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This is fun and I hope my person responds on here for I have no idea what she likes. I am not picky but I am on a resrticted diet so food isn't good. Do live in sweatshirts and T shirts with mini stuff on them.....like em big so X large. Would like anything that had "LeMar Miniatures" printed on it. Love the color teal for horses stuff. The new miniature horse stallion book sounds interesting and don't have that book. If I think of something else I will add it later but hope this helps knowing it is hard to buy for someone you don't know. Mary
Hi, I think any thing horse related would be fine with me also, i wear a 3x shirt, i have A & B size minis,

anything would be fine for them as well, i collect shot glasses from the different states also, anything

with a chihuahua on it is good also, as i have two of them. What ever it is, i am good to be excited, this

is the first year for me in the santa list....


This is so fun...I love anything horse or sheltie...my hubby and kids even look forward to the secret santa gift that comes...I still have the things from past secret Santas and have always loved what is sent
I prefer simple homemade gifts
: I also can always use candles, incense, windchimes (got some last year and love them :bgrin ) I love chow dogs and fantasy creatures...................there hope that helps
No name yet?

I never can keep secrets, so this is going to be hard for me

Books on Foaling, or driving single or team.

Bought or homemade breeding records.

Something to keep me warm for the winter ahead. / scarf, gloves, throw etc.

Holders or clips for show numbers

Mini Hobbles, tug stoppers for cart,

Hope this helps, You send it, I will love it.
Well Im grateful for whatever I get but do like something representing the state my Santa is from my Santa last year sent me a Christmas ornament representing NM thanks again Theresa for that and the lovely bag. I have gotten gifts I have loved every year but for some ideas, I c ollect reindeer mostly stuffed ones but all kinds really. I wear sweatshirts to the barn usually XL as I wear thermal underwear and a shirt under them. OUr farm name is Maine Pride Miniatures and our colors are Red,White, Black and silver. IF my Santa is an electrician what I really want is power to my barn but OH yes there is a limit. LOL I know I will love whatever anyone does for me.
Gosh.......this is hard!

I've only been back to the mid-west for a year so I'm sure I'll be freezing again this winter. Anything warm would be welcome.....size medium.

Anything Red, White & Blue. I'm very patriotic.

I love wind-chimes (thanks to whoever listed that). I like butterflies and swans. I collect Painted Ponies but I think they would all be over the $ limit. However, I don't have any of the ornaments.

I also liked one person's idea about sending your favorite recipe so I can try it out.

Basically I'm not terribly hard to please and anything, whether home-made or otherwise, will be much appreciated!
I'm so excited! This is my first time participating and I will honestly be thrilled with anything. BUT, I love Christmas decorations, especially ornaments. I try to pick one up whenever I go on vacation, so something special to your town or area would be great. I love to read--mystery, romance, thriller--anything! I love cookbooks and I love to bake. My size in shirts would be XL. And of course, anything horse related! I almost forgot
: anything to do with red wagons! Also, anything homemade would be treasured. Like I said, I will honestly be thrilled with anything.
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•Candy of any sort, I love it all!

•Smelly candles, lotion, body wash, that type of thing.

•Horse treats, horse related tshirts, mugs, ect.

•Anything homemade

•FOOD (I am a vegetarian though)

•Journals, little photo albums


•Gift certificate to Ozark or other miniature horse supply store
I got my name!!!!! :aktion033: :aktion033: :cheeky-smiley-006: Boy, dis is gonna be hard dis year!!!!!!!

As for me, I am pretty easy....chocolates, candies (I have a huge sweet tooth), horsie stuff (dressage, minis, that kinda thing), ummmmm, corgi stuff-but it's gotta be cardigan corgi, the one with the tail, candles, smelly stuff....hey, surprise me!!!! :bgrin

I love books! Horse books, mini books, dog books!

Also, I love chocolate!

And anything for a mini: halter, lead, bits, bridle bags

Well lthis is my first exchange and I am sooo excited !!! :aktion033:

I really don't care what I get, love stuff.

If we are looking at clothing I were a XXL.

My favorite color is blue or green.

No candy please as I am borderline diabetic. :no:

Anything mini is cool !!!

I have never shown before, planning on starting next summer.

I love to show off to the world how wonderful or little guys are !
WOW! Lots of people are signed up! YEAH!!! :aktion033:

Well halters are always nice, any size works around here!

Anything Mini Horse or Mini Donkey Related.

Sweatshirts or long-sleeved T's are nice, size Large(I like them big)

And as always I love surprises!!!
This is my first year for Secret Santa, I am sooooooooooooooo excited. As for ideas I will love anything,but some info about me. I love candles, love to read (mostly romance and most any mini books-we are new to driving), anything horsey would be great (we have 7 A minis, 1 B, and 4 quarter horses. We have the least stuff for the B size,he is the newest), I love to cook so I liked the idea of sending a recipe, shirt size would be XXXL, and farm colors are red and white, name is High Mountain Quarter Horses and Minis.

Again whatever I get will be SUPER. :aktion033: :saludando:
OMGosh this is fun!!! I sure hope MY PERSON posts here - well, when I know who my person is. I'm sure the name is coming!

I love anything "star" related. Like rusty looking metal ones that I could hang in the barn or as a decoration in the house. My farm colors are purple and black. I love candles!!! I like old wooden signs that I could hang in the barn or house. I have a lot of rooster stuff in my kitchen. My dogs love Greenies. I LOVE chocolate (milk)! Anything horse!!! Oh, anything will be fun!!!!! :aktion033:
the suspense is killing meeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!! lol. i haven't gotten my name yet, and it's driving me NUTS! :lol:
: :lol: i hope whoever it is posts here, cuz i'm clueless as far as gift giving goes!

well, as for me, i don't really have a preference, i'm not allergic to anything, i just like horsey stuff. my room is going to be cowboy/indian themed, so maybe something along that line? i LOVE indian stuff. i don't have that Blessed Are The Broodmares book yet....i have an increasing amount of Breyers, ummm.....i love natural horsemanship type training books, stufff like that....okay i'm no help am i? i love EVERYTHING!

i'll add more if i think of some, ...whatever suprise me! :bgrin
I'm not picky but if I'm hinting for something it would be, Angels, wind chimes anything horsey. I also collect hand made Christmas ornaments.

I have received some beautiful gifts from my forum family and look forward to this Christmas. I may not wait this year to open my present. LOL
: Yes I will!
This is so much fun. I have joined in this fun since the beginning and got great gifts. I like carousel horses, candles and anything horesey. Thanks Alice
Have my name and would love some ideas!!!

For me - horse related is always great.

I started on the Painted Pony ornaments last year (2005 ones), love books, chocolate (darker is better), collect the old Worlds/Journals, interesting Christmas ornaments, creative gifts. I'm really fairly open.