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Well-Known Member
May 21, 2006
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Anyone on here anaemic,my doctor said i am not but i think i am..I am very pale in colour and always feel tired and have no energy,im taken supplements but they dony seem to be working?

Any suggestions????????????
I assume your doctor ran a blood count on you?

I do know anemia pretty well. I was very low (hematocrit of 16) after my son Colton's birth. They wanted to transfuse me but I refused due to the risk.

I felt very dizzy, pale, weak and sweaty and felt faint often for quite some time afterwards. Found out I had had an internal bleed after the surgery was finished, and it caused a lot of bruising but explained the blood loss.

I was given vitamin C and Iron supplements to help replenish my red blood cells and reverse the anemia.

Prior to my surgery, I had a hematocrit of 34, which is closer to normal.

I think you should defer to your doctor's diagnosis, but feel free to see another doctor for a second opinion. There are other conditions which would emulate anemia and I would think it would be best to get a qualified medical opinion. Meantime, a multi vitamin which includes Iron would likely not injure you though it's still best to run this past a physician.

Just giving you my experience w/the condition.

Liz M.
Yea he did take blood test but came back clear!!Thanks for your info it was great help!! :bgrin
Good morning! If you have had a blood test and your Hemoglobin and Hematocrit levels are within range, then you are not anemic. If this is the case, I would not be taking iron supplement as it is rather easy to overdose. Just last year, my Hemoglobin count was down to 6. I had to have some "female issues" taken care of by surgery in December, 2005, as I was loosing way too much blood every month and now my Hemoglobin count is up to 12!!! and I FEEL GREAT!!!!! :aktion033:

I would pursue your tiredness with another doctor. My first thought, other than the anemia, was Mono. Please either get another doctor or speak again with your current one. How is your blood pressure? Is it low?

I wish you all the best and hope you find some relief.


Roxy's Run Miniatures/Renditions
This might be a little sensitive to some but this test is done and does show things like anemia...

You may want to get another test done though,,, a fecal test. To make sure that you are not passing any blood in stool. I had one speck of blood in a sample when I was in the hospital and the Docs wanted to know if THAT was causing me to be anemic....

Then they waited 2 weeks and I did an At Home fecal sample test and sent it in via the US Mail Service. That came back Neg. So then eat lot of things rich in Iron. I ate a lot of Total Cereal, Pastas, you know things rich in Iron. I became a Label reading on the things I ate.... And I was no longer anemic.
Thanks everyone!maybe im not anaemic after all!!

Yes lynda my blood pressure is fine and normal!! :bgrin

Just a thought....

This might be a possibility if they didn't do it w/ your initial blood test...

I have hypothyroidism (low or underactive thyroid) and that can tweak a lot of things in your body.

I always had great iron levels even during my pregnancies.

My blood pressure has always been fine and aside from a few post partum pounds, I'm of a "decent" weight.


Somewhere between my second son (now 6) and my daughter (now 18 months), I started getting really energy, no drive, winded climbing stairs (and that is NOT normal for me), never wanted to go anywhere or do anything, etc. I had a lot of things going on during that time, so I associated everything to stress.

All of this started off mild and then progressed.

Finally, my bad cold that wouldn't go away ended up putting me in the ER. I found out there that I had bronchitis and was bordering on pneumonia!! OMG, what happened!! :new_shocked:

Follow up bloodwork with my doctor stated that my cholesterol, thyroid, iron, you name it were screaming off the charts (on top of my cold/flu issues)!

I couldn't believe it!! Turns out that my thyroid was affecting all of these things. I got my Rx and have been fine since. My doctor couldn't believe how my bloodcount and cholesterol improved a thousand times over! My tiredness is gone...although every now and then I'll lose motivation to clean up or something...but that is another topic!

Here's a link I found and good luck!

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