Does your mini have "temper tantrums" or "pouts"

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Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2009
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It is really cold here (for Maryland!) today. Lows in the 20's with really bitter winds making wind chills even lower. Our 11 yr old mare is our "hard keeper" and while we've got her at a decent weight now, she's still far thinner than the rest and doesn't have quite the full coat either. To be on the safe side, I put one of the new Roustabout blankets purchased a few months ago on her.

This is not the first time she's had a blanket on but she absolutely stomped off in a hissy and pouted in the corner of the dry lot until I left the area. Only when I was back in the house (basement) and she heard the door close (I could watch her through the window in the door) did she come back up to the paddock area where the barn is and where I had spread out their morning hay.

She actually POUTED like a 2 yr old kid!
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O yes I have some very spoiled little brats that if they dont get their way they throw the wolds biggest tantrum. LOL I was trying to train one of my stallions to drive and he is a very spirited horse but the second I put that harness on him he was an angel and would grounddrive everywhere but his perfectness is definitely out of character and when I would take the harness off he would stand there head down and ears back pouting because I was being mean and making him do something LOL! My mares will just get snooty and strut away from me if they feel I am going to make them do something they dont want to do.
Haha! I love how when they think you're not looking suddenly its not a big deal any more. Our mare is like that that, she throws the biggest fits over some of the silliest things, because they are simply new to her (and she does not have high confidence yet). She'll shake her head, half rear, then will just over all pout until its over with and she realizes "Oh, hey, that wasn't bad!"
Oh of course. That's one reason I just love minis- their "mini-tude" are so entertaining.
I do notice it more with my mares...the little prima donnas...than the geldings. However my stallion can put on the biggest show of them all.
My colt pouts like crazy. He hangs his head and puts on his angry face. He sits like that and sulks. I usually get that from him when we are trying to do his feet.
My mare "Miko" has the absolute worse temper tantrums. She will literally stomp her feet, lay her ears back, wiggle her nose and swish her tail as hard as she possibly can. Its pretty hilarious.
One of my geldings tosses his head like a prissy little girl when he's unhappy about something. I love to watch him do it and have to laugh at his attitude.
I only have my two mares right now and when I turn them out I lead them together. They're stalled right next to each other and so see each other all the time. When I take Lex out to be groomed etc. Willow will think she's going out without her; she'll roll, run around her stall, paw, buck and just generally make a big mess
She's not a big talker, but she is very demonstrative. It's not even a "herd-bound" thing; she was alone for 3 weeks when Lex went to get bred and was perfectly fine right off the bat. It's the whole, "Why does she get to go out and I DON'T!!!" kind of tantrum lol. When she realises that Lex isn't going out to play and is only getting groomed, she settles down. I think that, now, it's turning into a, "Well why aren't I getting groomed?!!" (Willow LOVES to get groomed, whereas Lex is indifferent).
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My horses are like Matt's- it's not so much "You're taking him!" as "Why aren't you taking ME?!" Kody will definitely sulk and give me these long, demanding, warbling whinnies whereas Spyder used to give me this pathetic look and breathy little whickers to pull at my heartstrings. Turbo is a quiet horse so I don't hear from him much at all but he's got very demonstrative body language. He'll walk as close as he can possibly get to the fence, put one foot up on the wire mesh, stretch his chin up to the top and rest it there while staring at me entreatingly. If I don't listen it's to heck with cute and the tantrums start!

My friend Bud (stallion) will stand just ot of reach and throw his head around. Sometimes he'll stand in the corner facing the wall. It's so funny I always laugh. All I have to do his give him some hay and he's over it. Bud isn't really my horse but he thinks he is.
When I read this I thought immediately of our "Princess".. and then read what Sandy (Sedah) said about her stallion, which is really scary because they are half siblings!!! Guess it is genetic! Princess knows a million ways to get her point across! She is pouting right this minute because she doesn't like the bedtime hay I just gave her.

Our minis are just the opposite of herd bound. When we take any of them for walks, the ones that are going AWAY from the barn are quite pleased with themselves, but the ones that get left home have a fit!!! We also see a lot of pouting and jealousy whenever we take anyone out in the back yard to jump. The rest line up at the gate for their turn, so we end up training them all to jump!
Blessing only has fits when it comes to food. Of course.
There is a treat bucket in the aisle of the barn where seh is now and she stops dead when I try to walk her by it. If she doesn't get a treat, she stands up on her hind legs. Doesn't strike out or move, just stands up for a few seconds, then settles back on all fours and stares at me like, "Get it?" We can go around the other way to get to the groom stalls to avoid the bucket, so I mostly do that. Of course the other day I was talking to teammates and didn't pay attention where we were walking and went right by it. I let her take the top off and get a treat herself. Bad mom, I know!

