there are plenty of myths about cribbing the first one is that the swallow all that air.. many studies show that just isnt true, the 2nd is that if you have a horse that cribs all your horses will start again NOT TRUE.
Euthinze a horse for cribbing NEVER not here not with any of the cribbers I have owned and worked with. My foals and yearlings and horses of all ages are around a cribbing horse no one ever thinks of cribbing or following suit not for YEARS
Cribbing with horses is well like drinking i guess some can drink once in a while with no problem others are alcoholics after that first drink. Same thing with cribbers some are prone to it.
I have had many cribbers in my time as many though or belived the myths the one thing that is true is it is almost impossible to stop
there arent alot of health risks other then teeth needing more attention and sometimes weight can be an issue as they take a bite and then crib sometimes dropping what they just put in there mouth.
There is a lot of danger with a proper fitted collar if your horse gets cast you CANT get that collar off and you surely cant cut it off I have seen more then one horse die that way.
I have a cribber now he is a big horse and is 20 years old.. he has been cribbing most of his life he is NEVER stalled but has the barn isle to live in when he opts to and then his turn out. He cribs in the barn all the time and while he has ruined a few panels (he is 17 hands) NONE of my other horses crib even after watching him do it all the time
It truly IMO isnt that big of a deal I have done lots of research and if you check the NEW research you will find most vets agree it isnt as tragic as once thought I personally wouldnt stress to much over it
There is some new studies pointing to it perhaps being related to uclers
YOu got a nice horse that you want to sell cheap cause it cribs.. let me know
also wanted to add that my horse has been a VERY succesful show horse on the hunter circut for YEARS before he retired it didnt effect him healthwise at all - take your time and really talk to your vet and other vets before making any rash decisions and again anyone out there that has a nice show horse that cribs.. and they think they cant live with it or it is to big of a problem or they believe the myths.. let me know