Finally, Our Day in Court for MICHAEL

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I sent you a personal email, yesterday when I read your post. I wish you the best with

it and will be sending you, Dan and Jerry so many prayers on the Court Date. I know it

will be handle with God's Amazing Grace and he will get you all through it. I know this

man who Killed your beautiful son will get his justice. I know God will be there with you and

Michael will looking down, and putting his loving arms around you. So hold tough and strong

and remember its all for Michael.

Prayers and Hugs my dearest Friend

I so wish I could be there with you all

Marty, hugs and prayers to you and your family...

You dont know me and I dont know you, but this, and the fact that I live in another part of this world to you, makes no difference to the thoughts and prayers that are coming your way.

You have so many good friends who will be standing beside you in spirit during your time in court. But right there with them will be a vast number of 'unknown' friends from all over the world, all sending their strengths, prayers and love to help you and your family through this.

Use our strength Marty, lean on us, we will be there for you.


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