From the Boxer and Baby thread

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Well-Known Member
Nov 15, 2007
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I know from personal experience that Boxer's are, shall we say, energetic. I have a 9 year old son and a 6 year old daughter. We already have two dogs and I am not shopping for another at this time, but my teeny beast is aging and my St. B. is not. St. B (Gypsy) is five and full of herself. She is also a VERY alpha bitch. I have no idea why she lets Coco boss her over food, maybe she just knows that Coco is old and blind, or maybe in doggie-ville Coco is just tougher than her. She gets along with the spaniel at my in-laws, but the chow-shepherd mix and she have BAD chemistry. I told the kids that we would not be getting any more dogs until ours crossed the bridge, but you know how that goes sometimes.

To the point:

Alpha Gypsy...can she perhaps get along with a puppy should we bring one home?

Coco...moot point. NOT getting another until she crosses. She is too old and has served too well to have a puppy thrust upon her now.

Chow mix...could SHE be the one that is being naughty? She starts stuff then when Gypsy calls her on it she either runs or takes an a-double whooping

Spaniel mix...not a problem. Loves everyone.

Son...wants a boxer, has for some time

Daughter...wants a Golden Retriever, has for some time

I'm in a spot here as to what to tell Son and Daughter. I think maybe I should just tell them to forget it because I like St. B's and intend to always have at least one.

There are the horses to consider. I'd like not to even consider a dog with an innate prey drive.

I realize that this is random, but I'd appreciate comments on your experiences and advice on what to consider in the future.

We have 4 dogs here, one of them is a boxer. SHe is the queen most of the time. She is also by far the youngest dog we have. She does pounce on the two older dogs, but they do play with her. The other dog isnt so much into playing anymore so she just lays up on the couch or next to one of us while the others are playing.

YEs our boxer is very very energetic. HOwever, she only has maybe two sperts of energy a day, the rest of the day she is crashed out somewhere snoreing way. YEs they are big snorers.

Your boxer is very much not into the horses. SHe wasnt around them for the first 6 months or so of her life, but she is actually a bit afraid of them. She will come out with us, but she wont go by them alone. I have never had her try to attack anything other then a cat, and that was only when the other dog started it.

I would never live with out a boxer again.
We just got our second Boxer, and I am not sure if I will ever have another breed. Yes, they have their energetic moments, but they sleep most of the time. They are super sweet and very smart.. Best dogs ever.

There are the horses to consider. I'd like not to even consider a dog with an innate prey drive.
I would never worry about my boxers around horses. I trust them completely.


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