When country people go to the Mall

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Well-Known Member
Nov 30, 2002
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The entire family went to the Chattanooga Mall Christmas Shopping. We only go there once a year if that. We didn't go last year at all.

Everyone said they wouldn't go if I drove only because I go 40 in the fast lane so I was reduced to the passenger seat quickly upon boarding my trusty old Ford F150 with the bad tranny.

I must admit we may have looked a little like the Clampetts with all 4 of my rubbermaid containers in the back of the truck for packages and a cooler in case we bought food. Someone left my Walmart mop back there too from a week ago and darn it, there it was and there was my 50 lb salt block too. Jerry drove my truck complete with wreath on the grill that he thought he took off before we left, but I snuck it back on. Headed up the interstate and over the mountains with him behind the wheel, me in the passenger seat, and the boys who have since outgrown the back seat and had to sit upside down and stick their legs out the back window in 40 degree weather.

Jerry played his favorite Dolly Parton Christmas cassette and it kept going over and over and over repeating all 6 songs over and over and over and over for the 1 hour jaunt. Everytime it came to "Hard Candy Christmas" he'd be ordering everyone to shut up and he'd bellow out the words, mostly wrong. He always sings along wrong but don't say I told you.

Didn't know what you are supposed to wear to the Mall actually. It's been a while since I've dressed for success, like 30 years, so I don't really know what's in style in the big city. Wondered if you could wear your Walmart shopping clothes to go to the mall. Don't think so, because when I looked around at other ladies about my age, they have dress pants on and pumps., make up on their faces and eyes and store bought hair dos.....ewwww. They sort of all looked alike too in a way. And there I was with what I consider my good dress up clothes: my new sweat suit, the kind that doesn't have stretch around the bottoms of the ankels and a brand new flannel shirt under the top and socks to match! Hoop earrings, always hoop earrings. My reebok's from 1989 too! Hey, they are still in good shape. I just sprayed some 409 on them to clean them up and they were good to go.

We parked at Sears. That was good because nobody goes to Sears anymore I guess. Lots of parking places at Sears. I liked it though because they have carts now there! Shopping carts at Sears! Who knew?? That was good. But I didn't know you can't take them out into the Mall and I got stopped by the Shopping Cart police trying.

I found out that there are no vinyl records anymore in the music stores. There's no sheet music there for my piano either. I wanted a new Christmas Carol book. All mine are so old they are yellow and fell out of the book years ago. I think I'm the only one that has any records too. I have a lot. There's no 8 track tapes and no cassettes other than the ones in my truck too. There's no Video tapes either. I wanted "Christmas with the Kranks" but it's only on DVD. I don't have one of those so I guess I can't see that movie. What's going on anyhow? This is crap.

Shopped in Sears mostly and JCPenney. Nobody said "May I help You? Didn't even want to go walk the mall. Didn't see Santa either. He was out to lunch the sign said. Felt like I didn't really belong in the mall. We left and went to Walmart. That felt much better. Lots of sweat suit people in there.

Michael drove us back home. He's not used to driving in the city with all those lanes. I was a wreck. Jerry and Dan snored in the back seat in the fetal positions while I drove him nuts: "Use all your mirrors, use your signals, slow down, speed up, watch that guy, etc."

I was glad to get back home. Traded in the reebok's for muckers, got my dogs and headed out to tend the horses. Turned on the Christmas music in the barn, fed, and began to groom. That felt real good. I don't like the mall much.
You won't catch me at the mall this time of year. It's been a madhouse this weekend at any other store however! Wow I have never seenit this bad...stores full to the hilt, restaurants full even when it's not lunchtime or dinner time...man where are these people coming from? Oh I guess it does'nt help that the weather is beautiful! But no, not the mall.......I hate crowds!!! (Here's me , that wakes up with the chickens and heads into town at 7:00 in the morning to grocery shop and run errands...glad ours is a farming community.....since they cater to mostly farmers, well you know they have to be up at dawn, so our stores open pretty early...so there I be! (But no not the mall!)
You paint a hilarious picture, Marty!

