Cooking With Quinoa

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Well-Known Member
Oct 25, 2003
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I thought I read a post a while back on cooking with quinoa, does anyone know what stores carry it, I can't seem to find it anywhere here in Florida. Thanks..

Also if you have any good recipe suggestions that would be great.
Do you have Kroger's?.....I believe they own Fred Meyer (atleast that is the store I find it at up here in the NW).....but I would think you could find it at any store that carries the health-food aisles....... I have even found it in bulk foods at Freddy's......... anyway, a great way to try it out is just to get a small box of it and just use the recipes on the box.......

We really like it, and use it in place of pasta or rice......and I have even mixed it with wild & brown's kinda nutty and very yummy.

I noticed that Costco is now carrying an already made Quinoa salad ........It had chicken breast & veggies in it....sounded good, but they put red or green peppers in it and I don't care for I didn't get any to I thought, I may have to do a recipe search on the Food network & see if they have some other recipes for Quinoa.

Good luck on your search...hope you find some, I think it's great and super easy to make.
I had a hard time locating it but, eventually in the ethnic aisles I saw a box. Aisian or Indian section, I think. Couple good recipies on the box. Basically cooks like rice would. A good protein, that is gluten and wheat free, so you get more nutrition than rice. It's pretty good.
It is quite tasty, but, well, uhmmm
, be prepared and remember two days later that you had eaten it. Other wise you might think that you have ingested alien parasites that have taken over your bowels and you are passing on their evil eggs.
Check for recipes on the food network site. Cant recall if its or

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