Are you a snack or goodies hider??

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Well-Known Member
Jan 12, 2005
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Ok there was a debate on the radio the other morning and it's been on my mind. They were talking about a movie star that has 2 kids and feeds them healthy food during the week but the kids can have a sugar type snack now and then only on the weekends. It turned into a discussion about growing up and mom, dad or grandparents hiding all the goodies when the kids/family come over. Now I have to say all my life I never thought about this or even considered this being a mom my self. I grew up in a home where if my mom made snacks or bought snacks/goodies they were out and you could eat it if you'd like. She always said "If guys don't eat it then it will just sit there!" "Eat it that's why I bought/made it!" Now mind you if you ate all the Kit Kat's in the candy bowl in one day that's it until the next time she went grocery shopping. No special trips JUST for Kit Kat's!! LOL! So that's how I do it in my home. But..... my hubby grew up in home that's completely opposite! His mom hid everything yummy! Her favorite chips, cookies, all types of goodies hidden all over the house so my hubby could not find them. I don't think it was in a mean way I think it was because my hubby would eat it all in one sitting. Her and I will bake Christmas cookies for hours, all different kinds that really take alot of work. She will put all of them in the freezer and take a few out at a time here and there. I get it... kinda... it's alot of work just to have someone eat them all in 2 days, BUT my thinking is why not!!! That's what there for!!

Now just to make things clear there are rules at my house! For my son it's always something good first and also nothing sugary after 6pm. Now for hubby he's a grown man who can eat what ever he desires! If he gets sick eating junk food thats his choice!! LOL!! And I have to state that we are regular size people. Not super heavy or super skinny. Just average!

Now my question is are you a goodies hider? Do you do things like my MIL or me? I don't think either way is wrong just completely different way to do things.

Edited to add... My old boss and her daughter were hiders! Both from each other! It was funny to listen to their stories! Also alot of the call in's on the radio station were hiders!
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I do a little bit of both. If I buy or bake good cookies, my hubby eats them all in one sitting or one day, we live 50 miles from the nearest store, we don't run in for cookies. And, he loves his sweets. So, I stash some in the freezer for later. I also stash a little for me, or I don't end up getting any.
I don't hide goodies but I do leave them in a cupboard or drawer. The idea is we all know where they are, can help ourselves at will but out of sight is out of mind and we don't think of eating them as often as if the cookie tin or candy dish is sitting on the counter. Now when my special needs daughter still lived at home I did keep things locked away. But that was because she could not control her desire for food. Any food, sweet, salty, anything even bread was hard for her to resist. Turned out to be a medication she was on but it was a rough 5 or 6 years trying to keep her from over eating.
Most of the time everything is left out for whoever to eat it whenever. BUT I do have a few candies that I will buy for myelf that I have to hide of the kids snarf them up as soon as I turn my back. Even if they have to dig them out of my purse. LOL
Im a goodie hider. I grew up poor, and having goodies was a "luxury", and desert was reserved for special meals. We didnt go hungry, but what we did eat was healthy. Mom had a certain grocery budget, and after buying healthy food, there was rarely money left over for "junk". Hubby grew up in a wealthy family where they could afford to splurge on pop, candy bars, chips, twinkies, etc daily, and his mom also baked something daily.

If I get a bag of potatoe chips, they will last me AT LEAST a week, probably two. My husband will eat an entire bag himself in one sitting. He would MUCH rather eat junk that a healthy dinner I cook. I do buy goodies for our home and his lunch he takes to work, but I do have to "stash". I leave some out, but not everything. Last week I bought 3lbs of lunchmeat, cheese, and buns for his lunch, along with some of those miniature bags of chips, hostess cupcakes, fruit pies, twinkies, and poptarts. The junk food should have EASILY been enough for him for the entire MONTH. I get the junk food at the hostess store we have here, and only make the trip once a month. Well, I let everything out in the pantry, and now we're almost out of his lunch snacks (that no one else eats so he has them for his lunch) and there is a ton of lunch meat left over. Apparently hes been taking one little sandwhich, and about 6 snack cakes.