Isn't it amazing how big city folks, turned country, avoid malls/crowds like the plague. Being from Southern California, I was one of the "mall people" for 33 years. Geez, I look back and think "what a waste of time". Then again, everone lives on top of each other and need to "get away"....if only to the mall.

The only way this old hag will hit Wal Mart (only Wal Mart) this time of year is before sun-up. Used to go into Green Bay's "Fleet Farm" for horsey supplies, but now that's too big and busy. Stick with the local feed mill and shop online.

Back then, as assistant to the President and Board of Directors of a bank, having new "suits" and matching shoes was a requirement....or so I thought. Even bought $15 nail polish and had weekly manicures...pedicures once a month.

It's funny, my husband has a high-falootin job that requires entertaining folks from Europe.....and I decline the offers, as there's no "evening" clothes or "heels" in my closet. The only thing close to it is a pair of jeans that haven't been hit by manure.

The other day, our son saw Dad's invitation to the company Christmas party. Eewww! Told David that I was depending on him to accompany his father, as I've nothing to wear. Little snot said, "I'm not the monkey suit type". Ahhh, he's being raised right....not an ounce of city folk in him!
Don't get me wrong, he has manners....even takes off his right glove in ten below weather to properly shake hands when greeting others (inclusive of welcoming or saying goodbye to friends we see every day).
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Ohhh marty i hate the mall to.

I have not gone to the mall in months. I use to be at the mall about twice a month, then i got horses

Marty you are a brave soul!!

Hear ya about the crazy city traffic.. those folks can keep it!
I am so not a mall person! I don't even know my way to the nearest mall I swear! And this is California there is amall every ten yards or so. They make my skin itch!

You were very brave to go to that big scary place! LOL
Well, I'm not sure if I am a country person or a city person, I sort of blend into both worlds. I love going to the mall- as long as I don't have to go very often. I love staying home in my sweats and playing with my animals too.

My two kids were home for just a few days for Thanksgiving so I had no choice but to brave the mall and surrounding stores to try and supply them with some of life's basic necessities- new Uggs, jeans that cost more because they are already ripped, sneakers that cost more than my whole weekly grocery bill, etc., etc.

I enjoyed seeing all the Christmas decorations, the lights on the trees, and all the gorgeous window displays. This early in the season most people tend to be in a good mood and it was great fun to run into people I hadn't seen in awhile. This area is growing so fast that I swear every time I go into town there are 10 new restaurants and stores. Its hard to keep track of them.

As always, I spent my money on my kids- I very rarely buy anything for myself and I did all my holiday shopping on- line. When we finshed shopping we had dinner at California Pizza Kitchen (which we all love) and went and saw a movie. I was exhausted from walking so much, and it seems like things are getting so expensive but I sure enjoyed the time with my teenagers and that was priceless.
Marty I think you and I would get a long great.

I am so glad we don’t have a mall for 100 miles from here. Gotta go 109 miles north or 90 miles south to get to one. Our daughter is going on 13 and has only been to a mall twice, she thinks she’s being mistreated because we don’t have one here. On the rare occasions we go to the mall I try to stick to the outside end stores like Sears, Penny’s and Mervyns.

Here at home we only have a Wal Mart and I am able to get whatever I need their.

In the spring we are getting a Home Depot and I am looking forward to that since the other hardware store is Ace and they have no competition right now so they are pretty $$.
oh marty that was so funny, i used to go to the malls after i sold all my horses years ago i done the same thing same time same day i could have walked to the same shops blindfolded, i never felt like myself wearing dress clothes i couldnt wait to get home put my slippers on and sit down with a cup of tea. now that ive got my horses back in my life i still dont feel comfotable wearing clean clothes lol i cant wait to break them in haha i love going down to the yard and putting on the radio and talking with my horses, i hate the mall THE MALL IS FOR PEOPLE WHO DONT HAVE HORSES haha
You are to funny Marty!
I dont care for the mall's eather any more. To jam packed full of people this year and to EXSPENSIVE! Walmart and dollar stores are more up my alley, thank you very much!
Marty said:
The entire family went to the Chattanooga Mall Christmas Shopping. We only go there once a year if that. We didn't go last year at all.
Everyone said they wouldn't go if I drove only because I go 40 in the fast lane so I was reduced to the passenger seat quickly upon boarding my trusty old Ford F150 with the bad tranny.

