Becky Horat
Well-Known Member
Decided to try 3 of our show horses on Beet Pulp. I started out with 3/4 cup (dry) shredded and then soaked in water with their Stable Mix Pellets. I noticed a difference immediately. They were filled in over their topline, but also seemed to look more bloated. I reduced it to about 1/2 cup twice daily and they still don't look fit/trim. I also feed a "very" small handful of grass hay (what I can fit in my fist) and little bit of alfalfa hay. They've also been on Omolene 200 and Rice Bran. Just wondering if anyone else has had this problem. One horse could really use the filling in over loin area...but don't want him looking fat/bloated either. They are worked regularly as well.