A Friendly Reminder!!!

Miniature Horse Talk Forums

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Please please know that we DO NOT want people to stop posting on the rescue forum.

But we do have some guidelines. They are on the sticky post on top but heres a little reminder

do not post personal info on people turning horses over. Such as city and state, phone number, name, email unless they ask us to. Only post generics such as 5 horses need a home. Or contact such and such rescue for info on miniatures taken in.

This is only to protect people handing over horses. Some do not want their name or contact info published on a public forum. At CMHR its very important to us that we keep things confidential as we never want anyone to feel like they are going to be judged for turning horses over to us. *this is in our mission statement

Another problem is if contact info is posted here the owner gets so many phone calls and emails that they get overwhelmed. I know this is only because everyone here is so caring, but please check with us before you post contact info so we dont flood people

Even if it is not a CMHR rescue lets please be careful. Its a huge decision to ask for help with horses and we dont want anyone feeling like they cannot contact us

Normally if its a cmhr rescue we do not post any info here until we have the horse in our custody. Even then we never post the previoius owners name or contact info

Thanks so much!!!

gosh, is this about the 19 minis? They said they wanted it posted here, didn't they, or did I read it wrong?

Besides, it wasn't our rescue who had them.

Or is this just an in general thing as this is che CMHR site?
yes the 19 minis post but other posts as well. the mini world is so small that sometimes its easy to figure out who handed over horses, just by what is put in a post. This is the second time this has happened in just a short while.

Even though it isnt a CMHR rescue I feel the owner is entitled to their privacy. If they wanted to be known they would have posted here their self

Like I said generic info is fine!!!

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