GT is down...

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Well-Known Member
Nov 30, 2002
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The vet should be here in a few minutes. Please pray for him?
Sending prayers from Parrish!! Good luck.

Everything crossed here and prayers said! I hope the vet can help your guy.
Thank you all so much! The vet just left, and I'm a little frazzled for the moment, so please forgive my intermittance of posting.

We had a new ferrier out yesterday, and GT was fine with him, but the way he was acting, I was puzzled as I didn't know if he was just having sore feet, or if he was actually in colic. Usually when I've seen any horse colic, they would always go down and roll. GT would go down, roll onto his back and just lay there with his feet up. So I was puzzled if it was his feet from his trimming yesterday, or if he was having a belly ache.

The vet checked his feet and said he was fine there, then listened to his heart and said he was beating a little faster which indicated some distress, but wasn't too too bad just yet. She listened to his gut and said there was some gut sounds but not to the extent she would have like to hear, and she felt he was actually in beginning stages of colic. So, she had a tube, that was actually small enough for him, and was able to give him some oil and then gave him a little shot of banamine. He was still wanting to lay down though after a few minutes, so she took some blood from him to take back to the clinic to see if he was also dehydrated. She said the cold spell we are having could have caused him to not want to drink enough which in turn could have him dehydrated which in turn might have caused an impaction in his gut. So, now I'm just waiting on her to call me back with the results of his blood test to see if he's dehydrated. She says if his is, then I will need to take him in so they can get some fluids into him. If his blood does turn out "ok" for hydration then I just need to keep an eye on him through the night and hoping the oil will help him pass something by morning.

I have him in the stall with his mom for now. She said it was ok for me to put his blankets back on him as the warmth will help him. I was worried about that as I didn't know if the belly straps on his blanket would cause him more distress. She said he should be ok with the blankets, and they would actually help in keeping him warm. So, for now though, I'm just waiting on her call now for his blood test.

I will post again as soon as I know more. Thank you so much for your prayerful support. Ya'll he had me so scared. When he rolled onto his back and his little eyes just went up into his head my heart went straight to my throat as I thought he had given up just that quick. His little belly is just hurting him for now. I'm so grateful for your prayers over him.

Warmest always,

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