I swear she also narrows her eyes at people, but no one believes me. She's also a talker. Little squeaks and snorts.
My horses each get jealous when I'm petting one that isn't them. I made the mistake of letting each one think THEY are my special ONE. (which they all are)

But the Queen of jealousy is Polly. I used to have to guess which one was trying to get my attention behind me, but since we got her, she won't let anyone else near me. She's ALL ABOUT HER and she's the only one she allows to be near me. If I go pet another horse, she pouts!! And she and my dog have a "thing" going! If I pet Polly, Roxy gets pouty. If I pet the dog Polly has a fit! Polly is my shadow

In that mare group, we tie each one so they all get their own share and no fighting. Some mares stand there nicely and a few paw the ground, but Polly has a fit because she isn't fed first! She rears and whirls around until you feed her. If ever a mare needed to wear a tiara, it's Polly!

I love her to death!
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I have had some pouty ones too over the years. Mostly the fillies, mares I am training to show. They are so pouty - you can't get on them either, they take days to get over it. Or they will almost never give you ears again:)
I have a gelding that has a temper tantrum all over his feed tub when he is waiting for you to put in his pellets. He will even pull it off the gate and throw it on the ground. He LOVES his food and hates waiting for it. Last week I tossed some hay into the rack and then took him away from his hay to go out for a drive while his buddies were left eating at the rack. He deliberately stepped on my foot more than once while I was putting on his harness he was so mad about the hay "incident". The next time I drove, I left the rack empty and he was fine as long as his buddies didn't get to eat either.
I do notice it more with my mares...the little prima donnas...than the geldings.
All my mares have an attitude and then some. Joy is the worst and has quite the reputation for it. I once had a pet communicator talk to her and Joy blatantly stated that she was the smartest horse in the barn and that was her logic for being so sassy!
All horses have great personalities, just some stand out more then others.

However my stallion can put on the biggest show of them all.
Aren't all men big kids?
Maggie will do a major pout, if I take someone else out to go for a walk or what not and she has to stay in. She wants to be the only one to get to do fun things.

Oh.. and if she thinks I am not doing things as fast as she wants... she shakes her head at me... that's her human cue to tell me Hurry up I am too slow!!
In our case, it's a gelding who is the biggest princess! Mingus is notorious for getting a hair -- um -- in a place that shouldn't have hair.

I've been spending a lot of time with my elderly mother, especially since she broke her shoulder. When I return, Mingus is in a major snit (even though he has Keith to care for and love on him) and turns away from me. I'll go into the corral and he walks away, all the while pointing his butt in my general direction. Finally, after he's made his point, he turns to give me kisses and horse hugs. I swear I hear him say, "Mommy -- you LEFT me!" At this time of year, those hugs and kisses are rather muddy, but I'm not complaining...

The tantrum to top all tantrums was the first time I dared to put HIS harness on Scarlet and longe her. Mingus stood pressed against the gate, glaring at her. When I returned her to the corral, he first tried to push his way out (something he never does) and would not leave me alone. I gave in and took him out and harnessed and longed him. He strutted his stuff proudly and looked toward Scarlet at every pass, as if to say "Watch and learn, little girl. THIS is how it's done!"
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My horses each get jealous when I'm petting one that isn't them. I made the mistake of letting each one think THEY are my special ONE. (which they all are)

But the Queen of jealousy is Polly. I used to have to guess which one was trying to get my attention behind me, but since we got her, she won't let anyone else near me. She's ALL ABOUT HER and she's the only one she allows to be near me. If I go pet another horse, she pouts!! And she and my dog have a "thing" going! If I pet Polly, Roxy gets pouty. If I pet the dog Polly has a fit! Polly is my shadow

In that mare group, we tie each one so they all get their own share and no fighting. Some mares stand there nicely and a few paw the ground, but Polly has a fit because she isn't fed first! She rears and whirls around until you feed her. If ever a mare needed to wear a tiara, it's Polly!

I love her to death!
REO, I do believe our two mares are cut from the same cloth! Mine, also named Poll,y is a prissy little blond "creature" who will kick and scream and fight her way to the first feed bowl
Believe me, shes cracked one of the barn walls (3/4" thick plywood sheeting) more than I prefer to count. But shes one of those that you cant live with out
lol shes in my avatar my crazy demon


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