A persons character

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I don't believe that for a minute.
I can prove that wrong, my character probably stinks, but I have the best friends anyone could ever hope for.
or "a person is judged by the company they keep". Too true. You can't pick your family (well, most of them) but you can pick your friends and whom you choose to "hang out" with definitly says a lot about you.
I agree with the proverb very much. Who wasn't told growing you that you are judged by the company you keep? We all know this and we all do this even though some try to explain away things that don't match with their illusions.

That said, Susanne and Karen, I know you're both good people, despite the fact that you are probably both democrats
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It is my opinion if you are going to judge a person, without bothering to get to know that person it is you who is at a loss.
I have learned many things while being in college. There are lots of good people I would of lost as friends had I not got to know them because of what I first thought.
Soooooo, if my best friend liked to go hunt horses with a gun in other people's pastures, it wouldn't change what you think of me. You wouldn't question why I'd be friends with that kind of person. Oh, okay
Or another thing, if I spent 20 years going to a church where the preacher shouted about killing gays and gays are from the devil, that also wouldn't reflect on me as a person... Because Obama spent 20 years with a racist, anti-America spritual leader who said we deserved 9/11. Same difference.
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Oh sh*t...my friends are doomed.

It is my opinion if you are going to judge a person, without bothering to get to know that person it is you who is at a loss.

Had to laugh Susanne! I'm doomed as well then..but I "associate with so many folks, I wonder?
and we all know I'm a bit "different" eh?

edited for spelling
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There are lots of good people I would of lost as friends had I not got to know them because of what I first thought
Ashley I agree that we shouldn't judge people by our first impression. The fallacy about what you said and the point people are making about Obama's associations are the "had I not got to know them" part. These people weren't casual acquaintances that he merely said hello to when he met them on the street. One of them he knew well enough to use his home to kick off his campaign; the other he listened to his sermons (or at least was a member of his church) for 20 years. Neither of those things lead me to believe that he had not gotten to know them.
Well Jill apparently you dont know me at all then. I come from a very different walk in life, I dont (or try not) to judge, I am the last person who should be judgeing.

Do I question you Know jill, on how you can be a republican but support gays? NEver have have I????

That said, I do have a brother in law comeing out of prison next month after being in there over 10 years for attempted murder(later after he was in prison the women was killed). Judge me all you want, do I think he did it? Well I have my own thoughts and opinions. But just because I have that person in my background/life does not make me a murder. For god sakes I cant even kill an animal.
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There are lots of good people I would of lost as friends had I not got to know them because of what I first thought
Ashley I agree that we shouldn't judge people by our first impression. The fallacy about what you said and the point people are making about Obama's associations are the "had I not got to know them" part. These people weren't casual acquaintances that he merely said hello to when he met them on the street. One of them he knew well enough to use his home to kick off his campaign; the other he listened to his sermons (or at least was a member of his church) for 20 years. Neither of those things lead me to believe that he had not gotten to know them.

Appylover, I understand what you are saying but if you are going to apply it this way then I respectively say to you that you must apply the same rule to John McCain and the Keating 5 in all fairness. You can't want to apply this thinking to one candidate and not apply it to the candidate that you endorse. It truly has to go both ways, in my book anyway. What about the connection of organized crime via his wife's family? I just think that this kind of thinking is counter-productive and doesn't do a darn for the issues that all Americans should be focusing on instead of these "you are guilty by association because you met these people a few times, etc, or worked with them on a committee or are married into a family". With the mess of the economy, foreclosures happening at an alarming rate, people losing their jobs, I would think that deciding on concrete things, candidates policies, is truly where people should be focusing. And if you want to talk about ethics I wouldn't go there, not with just happened with Palin. JMHO
It is my opinion if you are going to judge a person, without bothering to get to know that person it is you who is at a loss.quote]
I really am sad this has to turn into anything other than a nice quote I found. I'm sure we all get to know people before we start being friends and hanging around with them. I don't think too many people actually judge a person by their first impressions.
And I agree with you Danielle. But the Keating Five thing was something that McCain has admitted was a mistake and has apologized for. He hasn't tried to hide it or make excuses for it.

As far as what people should be focusing on is concerned, unfortunately, as we've seen from these threads, what WE think other people should think or be concerned about is beside the point. We all tend to want to think for ourselves.

Lets face it - neither of us are in a position to tell a presidential candidate how to run his campaign - even if we don't agree with how it's being done. Believe it or not, if I were, I'd have a few suggestions for both sides.

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