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Well-Known Member
Dec 24, 2010
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NSW Australia
I'm about to get the atlas out and start finding where you all live. Discover where all that snow falls, discover which is the state where the horses need water wings and maybe even where to sun still shines.

See, this forum not only informs about minis but can also provide geography lessons for the ignorant.
So true! And since we've drifted away from this practice, everyone needs to PLEASE post on your personal info or signature at least a general idea of where you live -- this info puts your questions and answers on feed, grazing, and many other issues in proper perspective.

BTW, helicopter...for at least one area of the world where horses need water wings, check out the upper left-hand corner of the US -- Oregon and Washington. I'm treading water as I write...
Interesting idea. Of course with out detail you may be missing something, for example, I live in British Columbia, Canada and have about 4 feet of snow on the ground but others who live in this province are close to the coast and see rain more often than snow and still other areas are near(tho of course not entirely) desert conditions and tend to be very dry. Some US states can claim wetter or dryer conditions depending on the location too (near the ocean or in the shadow of a mountain etc) So.... just to help you find "all that snow" lol (I know others can claim the same) I am in the central/northern interior of BC (Prince George)

Wish I had the energy to satisfy my curiosity like you are. Of course if I was warm and cozy down under maybe my frozen brain would thaw
Southwestern Ontario Canada

We are in a thaw right now.....I can actually find grass outside right now (at least after a few months of white, I *think* that's what the brown stuff with a green tinge is called), and worse yet.....M-U-D....the bane of my existence in spring and fall when I have a house full of foot-high dogs

Now that most of the snow has melted though, we are in for a couple of more snow storms over the weekend
as I say to anyone new to the area 'Welcome to southwestern Ontario. Don't like the weather? Either wait 5 minutes or drive a few kms down the road'

Western Pennsylvania, about 40 minutes south of Pittsburgh.

It was 68 degrees today. I had a hard time convincing myself to to Clip head and neck, and horses were sweating.

First time Ive been to the barn in a T shirt in months!
New Albany, Annapolis county, Nova Scotia, CANADA

We are up past our butts in snow, cannot wait till spring...I say "Bring it ON!"

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Southwestern Manitoba here, near Brandon which is the province's 2nd largest city. We're about 50-60 miles north of North Dakota and just a little more than that east of Saskatchewan!!

We currently have 3+ feet of snow on the ground and are looking forward to spring within the next month. We are expecting major flooding this spring--thankfully not right here at home, but Brandon is gearing up for once-in-100-years flood levels. Here we will have runoff issues and MUD but we are nowhere near the river so will not have to contend with rushing water and overland flooding.
We are from Toronto, Ontario, Canada. We are in the south central section of the province, on Lake Ontario. Today was a balmy 10 degrees Celcius, just coming out of a deep freeze of -10 to -15 degrees. Warms up and come Saturday night and Sunday we are back into the snow storms.
We are having a Fat and fuzzy Show this weekend in Niagara Falls(about 1 1/2 hrs south west of us, at the bottom of Lake Ontario) run by the local 4H group. They had a great one last year. Looking forward to this years.
in the midlands of Ireland , 43 degrees , has been raining alot lately but today is sunny with a few clouds ,
Rockford, Illinois. Very top of IL close to Wisconsin. Today is sunny, 30's. The HUGE (not as huge as some states) snowdrifts and piles have melted way way down thanks to 40 some degree days. The mud is messy but appreciated since it means spring is working it's way forward. Unfortunately it's almost March; the month a fluctuations. We are looking at freezing rain, some more snow, and rain mixtures predicted for the next 7 days. Still, spring!
Wow, this is fun. But tell you what I either need a better map or a new pair of glasses.

I've never had cause to study the map of North America before and am finding that some of the states are not where I ' imagined ' or 'assumed' they would be.

Good stuff.
Central Alberta. Canada ....Near Edmonton.. -20C now... was -30 something over night.

