Well guys it WAS a great idea. I've checked into the cost of printing up the calendar and for now it is way too much for CMHR to take on. I initallty wanted just 250 calendars, because I knew they were expensive and didn't want CMHR getting in over its head.
Most printers won't do a calendar unless it is a 1,000 order minimum. Lisa of Ozark Miniature Tack has a printer that would do a run of 500 but the cost would be $6 to $8 per calendar.
What Lisa and I are now looking at is a possible Calendar for 2004. She suggested
doing a 15 month calendar from Oct of 03 thru Dec of 04. She would take half the 1,000 for her calendars and her printer will switch covers for CMHR. This would also give us time to run a contest through the Forum for the pictures that would go in. So, I figure possibly in June, I'll post on the Forum for a picture contest.
Any other thoughts or ideas would be appreciated.