The funnies part is, my husband is about 140lbs soaking wet, lol
I guess we couldn't afford goodies. I'm thinking my mom wanted them all for herself. Once I won a gallon of jelly beans! I think I got 2 beans and then my mom took away the jar and I never saw it again. When my grandparents gave me a chocolate bunny at Easter, I wasn't allowed that either. I was told "later" and then it would vanish and I wouldn't get any. I'd have to say my mom was a piggy hoarder, oh ummm hider!

My hubby doesn't care for sweets. If I crave something I ask him for a candy bar or something (you know how we gals crave something once in a while!) and he brings it home for me. I only crave something once in a while. So nope I'm not a hider!
We do not hide per say....but it isn't all just sitting out on the counter. Most of it stays in cupboards until we get into it.

NOW, I DO hide ALL of my goodies before my oldest sister steps foot in the house. If I leave anything out, or somewhere that she might find it, she will eat it, does not ask, just helps herself. Drives me INSANE!!!!!

Gee, I guess I should be ashamed to admit this on here, but yes, I can remember when we were kids, my Mom did hide bags of candies in her dresser drawer, but obviuosly not good enough, because I knew where they were! LOL! BAD Mona! I can remember going to peoples homes and they would have bowls of candy out, and we thought we struck it rich, but always got that waring from Mom, to not make pigs of ourselves! LOL!

Then, it carried over onto me. Yes, I would buy literally bags of candy, and hide them in my dresser drawers, away from my kids. If I left them out, they would just eat and eat and eat until it was all gone, and I guess that's why my Mom did it with us too, After I'd put the kids to bed for the night, I'd start pigging out on it all by myself! I was just terrible for that!
I grew up in the fifties and early sixties. My mom rarely baked anything, and I don't remember having a lot of sweets or snacks. We never got pop unless we mowed the lawn. Then it was a treat for afterwards. I don't remember having potato chips in the house. Sometimes we had cookies, but we never had candy laying around anywhere. We were well-off financially, so it's not like my parents couldn't afford to buy that stuff.

I seem to recall that if we got hungry between meals we just grabbed the peanut butter and made a quick sandwich, and we always had bowls of fruit to eat.

Somewhere, though, I developed a chocolate craving, and I'll always keep bags of Dove chocolate pieces or something similar around, but it's right there in the snack cupboard. I don't hide it. If I make cookies I always make a double batch and put half in the freezer, simply because if I go to the trouble of messing the kitchen I want to stretch out the times between baking so might as well double the batch and keep some in the freezer for future use. We just don't eat a lot of junk food. I'm worse than my husband, though as I really need a daily dose of chocolate!

I have a drawer that I keep assorted candy in for the two younger grandkids. They love running to open it and see what's inside, but I only let them have one or two pieces per visit, as they are usually here almost every day at some time or another and neither their parents nor I want them to get hooked on candy.
I grew up with 5 younger siblings and a single mother. There was very rarely treats in the house. We ate healthy and always 3 meals, until we were full. But, no treats. I always thought it was so strange when i'd eat at a friends house and they'd have pop or juice at dinner and dessert. My mom would bake cookies every once in a while and would get us pops on special occasions, but we were never allowed anything other than milk at meals.

I do love sweets, but I still very rarely buy them. I'm kind of glad for the eating habits my mother gave me. I love all veggies and fruit and I eat pretty healthy, willingly. I never turn down chocolate if it's offered though
My Dad has a sweet tooth so mum would go shopping every Thursday and buy loads of sweets and biscuits but they were never hidden just put in the cupboard. I am afraid I am very much like my dad and I live off sweets and biscuits, I never choose a savoury food for a snack
but unlike my dad I have no problem with my weight. I am 5"8 and I weigh 121 lb

My kids are both different, my eldest won't ever eat sweets or junk food bc he just prefers a piece of pizza or a sandwich but my youngest is 3 and is just like me. He eats nothing much at the dinner table and then an hour later he wants chocolate biscuits.
My mother was a wonderful cook and would bake on occasion, but we never had deserts at every evening meal. Every now and then she would bake chocolate chip or snickerdoodle cookies but we were only allowed 2-3 for a snack before dinner. Guess I'm neither a hider/hoarder or leave it out (if I do--the dog will help himself).

