And so the Dreams begin.

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Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2007
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Albany, New York
Last night I had my first foaling dream. Feels just like when I was pregnant and getting close to my due date, I had tons of dreams about it. Two more weeks until Slippers' due date. Hopefully all goes well.

In my dream I was so unprepared for the birth. Slippers surprised us all and had the foal in her paddock when it was raining. I was running around like a chicken with my head cut off trying to gather things. I can still feel how panicked I was in the dream. Even though I was unprepared, Slippers had a healthy colt. A nice rich bay with lots of chrome. Very leggy too, with a awesome head and neck.

I hope that I am not unprepared for the real birth, but I am ok with getting that colt I saw in my dream.

Anyone else have these kind of dreams during foaling season?
I have wierd dreams during foaling season. I think from lack of sleep.

I haven't had any foaling dreams....

I sure hope the outcome of your dream comes true.

Doesn't sound like you will be unprepared...that part of your dream shouldn't come true :O)

Best wishes for a safe foaling
I do too, I thought it was just me, lol. I already start thinking I am missing something in my foal kit ,must be an excuse for more shopping, just in case. Then I start rereading the pile of foaling books before bed, which I shouldn't do!!!!!!!!
LOL, I think the stress causes this, or the sub concious or something....

I only really remember one I had.... I dreamed one of my mares foaled and I missed it, but the foal was ok- a beautiful show quality Appy filly, but it had one problem. The hooves were CAT FEET!!! I called my neighbor over (a breeder since 1982) and she commented on how stunning the filly was- but I told her NO!! Look at it's feet!! They are CAT FEET!!!! I cant show her like that! Her very laid back response was not to worry about it.... she is so pretty, nobody will notice her feet, even in the ring! Go ahead and show her anyway.

I told her about my dream and they still tease me about it and always ask me how are the feet on my foals, LOL I have NO idea where that dream came from, except that I also have Manx Cats... but good grief! That was pretty weird!
I'm hoping your first foal is everything you want and goes extra smoothly - live and healthy foremost of course. I can't wait to get the announcement! When is her due date?

At least the dream was a wonderful one and not a nightmare so hopefully that's a really good sign of things to come!
HGFarm- That is hilarious. Cat feet. That sounds like something that I would dream about. Something crazy.

Come to think about it, I had a dream last night about foaling. We have like 11 mares in the barn in waiting and I had a dream that me and my mother in law Marlene were down in the barn watching one mare cause she was showing more signs than everyone else. And while we were watching her, one of the other mares started to lay down and push. Then another and another and they were all foaling at the same time. We were freaking out! Then I got woke up!

But boy I sure do hope that, that doesnt happen. That would not be a good thing! lol
I had a dream about a week ago about foaling. In the dream, for some reason, I had put five mares in one big area of the barn all together. I went down to the barn later and all five of them had foaled! They were all just standing around together with foals by their sides, all quite content. I have weird dreams alot, that dont seem weird until I wake up but with this one, even in my dream I was saying "NO WAY!! This cant be happening!!". I've had other dreams about foaling, the rest have been pretty normal! In alot of those I have dreamed what the mare has (color and gender) but so far they havent turned out what I dreamed they would be, colorwise at least!
I can definately relate, one year I had a recurring dream were I went into the stall and my mare had foaled, would look in the straw and there would be another foal, and another and another,....all differant colors pintos, appy, you name it, but each one got smaller until the last was about the size of a kitten!!

This year I keep dreaming about a dark chestnut foal, keep seeing it laying still on the straw....then as I am about to panic raising its pretty little head and looking straight at me!
I stare at the monitor most of the night and when I dream it is that I have somehow missed the birth. The halter alarm has not gone off and the foal is in the stall motionless.

I often see the dam's shadow and see it as the foal.

I think it is my worst fears coming in dream form.
You are all so right. The lack of sleep, stress, and worry makes a little

I had a dream a few weeks ago. I went to check on the horses in pasture and there was a foal. I couldn't figure out whose foal it was. As I checked the mares Layla ran by with the front legs of a foal starting out. I ran to help her and behind me Sophia started having her foal. I yelled help me, and my Dad came running (funny because they live 15 min away) The wild part was Layla turns into my husband! My husband is having a foal! The foal comes out black with a bald face (my favorite) but it is dead. My husband turns to look at me and says why didn't you help me?

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