female hormones? mares acting strange

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Well-Known Member
Nov 15, 2007
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I thought, and still think, that one of my mares is pregnant. I have not had her ultra-sounded, she is bigger in the belly and I expressed clear fluid from her teats today. She should be due to foal in Oct/Nov if my stallion didn't get sneaky on me earlier.

Another mare is now mounting her and going through all the motions, if you know what I mean. I'm concerned about the mounting mare more than the mare that is supposed to be bred. I've never seen her do that!

My stallion is acting interested in supposedly pregnant mare, and she acts receptive. She does not pee, but she flags and squats. I've not noticed her winking, but I've not been in the right place at the right time. Her vulva appears normal. I've heard of preggers mares having a false heat.

Advice or suggestions?

Stacy, Maybe post a picture of your mare she should be about 8 months preg by now.

If your not sure if she is preg you can have her palpated, or blood work done to check. You can also preform an at home pregnancy test called wee foal.

As far as the other mare that is doing the mounting, I have no idea. I hope someone else can help you.

Also very normal in preg and non preg mares to have clear fluid in the teats.
Im just going to share my experience,

My mare is 6 years old, and is in foal for her second foal ( we lost the first one to sitting dog position)

I have noticed ALOT of weird behavior with her that has been mirrored in each pregnancy. I attribute it all to crazy pregnancy hormones!

Perhaps the weirdest thing that she does is her Stallionish behavior. She is ok with the yearling filly that she is with but lead any other horse through her paddock and she gets very excited and grunts and strikes out and tries to mount said horse.... She only does this when heavily in foal I have noticed.

So unless your mare seems un-well I would just keep an eye on her.

Good Luck, we would all love to know how you end up!
I have several mares who will at times mount another mare - hormone fluctuations I imagine. One of them this year stalked a particular mare and pestered her for a couple of weeks, neither of them in foal.

If your supposedly bred mare is showing to your stallion I'd want to have her checked one way or another. They can have a false heat, but still I'd sure be suspicious of that behavior.





Here are some pics of the mare that I believe to be pregnant. She should be due late October, early November. She is maiden.

The strange behavior has ceased. The mare that was mounting her has lost interest, and even though the stallion still wants to sweet-talk her sometimes she just gives him the brush off. I think everything is back to normal.
