Does my miniature mare look in foal?

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Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2013
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Ontario canada
Does she look in foal? She was a rescue and is such a sweet mare i was talking to the person who owned her and they said she was possibly bred this was in september so im just wondering if she might look to be due soon. I have gotten a vet to come and look at her in september and he said that she wasnt in foal. Mind u he didnt do the complete check up



Hi, she is a real cutie
It is hard to say from these photos as the angle isn't right but the second pic looks a little suspicious. What does her hooha and udder look like? can we see some pics of those please.
I found out my riding mare was PG on a trailride a couple of years ago. A oldtimer told me to stand behind the mare and look at her belly, if it is centered she is fat, more on on side or the other pregnant. I started looking at all my horses at different times of the year , even the stud for known not pregnant. It works if they are within a few months on having a foal.
If she was bred in September is is unlikely she would look pregnant now. The best way to tell if she is pregnant would be to do a pregnancy test such as the Wee Foal 120, which can be done any time after 120 days. It uses urine which is pretty easy to collect and the test is only about $35. if she is pregnant then you can make sure she gets the feed and vaccinations she will need and if she isn't you can save yourself a ton of worry. Google Wee Foal to find a dealer and instructions.
She was bred in July i talked to the girl in september cause she didnt se to be comming into heat and she told me she was possibly bred. She was pasture bred all last summer so i realy dont know. She had 2 foals in the past so utters might not be helpful here they where 2 weeks ago


If she was bred in September she'd be at 300 days as early as July depending what day she was bred. I've had plenty of mares that foaled around 300 to 315 days. I've have your vet take another look at her.
she wasnt bred in september i rescued her in september.My vet did take a look at her and didnt do a complete exam on her. she was bred between april -july
You should feel movement by three months before birth. It's generally concentrated around the flank area, curving around toward the udder. If you are patient and if she is indeed expecting, you will feel a nudge or quick kick. It's different than a muscle twitch at an insect.

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