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Boss Mare

Well-Known Member
Aug 17, 2003
Reaction score
Mechanicsville, MD
I just wanted to take a minute and re-introduce myself to the forum. Some of you may have noticed I've been 'missing' for a long time. I did still read the forum, but never had it in my heart to post..

It feels good to be back on the forum.

There are so many new people. I welcome you all and to those I know, I'm back!

I had a rough beginning in 2007 with the horses. I lost four of the Miniature Horses from March through April. Two fillies and two stallions..

'Something' went through my herd, the vet's basically lived here on the farm during the day and there were several emergency night visits made - this went on for about 6 weeks. We all were mentally and emotionally drained.

We never quite figured out what it was, but talk about massive fevers, refusing to eat and a few would fall right over while standing or trying to do anything more than a walk. We had elevated white cell counts, but basically everything else was normal.

My barn turned into a horse-hospital and at once we had five on constant IV fluid drips. All of them were on antibiotics and other meds. Tests, after tests.. more blood.. I don't even like to think about all we went through.

I lost my first foal born here, Fantasy and the next day I lost my filly, Sky. To those who remember Sky is the one who we saved a couple years ago by having emergency colic surgery done to remove her 13 lb. impaction.

I thought for sure I was going to lose my 2005 filly too. She was so weak and whatever this thing was, it was really hard on her little body. She spent more of her time laid out on her side, lifeless.. she'd barely blink an eye and throughout the day we'd have to go out there and literally pick her up and put her on her feet and walk beside her for even a few steps without her falling to the ground.. She has made a full recovery.

The other two I lost were two out of three of my stallions. MacGyver and Ozzy, they died the very same night..

The other Miniature Horses were ill also, but not as bad. They all recovered.

Ironically enough, I have two Quarterhorses - a 9 year old and a 30 year old and they were perfectly fine. I recently found the aged QH a great home to retire at with many, many acres to run and get fat and be spoiled by lots of lesson kids! I am thrilled.

We were checking and testing everyday from hays, grains, etc. to things they could have gotten into in the pasture and lots and everything checked safe. I was even considering neighbors doing something out of spite, but where I live this is unlikely.

We honestly were and still are clueless.

My horses are extremely well cared for. Any of you who know me know they are like my children and get the best. They all were up to date on vaccinations, including West Nile.. but if they weren't from the way they were acting this would've been my first guess..

Anyway, we are all over this and I am ready to move on..

..and to introduce myself. I am Michelle, the proud owner of one Quarterhorse and seven Miniature Horses.

Welcome back
I am so sorry to hear what trouble you had in 2007. It sounds like a nightmare
I am happy you were able to save the others and lets keep our fingers crossed for a brighter 2008
I am so sorry for your losses. We pray you have a better year. We understand your pain.We loss three aborted foal this past year.We are praying for a better 2008.
It is hard at times, but hang it there.we are trying to hang in there as well.

Welcome welcome back.
Michelle, welcome back and I can't imagine the pain in your heart as your babies passed. I just lost one (big horse, but young), and the pain is nearly unbearable. I can't imagine going through what you did.

I am glad you are back and still enjoying your horses.
I'm so sorry to hear of the nightmare you have been thru.

It is good to see you back!

Could it possibly been the Equine Herpes Virus? I think this is the latest disease to hit the horse world and there is not much information on it right now. I know a few of the dressage farms got hit with it, horses had symptoms of high fever, cough and off food. Not all horses had the signs but some did. Just a thought

Sorry for your losses, hopefully this year will be better!

Welcome back Michelle...

I am so sorry for your losses, what a horrible thing to bare...

I am glad you were able to save some..

Here to a great 2008!!
Oh Michelle - of course I noticed you were gone but I had no idea what you were going through...and that you lost your Sky...I am so, so sorry...

For those of you who do not know Michelle, she is a kind, wonderful, loving person who's horses are her kids...these are her babies...

So, Michelle, welcome back...I missed you and hope everyone here will say a BIG welcome back to you!

Liz R.
I am so very sorry for what you had to endure in 07!! I do remember Sky very well and am sorry that she is gone.

I am hoping that 08 is a much, much better year for you.
Welcome back Michelle. I wondered where you went off too and I am so very sorry that you had such a bad time last year. But it's good to have you here again.

When ever I loose one horse I ask myself "Why am I doing this" ?. But you had such a long, hard time.

I cannot even think about how incredibly hard it must have been. One sick horse here can turn our world upside down. Five on IV's OMG!

You are brave to still be doing minis.

A heartfelt welcome back.
Glad to see your back Michelle so very sorry reading about your problems with your minis...wishing the best for you.
Oh, Michelle, I can't imagine what you've been through even though you just explained some of it. The exhaustion and hopelessness you must have faced along with grief and fear.

I'm so sorry, and yes, we did wonder where you were.

I am relieved that you are back, and I hope you never go through anything like that again.

Oh Michelle, I am soooooo very sorry for all you went through and the terrible, terrible losses you endured. I surely hope and pray that 2008 will prove to be much brighter for you. Welcome back.
Oh Michelle, I'm SO sorry!

I can't imagine the horror of losing so many and having to fight so hard to save the others too. I remember Sky and I know how much you loved her. My heart aches for you.


I'm sorry for what happened! But I'm very glad you're back! I'm missed you!!!
Welcome back, Michelle!!!

It breaks my heart to read what you went through and tears in my eyes when I read about your Sky. I am so sorry!!!!
Welcome back Michelle,

I am new to the forum, so I did not know you before.

How awful to go through what you did
It is so hard to pick ones self back up and continue on. It takes someone special and strong.

Congratulations for being that someone.

May 2008 be a GREAT year for you.
We've missed you. Welcome Back! So sorry for all your losses, and not knowing what caused all your heartache has got to weigh on you heavily. Surely you have had more than your share of bad luck, and things will only get better and better.


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