I got this from I think it might have been Sunquest changed it a little bit to fit for me but here is our foal contract
Seller Buyer
________________________ _______________________
________________________ _______________________
________________________ _______________________
________________________ _______________________
1. This agreement is made between _________________________, herein after referred to as the SELLER, and _________________________ herein after referred to as the BUYER for the purchase of the Miniature Horse described below:
Name: __________________________________________________
Registration #_____________________ Sex: ____________________
Date of Birth: ___________ Color:_______________________________
2. Buyer shall pay _______ down as a NON-REFUNDABLE deposit with the remainder, _______ due upon successful weaning of said foal, for a total of ____________If the foal should suffer from a permanent injury (non-cosmetic), permanent illness, or death, the seller shall refund the full deposit to the buyer if the buyer no longer wishes to take possession of the foal due to the above permanent medical conditions. The Seller makes no other warranties, express or implied, including the warranty of fitness for a particular purpose, and the Buyer purchases said horse “as isâ€.
3. Seller shall pay all expenses incurred by the foal until the foal is successfully weaned and as such, the seller has the right to make all medically necessary decisions regarding the health of the foal as advised by a veterinarian, including but not limited to euthanasia.
4. After successfully weaning the foal, the buyer will be notified via _____________ that the foal is ready to be turned over to the buyer. The buyer then has ____________ days to take possession of the foal without incurring boarding costs. After _________ days, board and all other costs incurred by the foal will be the buyer's responsibility, at a charge of ______per day for boarding.
5. Either party may nullify this Agreement if the other party breaches a material term of this Agreement. The wronged party may recover reasonable attorney’s fees and court costs.
6. All sales are final
Executed this ________ day of ___________, 20_____
_________________________________ ____________________________________
sellers signature buyers signature