I too would like to see the end of this winter...
Well McBunz keep out those long johns for a while longer..l just got in from the barn dishing out extra feed for the men in the huts and that wind has really picked up something awful in the last little while
Looks like Monday is a shopping day... -5..Then back in the toilet again for awhile..
We live in Wyoming about 4 miles from the Idaho border as the crow flies and 60 miles south of Jackson where the Beautiful Teton Mountains are. We are 6200 feet high so we won't see spring until April or May! We have 2+ feet of snow here and it's currently in the teens and 20's. As long as it doesn't get super cold -20 to -30 I am okay, but sure would LOVE to see spring come more early. We have some birds here that don't usually come until May so maybe the ground-hog deal will work and we WILL all have a early summer.


We live in a very lush and green valley here called, Star Valley and there are a low ridge of mountains to one side and a very high ridge of mountains on the other side. Our growing season is very short here from the end of May to maybe the end of September. Most people have small greenhouses here to extend their growing season. This valley used to be home to many Dairy's, but big business put them out of business, but a lot of good hay is grown here and a lot of beef cattle too, so there are a lot of horses also. Here we have what are called, out-fitters. These people take other paid people up the mountains and such to fish, shoot deer, elk, bison, mountain lion, bears, ect. This takes a large herd of horses called remuda's. We have one right down the road from us now and there are about 150 head of horses. These are usually owned by a few different out-fitters and they pay one person to feed them all winter. Also we have cutter racing here. Big Quarter Horse/Thoroughbreds who are hitched every weekend to a single man chariot and 2 horses pulling for a Quarter mile on either dirt or snow. Big thing here. Plus there is plenty of snowmobiling going on now on the country roads and fields, up in the mountains all the way up to Yellowstone National Park. We are about 2 hours from the south entrance of the park. In our little town in the summertime it's no biggy to see a farm tractor or 4-wheeler pulled up to the town pumps getting gas or just cruising down the road! Well this is a small paragraph about what it is like here. I wasn't raised here, but married into the valley. I like it and is a good place to live and retire. I have one beef and this is the Morman's. Nothing against them personally, but nothing except "thank GOD" the Maverick is open to buy at least gas and a few odd things on Sundays!!! Other than that rapped up as tight as a TICK!


Now you have to tell us where you are from in Australia so we can get our maps out and looky see.



I live right smack in the middle of Michigan pretty much, and have a place on the west side of the state as well. We are normally in the single digits celsius this time of the year during the day and in the -teens C. at night. We had a huge cold spell for a couple weeks when it was -30 c at night, and in the -teens in the day. We did have a couple ft of snow...but then Mother Nature smiled on us and gave us a few days of double digits in the plus...alot of the snow melted and the sun was shining...windy though...I was so happy, but today we are suppose to get 8+ inches of snow...pooey on winter! It was just a tease. I do like Michigan, I love being surrounded by the great lakes, but the winters seem to drag on forever and boating season just isn't long enough.

I would love to go to Australia someday!
Spotsylvania, VA (USA) here... just south of officially being in "Northern VA". Our weather has been crazy the past few days with highs in the low 70's. That is far from typical for this time of year. But, winter is scheduled to return later this week! The prediction is for snow on Tuesday!
Here's another tag for your map.

I live in Washington State, at the southern end of the Olympic National Rain Forest.

If you look along the Washington coastline, of the Pacific Ocean, there is a little

triangle notched in the coastline. That notch is Grays Harbor.

Go in about 12 miles and we live in a very small town called Montesano.

It's about a 100 miles from Seattle.

This morning at 6 AM it was 25 degrees. Everything is coated in a heavy frost

glistening in the morning sun.

We're normally very moderate here and these types of days are unusual but it's

been an unusual winter. We're wetter here, than the area we moved from, but that

is from the effects of the rain forest.

If you like a green landscape with towering trees, lots of lakes and access to the ocean

yet like desert climate a couple hours away, you'd like Washington. We have it all here.
I live in Parrish, FL located SE of Tampa, E of Bradenton. We're on the west coast of FL. Probably about 80 out there right now. It's shorts and flip flops weather here. Our cypress trees are sprouting green leaves - pretty soon everything will have the beautiful green growth of spring.
