With all the hoopla over questions and suggestions of a health related nature I hate to ask, but I’m at my wits end in trying to figure this out.
It all began about six weeks ago. I have three mini geldings and noticed that one of them, Hay Dude would have a bit of diarrhea every few days. He was eating and drinking normally. His temperature was normal. So I thought it was probably diet related, I checked over the area where they graze to see if he was eating anything that could be making him sick and found nothing. I checked the hay and grain carefully. It all looked fine. So I decided to take him off pasture to see if it would solve the problem. I was elated because for about a week there was no diarrhea. Then it started again. I called the vet who found his temperature, heart rate and respiration all to be normal. Even though all three minis are on daily wormer as well as having been wormed in July, the vet did a fecal test which indicated no worms. Just to be sure they had me worm him again with Safeguard. The vet also had me put him on probiotics. The intermittent diarrhea continued. I took him off everything except his grass hay. The diarrhea not only continued it became more frequent. I had the vet recheck him. Heart rate, respiration and temperature are all still normal. I had blood tests done. Except for a slightly elevated potassium level, everything was normal. The vet said they have no clue as to what is wrong. So in addition to the probiotics, they said to give him ½ teaspoon of Metamucil once a day to see if it helps. It doesn’t. Now Dude has diarrhea on almost a daily basis. In the course of a day he will pass in any random order a range of poop from watery to cow patties to normal.
Has anyone here ever encountered a problem like this? Is there something I’m overlooking? Am I making too much a deal over poop?
I solemnly swear to hold no one responsible for my choosing to follow any suggestions or advice that I asked for in the first place.
It all began about six weeks ago. I have three mini geldings and noticed that one of them, Hay Dude would have a bit of diarrhea every few days. He was eating and drinking normally. His temperature was normal. So I thought it was probably diet related, I checked over the area where they graze to see if he was eating anything that could be making him sick and found nothing. I checked the hay and grain carefully. It all looked fine. So I decided to take him off pasture to see if it would solve the problem. I was elated because for about a week there was no diarrhea. Then it started again. I called the vet who found his temperature, heart rate and respiration all to be normal. Even though all three minis are on daily wormer as well as having been wormed in July, the vet did a fecal test which indicated no worms. Just to be sure they had me worm him again with Safeguard. The vet also had me put him on probiotics. The intermittent diarrhea continued. I took him off everything except his grass hay. The diarrhea not only continued it became more frequent. I had the vet recheck him. Heart rate, respiration and temperature are all still normal. I had blood tests done. Except for a slightly elevated potassium level, everything was normal. The vet said they have no clue as to what is wrong. So in addition to the probiotics, they said to give him ½ teaspoon of Metamucil once a day to see if it helps. It doesn’t. Now Dude has diarrhea on almost a daily basis. In the course of a day he will pass in any random order a range of poop from watery to cow patties to normal.
Has anyone here ever encountered a problem like this? Is there something I’m overlooking? Am I making too much a deal over poop?
I solemnly swear to hold no one responsible for my choosing to follow any suggestions or advice that I asked for in the first place.