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Mar 29, 2009
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Hi all! Hope you and your beautiful equines are all well

I have a miniature pony stallion (Hendrix - who i have told you all about in my first post :D ) and golly - he is FAT, the roundest horse i have ever seen! Now i mean real fat, pregnant mare fat!

He was like that when we got him 3 months ago. He gets good quality food and heaps of exercise which he loves <3 (jumping is his fav! :D) He does get lots of treats i have to say

In all seriousness though, I am really worried about him, he is just so large with tiny little legs and i am worried he will founder

I have heard that cinnamon is really good - I have searched the threads and the results were AMAZING!!!! No-one had to starve their horses and i read in the most part that people saw a difference in as little as 3 days!

I really want to try this - it seems like a simple, natural , safe, very effective option. I'd like to ask a few q's just to clarify things (better to be safe than sorry!):

So, is the best amount 1 tsp twice a day?

Would you recommend it for stallions?

He is a mini pony, would feeding the cinnamon to him be any different to feeding it to mini horses?

Do you just keep feeding them their normal food/doing their normal exercise whilst they are on it?

And any other important information on this subject would be much appreciated

Thankyou EXTREMELY for your time and may you all have a wonderful day full of life, love and equines!
Ditto, I cant seem to get the weight off my mare , and the vet thought she was prego !!
I cut the food almost in half and stopped the snacks, and she still looks huge, I will give it a try too...can I put it in a little applesause , she is not getting grain...the only grain I can buy here is real high in fat , with corn in it. so grain is not an option right now.

I can make the applesause by hand , via no sugar, or perservatives.
I found cinnamon/cranberry liquid supplement for people called Cinnergen. It claims what it does is "promotes Healthy glucose matabolism". With this suppliment it states to feed or rather take 1 oz (remember it is liquid) per day and DO NOT EXCEED RECOMMENDED DOSAGE. I just added it to my sloppy Beet pulp at night. I have one mare that it did seem to help. But now even though she has lost the weight she still is a bit cresty.
I gotta begin my saying I'm FAR from an authority, but my mare is one who has benefited from cinnamon. She gets 1 tsp once a day mixed with her feed. You might have to start out with less and work up to that much if he isn't terribly enthused about it. I would suggest (since your guy sounds like Kitty was last year (weight wise)) that you decrease his food some (you know best how much he needs to maintain his exercise program). If you have him on sweet feed you might want to consider something else. Also I think treats are ok as long as they aren't fattening treats. For example, give carrots instead of peppermints. I slimmed my pony down some by giving him cinnamon for a while. His weight problem was nothing like Kitty's but he's looking better now. Be sure and take before and after pictures so we can all see how it works for him. And......please don't expect overnight miracles. Kitty has been on it for a year now and still has a way to go but the results earned me kudos from the vet last week when he was here.
Ditto on my mare.... however.... just cinnamon alone is not going to work miracles if your horse has an imbalance or another problem. It is wonderful for horses with IR, but my mare had a horrible thyroid imbalance- and yes, she also appeared to be due any day! She was sold to me as an 'exposed broodmare', but that is another story.............

I put her on the thyroid meds, but it takes months and months to get their weight back into balance and in the meantime, like you, I was terrified that she was going to founder or die, she was SO overweight. I DID notice results in 3 to 4 days and the weight safely melted off of her in just weeks.

If your horse is IR, you might want to know because there should definitely be dietary restrictions. Also if your horse is low thyroid, you would want to get him on meds too.

The blood tests are not that expensive, in fact the thyroid one here is VERY cheap, and at least then you will know what you are, or are not, dealing with.

You ARE going to have to watch what your horse eats, and cut out on the treats. If your horse is IR, you could be doing more harm with what you are feeding, depending on what it is, and I am sure you don't want that.

I was truly amazed at the cinnamon thing, and the results and I personally swear by it!!
Worked for my stallion too. I was working him five days a weeks and had cut his feed, but he just didn't seem to lose any more weight. Put him on the cinnamon and WOWSERS! He looks fantastic. Hope you have the same good luck.

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