Another dog Mauling

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Well-Known Member
Dec 1, 2002
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Not sure if the owners are members of the forum but wanted to send my condolences. This was on CNN.

Muncie - A Muncie couple is warning their neighbors after a group of dogs brutally mauled a pair of their miniature show horses.

They may have been little, but Bob and Voneta Adams say the happiness their miniature horses brought to thousands of fans across the country as part of Little Hitch Miniature Horse Show was huge.

"You didn't have to tell them 'Giddy up'," said owner Bob Adams. "They were a joy."

Now that joy has turned to sorrow after the Adamses say three dogs attacked and killed 16-year-old Pistol and seven-year-old Tiny.

"Somebody owes us a pretty big apology," Adams said.

"If you're responsible for your pet, this wouldn't have happened," said Adams' wife, Voneta.

The couple made the terrible discovery Monday afternoon in the very pen where Tiny and Pistol played. Their beloved pets were torn apart, with three big dogs running around them.

"They were more than just horses," Bob Adams said. "It was totally senseless. It didn't have to happen."

"There was a lot of fighting that went on and a lot of blood spilled," said Voneta Adams.

Bob Adams admits to shooting and killing one of the dogs and wounding another, who ran off with the third dog. He says he has one regret.

"That I didn't get a clean shot on all three of them," he said.

The Adamses are warning neighbors who have livestock that if the dogs killed once, they could do it again.

"Be on guard," Bob Adams said.

He also putting their neighbors with dogs on notice.

"We have so many dog owners out here that just leave their dogs run loose," he said.

If those dogs end up in the couple's yard again, Adams says they'll shoot first and ask questions later.
Jan (Mulithitch) had just been to the Adams' farm just before the AMHA Convention and purchased their 8 horse black hitch and they are safe and sound in OKlahoma. Only Tiny and Pistol were left behind as the Adams' were retiring from doing parades and shows with the hitch. Jan Bryant had gone with her as she purchased their custom made trailer for her show trailer this year.

This is such sad news and Jan would like the Adams' to know that Thunder, Storm, Lightning, Wilson, Dan, Shadow, Special, and "Oh What's His Name" (from the Sound of Music as Jan is having a senior moment) are all doing fine being guarded by the Lllamas and a donkey.

Jan is at work and can't get to the forum from there. She just can't believe what she read and saw on the video on CNN. I saw it and called her to verify that this was in fact the same group of horses.

This is a never ending story of irresponsible pet owner who give all of us who control our animal a "bad" name. I have been in this position more than once -- first time with a mini colt that was mauled so severly that I had to put him down and then with a raiding dog who was killing my chickens for fun (would have been a different story if she was killing for "food" but she was a well fed animal). I hated to do it but reported the dog to animal control, they picked her up as I had a good description of her and where she lived and went and filed a "vicious" complaint on her so she could not be adopted or returned to her owners. She was humanly destroyed. My policy now if I see a dog in my pastures is SSS--shot, shovel, and shut up.
Oh heart just broke a little for them. I can't begin to fathom what they have endured and are enduring.

This dog lover hopes the owners of those beasts are found and held completely responsible.
It's Rowdy - BTW. I knew as soon as I hung up with Davie I'd get the last name...

Just need to add that Bob and Vonita are such WONDERFUL folks, too. They certainly didn't deserve this. I just finished talking to Vonita, offering my condolences and they are both amazed and at the same time, appreciate the National/International support they have received over this horrible loss.

For the record:

Special, Thunder, Lightning, Storm, Rowdy, Wilson, Dan, and Shadow - are the 8 horses.

That is too horrible......
I'm glad that they put the word out to the public like that. People need to know that if they aren't responsible dog owners, they are risking their dogs' LIFE and it is THEIR FAULT and no one elses'!!!!

I hope they find out who those dog owner's are.
When I read it in the paper yesterday, I was about sick.

I can't tell you how much I respect these people.

My first two horses came from their farm many years ago. They are about 12 miles from me. They let us come and visit, talk, always welcoming, go for wagon rides. My son loved going there and talking with Bob.

Bob came into the store I worked at and always gave me a hard time.

I can't begin to say how sorry I am for their loss.

I just hope some one out there hears what Bob has said, saving someone else's special family member.
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OMG I am so sorry to hear about this. I was just the other day reading an article about the Adams and their wonderful horses. I knew when Jan went to visit them and picked up the trailer etc. Such a shock. As much as I would not want to shoot a dog, I am sorry Bob didn't get a clean shot at the other two. My thoughts and prayers are with Bob and Voneta.
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OMG I'm so sorry. Sure hope the dogs are found before they kill again.


I wish, too, that he would have killed all three dogs.
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What a terrible thing--I feel so bad for them, and for the 2 poor little horses who didn't have a chance. I wish he could have gotten a shot at all 3 dogs and finished them all off. As it is, I wish they could find the dog owners & stick them with a hefty fine--perhaps if they had to pay restitution for the horses they'd be more careful about keeping their dogs home next time.
There is no excuse for this kind of thing!

My condolences to the Adams.
I feel so sorry for that couple! People just don't get it about letting their dogs run loose. The people beside us used to let theirs no matter how many times I kept talking to them about one of their dogs coming over all the time. He would urinate on my hay, growl at me in a guarded stance, bark at the horse etc etc. I kept telling them over and over. One day I went out and there was two of them trying to kill one of our cats. When I spoke to her again she acted as though I was intruding on them and it was our cat's fault. She was told if they come back they will be dealt with. And we will! People should take responsibility with their animals!!
How terrible and senseless!
My condolences to the Adams for their horrible loss. I hope they manage to find the dogs and their owners and press charges.
This is so tragic ! What a sensless thing to happen. Is there anything people can do to protect their miniature horses?
I have a 13 hand donkey that would tear a dog to pieces if it threatened our minis, thank god, but I worry about the tourist comming from the city with their dogs, they would not get along with the livestock in the village. Fortunatly here the dogs from the village respect the sheep , and goats , but then they are almost all border collies, or Berniese mountain dogs purchased for herding the sheep. Pit bulls are a big NO NO here. I hope the dogs are destroyed, and the dog owners are fined up the rear end.
I have a pit lab mixed and I raised her with my minis teaching her to play NOT bite! She dose a wonderful job playing with the foals and just loves licking their little noses. Im pretty sure its the lab in her that makes her a good dog, but IF she was to ever turn on anything, chicken,cat,dog,mini,human... I wouldnt think twice to having her taken care of. Thats the resposibilty I have as a dog owner. But she's a good dog and hopefully she grows old loving her life on the farm.

I think the only dangerous thing to worry about my dog is... her tail! wow it hurts my legs when shes wagging it!
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I am so sorry, what a terrible loss and a terrible thing to witness. People just don't realize what a liability their dogs can be. We have dogs on our little road who roam and it will start a war with the neighbors but I'm afraid those dogs would not make it home if I ever caught them after my horses. We had to start keeping both gates closed all the time to keep them out.
