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Well-Known Member
Jul 2, 2006
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West Central Wisconsin on the Mississippi River
It took us 6 weeks of very hard work, 2 ($85.00 a month) storage sheds (10x30) 6 vehicles parked at $20.00 per month storage, much good stuff actually thrown away, BUT WE ARE DONE. Now on to a new life. Must now actually sort and decide what to sell (Rodney and I are starting an ebay business) what we really need to survive and what to donate to people or goodwill. We have given away 4 big garbage bags (all washed and clean) of clothes to people with small children that we know can use them. I did over 40 loads of laundry in the first week we were here.

This has been one of the hardest tasks I have ever faced. It took 31 days after the court date to get things done. I asked the new owner for a month and he asked if 2 weeks was enough. I took what he offered but he said he had no idea what we were facing and it did take the full month. He has been so helpful and understanding. He paid for the dumpster and helped us haul things. Such a nice guy. His stepdad let us put the 14 sled dogs on the edge of one of his fields. We have to go through 3 electric fence gates to get to it but it is a very nice place for them. This dog space was in return for all the scrap metal and leave enough things for the stepdad to sell on ebay. We paid dearly for the space but it was an act of desperation to get a place for the dogs. Also the cats, we had to give them up and at the last minute found a place for them. Even humane shelters wouldn't take them because they are all full.

So here I sit with my cup of coffee and Daisy and wonder what am I going to do today and I say to myself "Nothing". I have piles and piles and piles of things setting everywhere so I know I am going to do something but such a good feeling to not have to get in that car and go. I put 3000 miles and Rodney over 4000 in just over a month. And never drove more than 50 miles at a stretch.

My new life is going to be: Bonnie is # 1, Daisy is # 2, and I'm sorry but my husband is # 3. He accepts that. He has been staying overnight a couple times a month and it has been working out, so until things change we will continue. I washed up all my skinny (for me anyway ha ha) clothes. I AM going to get back into them. I am going to start walking and eating right. I am going to have a beautiful flower garden (like Karlas, I can only wish), I am going to turn into a good housekeeper, (hehehe), checking out my green thumb with new house plants, our other house did not have the sun and atmosphere for plants. Do some sewing, making all new curtains to start. Start to bake bread and goodies, shopping less often, making things from scratch. I figure if I plan all this and get half of it done I will be doing good. But I can be very determined. I almost lost it one day while working over there, I walked through the yard and saw a big bunch of hair that I had combed out of the horses and I started crying. I miss them so much at times. But Marnie found a nice home for them, they all 3 went together, and I can only hope they will be happy there.

And GUESS WHAT?????? High speed internet just came into the valley and there will be 3 residents hooked up tomorrow and we will be one of them. We are very excited about that, have waited for years to get it in our area.

So, my friends, I am on to a new life (still with my son and then my granddaughters every other week) but I will be checking in on you guys often. I will go down to Donnas and Marnies and get my fix on horses. Donna says she will put me to work anytime. So I'm hoping things will work out for me. Talk later.
Great news that this move is behind you. Congratulations!! You did great!
Bonnie! It's so nice to hear that you are doing well and have everything planned out. You sound so "light" if a heavy load has been taken off your shoulders. Things will be different, but you have Marnie and Donna you can always visit and get your hankering for horses met. I'm glad to hear that your husband is well.....keep Daisy close, and tell her everything that's on your mind...this little girl came into your life for a reason! Now I need to get as organized are
Good luck to you in your new place and with your new business.....sounds like a plan!
Congratulations Bonny on a successful move. It sounds like it was a tremendous amount of work (not to mention all those miles) but one step at a time you got it done. Good For You!!!
Bonnie, so good to hear from you, and so much positive! I hope you keep the resolution to get back in your skinny clothes. (Wish I could). Please take care of yourself!

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