Mom never kept chips or soda in the house except on very rare occasions. When I went to Girl Scout camp she would buy the individual packages of chips to go with my soda and bologna sandwich--chips were usually fritos. If she ever bought sodas we were allowed one a day and we could have it as part of our snack or with dinner but not just before bedtime. Most time for after school snacks were a lettuce wedge with dressing, or a 1/2 peanut butter or bologna sandwich.

Now when I got married, my ex husband worked in construction and so he took his lunch with him so I learned to be an expert at baking chocolate chip cookies as he always took on a daily basis a meat sandwich, a pb&j sanwich and a dozen choclate chip cookies, and a 1/2 gallon of tea. He used to make me so mad as he did that every day and would never gain an ounce--only time he did was he was working at a place that had a candy machine and he added a snicker's bar to his lunch and gained 10 pounds--cut out the snickers and lost it--why couldn't I do that. He would also have a dozen cookies of an evening also. The boys were allowed 2-3 when they were little but that all stopped when the divorce happend--belt really got tight.

Needless to say I would make a quadruple batch of cookies off the large bag of chocolate chips every Sunday afternoon.

I'll admit I'm a chocolate person and a coke-a-holic. When I get a craving for brownies w/pecans--I keep the small snack size mixes in the house (makes an 8x8 pan) and I can sit and eat the whole thing if I'm not careful--try to be careful now that I'm diabetic and limit myself to a small sq or two a day and I only have a coke about once a month any more. If I really get cookie happy I alway buy the pre-portioned cookie dough from my grandkids and keep in the freezer. I can take out 1-4 and bake and get my cookie fix that way--but will admit--my cookie down fall is double stuff oreos
--take out a few for my sweetooth and give the rest to my youngest son so he and his son can share the rest--Bad Grandmother!!!
Oh good googly yes!!
Hubby inhales sweets by the handful. If I have anything thats 'mine' I will darn sure hide it. I am happy with a goody or 2 and can make things last for weeks. If hubby finds it, it may last a couple days LOL I think I get my habit from my Dad. He was a depression era kid who then fought in WWII and Korea. So I learned make whatever you have last
I found one way to have something for me that will last in the house... I buy chocolate covered almonds or almond M&Ms; hubby is allergic to almonds, so its one way for chocolate candy to last longer than him finding/opening the bag (I do also buy something he likes at the same time, but the almond candy lasts longer than one day).
I do but not for myself. IF I do not its gone in less then 10 mins with the 13 year old boy. He doesnt eat anything healthy and if there is junk in the house he will eat and eat and eat constant until its gone. He is also teaching his 2 year old sister the bad habit as well. I have really cut back the sweets in the house for this very reason. I have had a few more in the house recently due to the wonderful preggo cravings but typically they really are not in the house and if I get a sweet tooth I will make a batch of cookies or something instead.

However the last time I made a batch I made a double batch. Between my son and his friend they had ate amost 2 full 1 gallon bags of cookies in a couple hours. Hence I dont make them often either and when I do its a single batch.
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Growing up we always had sweets in the house. My mom has to have something sweet every morning with her coffee. I was always allowed to get what I wanted as long as I didn't overdo it. I remember always asking for permission, though, because it's polite to ask. I wouldn't get in trouble if I didn't ask, though.

In my house, I leave the sweets and snacks out either on one counter or in the pantry or fridge. My boy knows he's supposed to ask first, though.
Thanks for your wonderful stories! It's so neat to read how each of us do things a little different! Some of your stories made me double over laughing!

Now I was explaining this post to me mom who is 67 and she said her grandma, which she lived with, made the food and put it all out so you could get full and by no means were they rich thats just how her grandma did it. I guess they lived on a farm in Penns(sp?). It was very intersting to listen to stories about her grandparents!
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