper back - we have been marketing the hard cover and trade paper so they didn't want to pick those up. We'll continue to market those ourselves until just before the paperback comes out. They also have an option on his seond book - it's about 1/2 done and is a novel showing the problems with our insanity defense in this country. I'm going to keep publishing through Live Oak Productions - I have five authors workign on re-writes of novels that I beieve I can get placed in NY . It's been pretty exciting!
Wow, that IS exciting news, indeed.


I will be on the lookout for it.

Liz M.
Holy Mackeral that is exciting. I like the part about getting to meet all kinds of people and going places the best. Fun! Fun! Fun! That is such a hard business to get a break in and you guys did it!~ YAY!!!! Doing the happy dance for you. :488:

I'd ask you to give them my phone number Vicki, but I haven't a thing to wear..........
Wow !! Fantastic!!! :aktion033:

I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE courtroom drama.......

CONGRADULATIONS :aktion033: :aktion033: :aktion033:

Good Luck, wishing yous the best
: :saludando:
Wow, congratulations, that is so very exciting, I bet you guys are just beside yourselves!!!

How awesome!! Sounds like my kind of book too, can't wait to read it! :bgrin
OMG Guys! :new_shocked: You are on your way!!!!! :aktion033: :new_multi:

Super Congrats!!!!

[SIZE=14pt]Woo hoo!!! Go LArry!!! Now just stick a trailer of Esthers book at the end of the movie.... lol I have only sold 20 of them so far![/SIZE]

:aktion033: WOOHOO!!! CONGRATULATIONS are in order! I bought Larry's book and I really liked it!! I remember thinking while I was reading it, what a great movie it would make!!
That is very exciting! And you must be so proud of your husband!!! Congratulations!
How exciting!! Congrats to you both.
: I'll get a copy for hubby, he likes that kind of story.

I know how hard it is to get your foot in the door.

I had 37 declines before I self published. One publisher said every woman who is a mother will want to read the book, but he had so many books on the list to do, he couldn't add it. He suggested I self-publish. I'm glad we did--paid for itself in one year. But, I always think what if....
We were rejected by all the big publishers so we developed our own small press to publish it. We launched our own marketing campaign and that opened the door to the movie deal and then to the invitation by Levy books to go on the cruise and that opened the door to the pub deal. I have five authors I am working with right now and have another three manuscripts that I are stacked up waiting for me to review them. If you want to send me what you've done I can help you see where it needs editing to make it marketable. There is a big difference between a well written story and a commercially viable story. Don't ever give up though!
That's great! I am looking for a publisher my self. My book is a fantasy fiction one though. Getting recognized is very hard. I wish you guys the BEST!!!