Would you please vote for Michael as Teen Angel?

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Michael got my vote..He already is the # 1 Teen Angel in my book and always will be!!
Consider my vote in,

And, I defy anyone to try to scan all the pages with a dry eye. What a beautiful site.

Thank you Marty.
Not sure if I voted or not? Do we just click on his link and that's the vote? I did that, but it doesn't tell you that you voted? Did I do it right? Really wanted to vote so want to make sure I did it right.

Same with me. . .

I clicked on his link, scrolled down, and clicked, but just wasn't sure if it was right. I sure hope it was.
I think I voted a few times...as I was not sure if they were really going thru...Its ok I don't think the voting police will come get me....Michael is number 1 always....anyway!!!!!!!!! Love ya Marty....
Done, another vote here too. And the website was absolutely beautiful! definitely brought tears to my eyes.
Aw Marty

Ya'll can vote every single day if you want to. It's an on-going thing. You can read all about it on the main Teen angels website. The easiest way to vote is to go to www.mymichaelgarrison.com and once the page loads, scroll all the way to the bottom of the page, you'll see the graphic with the angel and it will give his current ranking beside the angel, click on it and it will pop open a new webpage (you may have to hold the Shift or Ctrl key down if you have a pop up blocker) and you can click on the first sentence. (The second one doesn't cast a vote, it just takes you to the website.)

We are going to bring Christmas to his website this year... I ask any of you that have animated candles, or tasteful, elegant animations or decorations that you would like to share, please email them to me at [email protected] and I will share them with Marty and we'll pick some of them to put on his site.

Not sure if I voted or not? Do we just click on his link and that's the vote? I did that, but it doesn't tell you that you voted? Did I do it right? Really wanted to vote so want to make sure I did it right.
Yup. That's the way to do it. Just click on the sentence that says .......

Click here to enter Teen Angels Forever in the Light and your vote will automatically be counted.

Then it will take you to the main page of Teen Angels Forever in the Light while counting your vote.
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Marty you honestly are my hero- to be able to go on and be a mom and wife for your family shows how truly amazing you are.

Sorry to burst your bubble Leese but you are way off base. Truth be told I am so weak and pathetic most days, cry, scream for Michael all the time, telling him to get back home. I'm bitter and hateful towards people that drink and use drugs and that's on my good days especially when they think it's funny I hate that a lot. I save my really bad days for fighting for more strict laws and don't get me started on parents that abuse their children I hate them too. Just trying to keep the family unit together is a full time chore when everyone is always on an emotional roller coaster up and down every day here. So don't think I"m amazing, quite the opposite, looser here, not a hero, but I sure could use one already. Any heros welcome. Please apply for the job.

Michael is very proud of you, I just know it.

And yes, I voted!
oh marty... but yet you do keep on going. And you brighten our days with your stories and comments, at least mine for sure. But I think you are definitely one very strong woman who keeps going for those around her. You won't change our opinions of you, no way. nu uh I think we all look for your posts,
, I do. ((((HUGS!!!)))))


I am honored to be able to vote for Michael! What a beautiful site and what a great idea!

Hugs for you, Marty!
Just saw this and voted. Marty, I've known you since 2001 and have always admired your talent and your love of your boys. Your humour got me through some very rough times. I'm sure Michael is beaming down with pride at what you have done.
Marty you honestly are my hero- to be able to go on and be a mom and wife for your family shows how truly amazing you are.

Just trying to keep the family unit together is a full time chore when everyone is always on an emotional roller coaster up and down every day here. So don't think I"m amazing, quite the opposite, looser here, not a hero, but I sure could use one already.
Marty then QUIT ARGUING and look in the mirror you will see THE HERO IS THERE

you are keeping your family together while being human and there is nothing more anyone else can do and that is more then many could do

and thru it all... you are there for others thinking of them writing little notes or sending happy emails keeping a sense of humor (even if it seems a rarity to you)

you can deny it all you want but.. dont you know by now how STUBBORN I CAN BE.. you my flip flop wearing beach boy loving friend will not win this argument I THINK YOU ARE AMAZING and so AMAZING YOU ARE!
I think I voted a few times
since it didn't say that you voted I wasn't sure and went back to try again.


You are stronger than you think you are. You have said that you want to hear from Michael, you did when you knew that Michael wanted you to light up the place for Christmas, don't doubt it!!!
