AMHR Nationals

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Well-Known Member
Nov 22, 2004
Reaction score
Rogue River, Oregon
I have been following with much interest, everyone saying "see you at the Nationals" and was wondering if the forum members get together to meet face to face. I went to the AMHA annual meeting in Portland and everyone got together for a pizza party. Unfortunately I wasn't reading the forum at that time and can't remember anyone. How do you meet each other if you have never seen each other?
l was at a show to watch and l just asked the people showing horses in the barns if they were on the forum and l met 3 of them.
Last year we started selling forum pins and when I went to Nationals I put mine on my banner on my stalls, well within two days everyone had them on their banners too. So, that is how at that show we all found each other. But in Tulsa there is always a list of people and they do get together one night. I had to miss it last year because we had a class when they all met.
Last year there was a "sign up sheet" at Ozark Tack, where one could put their forum name, "real" name, and where they were stalled, and also sign up to go to a get-together. Tough to get everyone there though, because of classes. In the past, people have seen my banner on my stalls or hear my name in the ring and asked me if I were "Magic", and I'd say yes, and then they would introduce themselves. I've done the same.
I will be there with only a stall for both horses. I will try and decorate it somehow, but I would love to meet you guys! Feel free to say hi, or just yell Feather. Feather is my nickname, so if I turn around, you know its me.
Hrm, that's interesting. That would be really neat to have like a forum get together or something at Nationals. That would be so cool.
Hi WCR - I'll be easy to find - stalled next to you!

Actually I think the pins are a good idea Stacy - but that will require me to find mine!

One way that would help identify people - how about those that are going listing your forum name, real name, horse/barn name or days you'll be around - that would narrow it down for me!

I can usually remember one of the other but not all of them!

I'll start -

Michelle Sharrock - michelle@wescofarms - Wesco Farms

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