Well-Known Member
About 9:30 this morning we loaded up my Hlaf Arabian and miniature horse to go to the vets and get their shots. . .well we loaded him up (and he already hates the trailer) and he started kicking but my dad told me to just leave him in there so I went and got the miniature and loaded him up and they were both fine and then as we started to load up in the truck shadow (the half arabian) started rearing and at first he got his leg stuck in the hay slot so i got his leg undone and i told my parents that this is not a good idea and then all of a sudden he threw his head up and gashed his head open!!!
I started freakin out and my mom said "just leave him in there and he'll be fine when we get moving and his head was already gashed so i guess just out of instinct i shoved my mom out of the way and opened the trailer doors and let him back out. He was shaking and he was bleeding and i was just tripping out. I got him by the lead rope and walked him to the back of the house where the hose pipe is and got a wash cloth and cleaned it off best I could and put some peroxide on it.
Now he won't even let me pet him on the nose he's so scared so I put him in a small paddock with some fresh water and some hay to keep him occupied and he has strated claming down. I am really mad at my mom because she wanted to take him even though he was rearing and kicking and had a gash on his head and I really didnt care if she was the president at that time because i was going to get my horse out of there no matter what I had to do.
But see it's only THAT horse trailer. . .the other one we brought him hom in he didn't rear up or anything in it. The one we tried today was a small 2 horse trailer and the one he was brought home in was a 4 horse. . .is it a space issue of he just doesnt like small spaces???
But do you know of anything that I could do to calm him down so I can keep washing his face off? Anything I can buy to put on it to make it heal? My mom and dad haven't called the vet. . .they just called my next door neighbor who should be here anytime now to look at him but I hope that he is ok. I'm sorry to say this but I am crying my heart out hoping that it's not bad enough to have to have him put down. He' only 3 years old and I don't want to lose him just because my parents made a stupid mistake. . .and by the way it was THEIR idea to use the 2 horse trailer - i knew better than that and wanted to use the 4 horse trailer but they wouldn't let me.
Thank youall and please respond soon!

I started freakin out and my mom said "just leave him in there and he'll be fine when we get moving and his head was already gashed so i guess just out of instinct i shoved my mom out of the way and opened the trailer doors and let him back out. He was shaking and he was bleeding and i was just tripping out. I got him by the lead rope and walked him to the back of the house where the hose pipe is and got a wash cloth and cleaned it off best I could and put some peroxide on it.
Now he won't even let me pet him on the nose he's so scared so I put him in a small paddock with some fresh water and some hay to keep him occupied and he has strated claming down. I am really mad at my mom because she wanted to take him even though he was rearing and kicking and had a gash on his head and I really didnt care if she was the president at that time because i was going to get my horse out of there no matter what I had to do.
But see it's only THAT horse trailer. . .the other one we brought him hom in he didn't rear up or anything in it. The one we tried today was a small 2 horse trailer and the one he was brought home in was a 4 horse. . .is it a space issue of he just doesnt like small spaces???
But do you know of anything that I could do to calm him down so I can keep washing his face off? Anything I can buy to put on it to make it heal? My mom and dad haven't called the vet. . .they just called my next door neighbor who should be here anytime now to look at him but I hope that he is ok. I'm sorry to say this but I am crying my heart out hoping that it's not bad enough to have to have him put down. He' only 3 years old and I don't want to lose him just because my parents made a stupid mistake. . .and by the way it was THEIR idea to use the 2 horse trailer - i knew better than that and wanted to use the 4 horse trailer but they wouldn't let me.
Thank youall and please respond soon!