Another dog Mauling

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I am so sorry that this happened.
Around our neighborhood people just let their dogs roam around wild. Our neighbor had his llama attacked and killed by dogs and they have also been after his mammoth donkeys. What we did after seeing them attacking his second llama( he killed several of the dogs that time) is get two Great Pyrenees puppies. Most of our horses are put in stalls at night and the rest are put in a small ½ acre lot with these two puppies and an older dog. Since we have had dogs guarding we have had no problems on our farm as I think that dogs are hesitant to go on another dogs territory. This is the only thing I would suggest to keep dogs away as I've seen dogs attack llamas/ donkeys for fun around here. You can't always be around to protect your horses from a dog coming on your property so to me having livestock guard dogs would be the next best thing.
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My heart goes out the to the Adams. They kept their "special" minis for a reason and now they've been taken from them.
We have dog problems in our area also. I just don't understand why people won't contain their animals. My neighbors dogs roam the neighborhood and I've seen them chasing cats. They stand at my fenceline and watch my makes me so nervous.
I am SO SORRY for their loss and this is a HORRIBLE way to die..... The damage caused by dogs is unbelievable and just terrible. I feel so badly for them (and what the horses went through) and hope that they find out WHOSE dogs those were!!!!
I am so sorry for their loss, I too regret he didn't shoot all the dogs. Let's hope he finds out who owns them and can get them fined at least. What a horrible way for their beloved pets to die


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