I must admit we may have looked a little like the Clampetts with all 4 of my rubbermaid containers in the back of the truck for packages and a cooler in case we bought food. Someone left my Walmart mop back there too from a week ago and darn it, there it was and  there was my 50 lb salt block too. Jerry drove my truck complete with wreath on the grill that he thought he took off before we left, but I snuck it back on. Headed up the interstate and over the mountains with him behind the wheel, me in the passenger seat, and the boys who have since outgrown the back seat and had to sit upside down and stick their legs out the back window in 40 degree weather.

Jerry played his favorite Dolly Parton Christmas cassette and it kept going over and over and over repeating all 6 songs over and over and over and over for the 1 hour jaunt. Everytime it came to "Hard Candy Christmas" he'd be ordering everyone to shut up and he'd bellow out the words, mostly wrong. He always sings along wrong but don't say I told you.

Didn't know what you are supposed to wear to the Mall actually. It's been a while since I've dressed for success, like 30 years, so I don't really know what's in style in the big city.  Wondered if you could wear your Walmart shopping clothes to go to the mall. Don't think so, because when I looked around at other ladies about my age, they have dress pants on and pumps., make up on their faces and eyes and store bought hair dos.....ewwww. They sort of all looked alike too in a way. And there I was with what I consider my good dress up clothes: my new sweat suit, the kind that doesn't have stretch around the bottoms of the ankels and a brand new flannel shirt under the top and socks to match!  Hoop earrings, always hoop earrings.  My reebok's from 1989 too! Hey, they are still in good shape. I just sprayed some 409 on them to clean them up and they were good to go.

We parked at Sears. That was good because nobody goes to Sears anymore I guess. Lots of parking places at Sears. I liked it though because they have carts now there! Shopping carts at Sears! Who knew?? That was good. But I didn't know you can't take them out into the Mall and I got stopped by the Shopping Cart police trying.

I found out that there are no vinyl records anymore in the music stores. There's no sheet music there for my piano either. I wanted a new Christmas Carol book. All mine are so old they are yellow and fell out of the book years ago.  I think I'm the only one that has any records too. I have a lot. There's no 8 track tapes and no cassettes other than the ones in my truck too. There's no Video tapes either. I wanted "Christmas with the Kranks" but it's only on DVD. I don't have one of those so I guess I can't see that movie. What's going on anyhow? This is crap.

Shopped in Sears mostly and JCPenney. Nobody said "May I help You?  Didn't even want to go walk the mall. Didn't see Santa either. He was out to lunch the sign said.  Felt like I didn't really belong in the mall. We left and went to Walmart. That felt much better. Lots of sweat suit people in there.

Michael drove us back home. He's not used to driving in the city with all those lanes. I was a wreck.  Jerry and Dan snored in the back seat in the fetal positions while I drove him nuts: "Use all your mirrors, use your signals, slow down, speed up, watch that guy, etc."

I was glad to get back home. Traded in the reebok's for muckers, got my dogs and headed out to tend the horses. Turned on the Christmas music in the barn, fed, and began to groom. That felt real good. I don't like the mall much.


You mentioned that you wanted to purchase new piano sheet music. I have a suggestion if you were unable to find a music store that carried sheet music you wanted.

Some libraries will loan out piano music books. (The Reader's Digest ones come to mind). You could Xerox the songs you liked, buy or borrow a three-hole office paper-punch, and keep your new music in a three-ring binder.

Since the music would be for your personal use and since one IS allowed to copy articles at the library, you shouldn't run afoul of the "politically-correct police" or copyright infringement folks.

Always love reading your posts.

My cousin spent the day in Chattanooga on Friday. I don't think she went to the mall though.
LOL--So funny,

We went to the mall today too.....Sucked really! I just don't get the clothes they make now!

Went to good old Wal-mart and did some Christmas shoping, but had the most fun at Tractor Supply..........Wow you should have seen the cool stuff they have, Found Christmas horsey wrapping paper, Horseshoe cookie cutters, Horsey Coffee mugs!!! ETC.

I spent a buttload of money there today!!!!

I love Tractor Supply!LOL
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