Hey, everyone! I did it! (remembered my username and password on the first try...it's been a while..LOL) I'm Christy, Nell's new mommy. She's doing great and I'm so happy to have her! She's used to being handled now, she got her spring bath and clip job and was happy to get them (and cooperative..WOW! LOL) She's real good about having her feet done now, too, tho it's been a bear trying to keep her shoe on, we've been wandering around in waders here for months. I finally gave up on the shoe and just started putting the glue on her foot to try and straighten it. Not much luck with it, the joint is pretty much fused, but it doesn't bother her in the least and she can RUN! And like Ginny said, she likes to play with the dogs, who have learned to stay out of reach, she can kick, bite and paw and they know it! LOL She's a friendly, curious girl, always into everything. We're in the process of building a new little barn for my little girls, quite a chore when she's underfoot and into everything. She turned on my cordless phone, God only knows where she called..LOL...my bill could be interesting! Yesterday she ate my carpenters pencil and hid my hammer..lol She loves to scratch her back on the end of my picnic table. We moved it yesterday cos her and Peanut had the grass killed around it. I came home today and she had turned the table around sideways, I believe she's grown, cos she has to duck a little to get under the end and she lifts it up into the air!
I don't have a clue how to post pictures here (good thing..I'd flood you! lol) Maybe Ginny will be so kind as to post a few for you if I send them to her.
Oh, I got to go to Ginny's place and see all her little horses (and llama) last sunday! She's been here 3-4 times, but that was the first time I'd been to her place. Lovely friendly little horses she has! And her little dwarf Honey is my Peanut's twin! They look so much alike it's unreal! LOL