All this talk of showing and Nationals and World

  • Thread starter Lisa-Ruff N Tuff Minis
  • Start date
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I don't know if I can really put my fingers on exactly what I love most. It is a mixture of all of it. I love the time spent with family and friends with horses! It's great!
you know maybe it is the old groom thing but for me to the best time well ok not best but one of the most exciting times is getting up at the crack of dawn - going to the barn to feed seeing others getting ready sort of the calm before the storm down at the barns i dunno sounds corny but even as a kid i always felt like being there that early with all the horses around and other exhibitors was sort of like some "secret" club i was lucky enough to be part of something about that anticipation of the day, the excitement in the air yet the calm and quiet other then the horses waiting for breakfast... silly i know
Not at all...that is one of the best times...even when its freezing cold and your braid is pulling at your hair because you did it up wrong at 4 in the morning and the horse is refusing food and *sigh*....but I really enjoy it and you get to see the sunrise over the barns with the horses whinnying and nickering to the other humans that are up and about, contemplating the coming day.

Why do I show?

1 I love the excitement and thrill of the ring--having to do your best, without communicating the nerves to your horse and looking totally at ease. Plus its always great to walk out knowing you and your horse gave it your all.

2 The people are the best, and there is an immediate connection made by the show--you talk about your horses, the fun you had, etc....

3 Hazards are on this list simply because they ARE fun! Heck bent for leather, sending up roostertails and feeling that total connection and immediate response with my horse. hehe

4 Getting everything ready--the horse, the harness, the cart(s). It takes time and leaves me feeling good that everything is clean.

5 The other horses, I love seeing everyone else's horses, that is a very good part of it--horses are horses and they are beautiful to watch!

I show to show people my little guys & how talented they are! & the feeling of how proud they make me
I love being in the ring & I have learned sooo much, its amazing
& so many friends
Lisa really nailed it already for me. Boy are we on the same page - especially in reference to Raven since I can totally relate to the same factors with my kids......

1. Me personally I go to shows to first see my friends it is like a big party with a horse show interrupting it  2. Next of course is to watch others and learn I learn every time I go to a show both positive and negative things about myself and others and horses

3. My daughter has learned so much showing she is a great sport, always congratulating others and has improved so much sometimes she blows me away

4. Going with the above reason it is a great bonding special time we share- I get to see her for a handler and how much she has learned (even at only 8 years old) and see how others see her and get to view her as something other then my daughter if that makes any sense at all?

5. OK now the horse show part.. of course it is to see what is out there , what other types of horses are out there, where I want to go, where I am currently in my breeding program, seeing how I have grown or not.
I can add to that list in that my husband is TOTALLY into all of this which still surprises me. He has no interest in halter class at all but him and I have competed against each other in showmanship, he has taken over showing in all the jumper and hunter classes and he has started driving and now he had a lesson the other day in roadster and can't wait to start showing in that class. So for us for our entire family is involved and helping each other and working with the horses at home, preparing them at shows and cheering each other on in the ring.

Even just packing up the trailer, camping out together over night, talking about the day, going out to eat together, being on the road -- all that quality family time too is pretty special.

Everyone else that posted before me also had me nodding my head and agreeing. It is a whole lot of stuff that would be very hard to explain to someone that has never been involved personally. Especially if they know how expensive everything is. My husband said something to a good friend of mine about how much an average show costs and she was a little surprised to say the least. I told him that sort of thing is something to be kept amongst our horsey friends only. No one else would understand

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