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Feb 19, 2007
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I have just started conditioning my pinto mare. I lunge her 5 days a week, but only for about 15 minutes. She is not even breathing hard when we're done, though. She gets very lazy, and doesn't want to move forward. Any suggestions? How long should I lunge her each day without over doing it?

I would like to start her over some cross poles, maybe that will take the edge of the boredom? Any other ideas?
I find that talking the horse on walk releves(sp?) the boredom. Somethings time does not premit this. But maybe you can find a time once a week instead on lunging her, take her for a walk. Its good for the horse and you.
I agree, mix it up. Is she an aged mare that you can do some jumping with? Try free lunging (if you have a round pen) and do a lot of direction changes etc to keep it new and exciting for her.

5 days 15 minutes lunging is adequate. Are you doing warm up and cool down separate from that or is that all inclusive?
Without hijacking the post - may I ask what age is considered acceptable for introducing poles & small jumps? My stallion is 3 and a bit
Your boy is fine to start over jumps.

Often I place cavalettis in the round pen to get them used to pacing themselves. It also gives them a bit of variety other than just running in circles.

I have had young horses that I turn loose in the area where I set up the jumps and they take the jumps on their own. I just am very careful with horses under 3 and jumps.
I really like the walking idea! I will try that.

Right now, the 15 minutes includes warm up/cool down. Today I tried taking her over the trot pole, and she did good. She is 6, so the jumping should be good for her. I think its going to be fun!

I do not have a round pen, so that idea is out. There is a large arena on my street, I could take her there and turn her loose too.

Thanks for the help!!
I like to compare my horses to MYSELF when making them do a conditioning program. I am always in-and-then-out-and-then-back-to-the-gym so I know personally what it takes to get back in shape. You don't want to do too much too soon.

Remember she may be a little "lazy" because it does take energy to start working again and her muscles are going to be sore and make it uncomfortable the next day she has to work, which will make her even more reluctant to work. A horse with a poor work ethic is more difficult to judge than one with more energy naturally.

I think your routine sounds fine, just keep bumping it up both TIME as well as INTENSITY as both are important factors to keep in mind when working a horse. Some horses can do low-intensity workouts for a long time, so you might need to bump the intensity up to get a true workout.

Just take it slow and consistent with her and you will really start seeing results!

I ground drive Don, take him on walks, lunge him, and hitch him to the cart. I am paranoid about too much lunging because of all the circling...

The only time I really get any sign of exertion is long trotting pulling the cart, but I am sure that doing the other things does help.

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